Thomas Sanders Vines

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Multiverse Found....


Shadow -"ooooohhhh another funny one, you guys are getting lucky"

Mr Aizawa- "what do you mean 'lucky'?"

Shadow- " N-Nothing"

Mina and Kaminari- " Yes another good one"

Shadow- "ok lets start

Shadow snapped her fingers and the screen turns back on.

It shows a car with Denki and Kirishima running to it. "I'm driving" Kiri said to his friends."SHOTGUN" yells an excited Deku from behind the two. " But you had it on the was here" complains Denki. It then shows Deku holding up a real shotgun, "nOo i found a shotgun and i want the front seat" Deku clicks the gun. (i don't know what its called) 

Most people were laughing and some just chuckled while some stayed quiet like enderwhore

"remind me to give you the front seat whenever we go driving" Said a laughing Denki. Deku just laughed and nodded

"Wish i could hang guys but i gotta go hit the books" It shows the bakusquad (minus Bakugo) walking and Denki talking to the others.

"wow Kaminari...Studying like that will ever happen" Said a sassy jiro. "HEY I DO STUDY" yelled an offended Denki. "We know you do Kami" Said Shadow caring for Denki while glaring at jiro.

"Awww" Said the rest of the Bakusquad in sadness. It then shows Denki with a baseball bat Hitting a bunch of books. "ok let's hang" Exclaimed Denki. "YAY" said everyone in the Bakusquad while jumping in the air with their arms up.

"I knew that idiot wouldn't study" Again said jiro. Shadow glared daggers into jiro to make her shut up and it worked. Denki just looked down in shame. Shadow walked over to Denki and Kicked mineta out of the seat next to him and sprayed it with anti-pervert spray.

"HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR" mineta yelled at Shadow for kicking him. "because i hate you and i want to sit here you pervert. "YOU COULD HAVE JUST ASKED ME TO MOVE" Again yelled mineta.

"*sigh* Mina", Mina got up out of her seat walked over to mineta, grabbed the top of his stirt, threw him in the air and kicked (YEETED) him out the door...hard. She then proceeded to sit back at her seat like nothing happened.

"Thank you for that" Shadow thanked Mina and she replied with. "For what" With a smirk on her face. Shadow just chuckled and continued to watch the screen while everyone was just wondering what just happened.

It then showed Kiri doing some maths homework. "Hey man". Kiri looked up and saw his calculator talking. "Need help" It asked kiri. "I got this one" kiri said while tapping his head."you sure" It asked again

"man the calculator is being a Dick" Bakugo said pissed but a bit calmer

"I don't need you" Kiri answered again while shaking him head. "YOU SURE" It asked once again but louder. Kiri finally gave in and put in 1+2=3. "your weak" it said and Kiri looked shocked.

'jerk' Bakugo thought as he looked at Kiri he was just smiling like and idiot as Bakugo would call him.

"why are you smiling that thing just called you weak" Bakugo asked the smiling Kiri. "Because i choose to ignore what people call me" Kiri answered back to his Boyfriend. "Oh so i can call you shitty hair and you wouldn't care" Bakugo said while smirking and the redhead. "What no way my hair is amazing and not so different from yours" Kiri said chuckling. "He has a point kacchan" Mido Said to the blond. "whatever nerd" Bakugo said looking back at the screen.

It now showed present Mic in a police uniform walking up to a car with Deku and Denki in it. "Were getting pulled over" Said a calm Denki. "Quick put these on" it showed Deku giving Denki a soldier like camo suit.

"Like that will work" bakugo said

"License and registration plea-" present Mic said but stopped and now said this. "WHAT THERE'S NOBODY HERE". Its shows Deku and Denki doing a weird little dance in the car. Deku suddenly opened the car door and Mic screamed "WHAT WHO OPENED THAT...DEVIL CAR DEVIL CAR", its shows Mic sreaming in panic while Deku and Denki dance while getting away.

The whole theater erupted of laughter, even endeverwhore chuckled. But still Shadow, Denki and Deku laughed the loudest.

"Ok everyone I think that's enough" Shadow said while going back on the stage.

"Are there any questions before I go to the next one" Shadow asked the audience.

All Might put his hand up.

Shadow-"Yes All Might"

All Might-" what other sort of multiverses will we see?"

Shadow- " well there are alot but I do know some"

Shadow-" there could be one's where Mido is a villain"

Many people gasped at thinking their sweet little cinnamon roll being a villain. People couldn't even think about him being a villain.

Shadow- " I know there is one where it's from your future, so you all get to see yourselves as grown ups.

Shadow- " again it is mostly about Mido but some of you will get to see yourself"

Many of the students said 'wow's and 'cool' some even where thinking what they look like. But Shoto was thinking of one thing and one thing only 'are me and Izuku going to be married in the future'

Shadow looked at Shoto and smiled because she knew exactly what he was thinking.

Shadow- " and there are alot more but I dont want to spoil anything ( or because i don't know yet😋)

" ok on to the next one" she yelled out excitedly as she snapped her fingers.

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Multiverse found.....


Sorry if this is short, I have been busy today😋


Word count: 983


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