Shailo's Secret

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No one expected to hear what they did but here they are listening right now.

"Emma, remember when i said i have a job because i need a bit of money?" Shailo asked her best friend.

"yea, but what's that got to do with this?" Emma asked. Shailo looked down not wanting to make eye contact.

"The reason i have a job is because my family is at a loss of money" Shailo started.

"But we have pro parents, they should have lots of money" Emma staited.

"Yes but when my parents get money they donate it to charity or to the orphanage because we know how they can be sometimes in the orphanages" Shailo said still not making eye contact.

Emma stayed quiet so she could explain. "Me, Papa and Dad all have jobs other then being pro's and going to school, Dad works as an electrician and Papa works at a cafe (Cat cafe)..." Shailo stops. 

"What about you?" Emma asks concerned.

Everyone was on the edge of their seats waiting.

"I work at... an underground fight ring, with dad and papa having jobs we have a bit of money for bills and food but sometimes it's not enough and we need more but dad and papa don't get paid and...and.." Shailo stops and starts to cry a bit.

Emma just stares in shock and worry before hugging Shailo tightly.

Everyone was speechless.

Emma lifted Shailo back up and She continues to explain. "I found out about the fight ring about 2-3 years ago and have been fighting since, and i know what your going to say, 'why didn't we ask the BakuSquad for help or money', truth be told me and my parents agreed to do this on our own and not be burdens to everyone" Shailo explained more as she put her head down again.

"You could always ask us for help, we would never think of you as burdens" Emma said as she hugged Shialo again. "Is that why you show up with burns, cuts and bruises sometimes?" Emma asks crying a bit.

"Yes, i go and fight when dad and papa don't get paid" Shailo answered not looking up.

Denki fainted along with Kiri. Bakugo and Shinso called out there names and held them up trying to wake them.

"They are ok young Bakugo and young Shinso, they have only just fainted from shock" All Might reassured.

"I don't understand, aren't underground fighting rings illegal?" jiro asked Mr Aizawa.

"Yes they are supposed to be" Aizawa answered.

"Aren't underground fighting rings illegal?" Emma asked.

"Well yes and no, yes if your quirkless and no if you have more then one quirk, that's how i got in" Shailo answered finally looking up.

"I'm almost scared to ask this but...When was your last fight?" Emma asked with closed eyes.

Shailo didn't answer for about 30 seconds then she spoke up. "Two nights ago".

"Show me your wounds" Emma said with a strait and worried face.

"How do you..." Shailo started. "Shinso, show me where they hurt you" Emma asked again standing up off the bed. Shailo just looked shocked until finally standing up and starting to take off her shirt.

With that Sero immediately taped up M*neta's eyes and to the wall. Denki was starting to wake up but then he saw the worst thing he could on Shailo and passed out again on Shinso's lap.

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