Bakugo hates subway

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Its was the afternoon for everyone and everyone suddenly got teleported to the theater without knowing. The Future kids nowhere to be seen.

"Wait were are Shailo, Emma and Kaisa?" Mina asked no one.

"I don't know, Maybe they will show up soon" Principle Nezu said to everyone.

Before anyone got to say anything the screen turned on.

Multiverse loading....

Multiverse loading....

Multiverse Found....

Multiverse Found....

Bakugo Hates Subway

"Huhhh" Bakugo questioned.

"Got a big old case of the fuck yous" Kirishima staited. They see Kirishima and Bakugo sitting on a lounge playing video games.

"A big old case of the fuck yous" Bakugo repeated while chuckling.

"My life on crack" Mido whispered but most heard and just stared a bit shocked, even Bakugo.

"That's what i'm talking about" Kirishima said while winking.

"I get that everytime i order a sandwich at subway" Bakugo said with a serious face.

"But subways good tho" Kirishima said facing Bakugo.

"No" is all Bakugo said back.

Kirishima then looked worried of sort and said back, "Ptttf what do you mean?".

"Just like if there's somebody, but like everything about subway's is like infuriating really" Bakugo said again with only his face showing.

"Really?" Kirishima questioned.

"Yeah it's like the people in front of you take to long" Its shows Bakugo waiting in line behind a derpy looking kaminari and Todoroki.

"Ok I don't take that long" Kami said a bit offended.

Todo just shrugged and held Mido's hand.

"and like there's no drive-through and like it's, it's just all, I don't know, I'm over-exaggerating obviously" It goes back to bakugo and kirishima playing video games.

"But subway is like the land of inconveniences" - Bakugo

"yeah it's i mean..." Kirishima started before looking the other way.

"Because like it's like i have to be ok and they're like what do you want, and i'm like 'a sweet onion chicken teriyaki footlong on flatbread" Bakugo said and it switched over to mina being a subway person taking Bakugo's order.

"Bro...what...?" Kami questioned.

He just received some stares from people like he was crazy.

"And there like..."- bakugo

"What bread?" Mina asks .

"And i'm like...'Flat bread'" bakugo repeated. "And there like...".

"Ok"- Mina. Bakugo sighs as he continues, "And there like". "Did you say footlong?" Mina asks Bakugo again.

"wow ok, this me is kinda stupid, even i could do this" Mina said looking at the screen.

"Uh-huh becasue you could definitly do this" Bakugo says with sarcam.

"See Bakugo gets it" Mina says smiling widely.

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