Memes #2, help and The End

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Yes this is my video i made at the top.

All of class 1A, Mr Aizawa and All Might were planning to see if they can get in contact with one of the future pro's.

While they were talking about it.

"Who are we going to talk to tho?" All Might asked his students and Aizawa.

They all thought long and hard about it, but Mina and Mido spoke up at the same time.

"What about Bakugo/Kacchan?" They both said.

Mina and Mido looked at each other, nodded and continued talking while everyone looks confused on why they said to pick Bakugo.

"Think about it, Bakugo is strong and obviously cares for the kids..." Mina started.

"...Yes we could get me, but that would be more obvious and she needs someone from the same squad as her, she trusts Kacchan..." Mido continued.

"...If we told Kami or Shinso she would be furious if we did, so it would be better if we told Bakugo anyway..." Mina started again.

"...Yes he may yell a bit, but soon after i can guarantee he would agree to help" Mido finished.

"So what do you think Bakugo?, Will future you help Shailo?" Mr Aizawa asked after listing to all that and agreeing.

Bakugo immediately said they were right and he would help. So they started to think up a plan to talk to Future Bakugo.

After a bit they couldn't really think of a plan to talk to the future.

Until they heard yelling coming from someone followed by explosion.

They all ran down to the theater and on the now burnt stage stood none other than Emma Bakugo, and she was angry.

"AHHHHHHH" She kept yelling and blowing up random stuff on the stage.

Matt was there standing near the chairs at the back row.

"WHAT'S GOING ON WITH HER!?!" Bakugo Yelled out to Matt.

"SHAILO CAME BACK TO THE DORMS WITH A BUNCH OF CUTS AND BLOOD OVER HER LAST NIGHT!!" Matt yelled out back to them over Emma's rampage.

Everyone's heart dropped. It went quiet so they all looked back at the stage, Emma was just standing there with her head down.

Kirishima started slowly walking to Emma trying now to set her off again. Once Kiri got close enough say that she was silently crying to herself.

Kiri then gave her a big hug and listened to what she was saying. "I couldn't help her, She's so hurt". This only caused her to collapse into Kiri's arms crying.

Matt ran over to them and took Emma from Kiri, sat on the ground and hugged her tight saying, "She is ok, She's with RG".

Everyone had a look of heartbreak on there face. Kiri walked back over to Bakugo and hugged him. Kaminari was hugging Shinso tightly.

Mr Aizawa then got an idea. " Emma, Matt, Do you think you can get future Bakugo to come here?" He asked confusing the crying pair.

Everyone got where this was going and silently thanking Aizawa.

"P-Papa?, Yea why?" Emma asked/said.

"We wanna talk to him" Aizawa said looking them both in the eyes. Matt stood up and said he could go get him, Emma agreed and just stayed sitting on the damaged stage.

"Shay's gonna kill me when she get better for destroying the stage" Emma chuckled whipping her eyes.

20 Minutes later.

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