Villain Deku Video's

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A.N video's are not mine all credit goes to there creater's

It was now morning and everything was going great, the students, teachers and pro's have now gotten a bit used to the future kids and everything that has everything was going great...until.

The all heard shouting coming from the theater. Most of them ran to see what it was until the shouting got louder so they all started to run there. When they got there Mr Aizawa opened the door and what he saw made him angry.

They all walked in to Shailo and Haro fighting or arguing as some would put it. Some sat down while Shailo and Haro's parents stood standing with Mr Aizawa.

Shailo and Haro kept yelling at each other until Haro decided to slap Shailo in the face hard to make her be quiet.

The people standing were a but angry an everyone was shocked.

When he slapped her she yelled at him..."GO, GET OUT OF HERE, I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!!"

"WHY SHOULD I?!!" -Haro

Soon enough they started to use there quirks. But that was soon interrupted by there quirks suddenly stopping mid fight. Everyone looked at Mr Aizawa but he didn't activate his quirk yet.

The portal opened up and a girl with black long hair came out with her eyes red and her hair floating.


Shailo started to silently cry from the fight and the slap on the face.

"I stopped it so you wouldn't kill each other" Izzy staited.

Matthew and another boy came out of the portal and ran up to the crying Shailo and embraced her in a big hug.

Haro saw this and got mad. "OI GET OFF OF HER".

Izzy's eyes started to hurt so she closed and rubbed them. "Damn it" She said.

As soon as that happened Haro's wings set a blaze. The boy that went with Matt got out of the hug and get ready for a fight.

"WHO THEY FUCK ARE YOU ANYWAY?" Haro yelled at the mystery boy.

"Names Milo, Milo Ojiro" Milo staited while glaring at Haro.

Ojiro was shocked to see he had a son but continued to watch anyway.

Soon enough water came out of the portal and hit Haro's wings so the fire was no more, that got Haro angry, he looked at the portal to only see ice come out and freeze his feet and wings.

Kaisa and teenage Kota stood out with there arms crossed standing next to izzy.

"YOU IDIOT'S LET ME GO" Haro yelled. Kaisa sighed. Soon enough Emma came out with a tired look on her face.

Emma then proceeded to punch Haro in the face just enough to knock him out. Emma then tiredly walked over to Bakugo and Kirishima and fell asleep in there arms.

"Now would someone like to explain...WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" Kaisa yelled at everyone on the stage, she then saw that Shailo was being hugged by Matt while crying.

Kaisa gasped and ran over to her best friend, "Shay what happened?" She asked.

Shailo tryed to explain but she was crying too much. "It's ok you can tell me later" Kaisa said while hugging Shailo.

The two boys smiled at the two girls and then glared at the unconscious boy on the floor. "What are we going to do with him" Milo asked the five on the stage.

Izzy sighed and started to walk to him with a bored expression on her face. "I'll take him back to U.A to be questioned so we can find out his side of the story" She explained while picking up with boy over her shoulders.

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