Breaks,Questions and kids

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Multiverse loading...

Multiverse found....

Multiverse failing...

Multiverse failing...



Rebooting failed....

Shutting down....

Shutting down....

"Well that's weird" Shailo said walking up to the stage.

"What happened" asked All Might.

"I dont know I'm gonna have to call a friend to help fix it, if I can get them here" Shailo asked confusing everyone.

Shailo grabbed her pocket out of her pocket and started scrolling through.

"Ms Shinso what are you doing?" Nezu asked very curious.

"Shhh" She then started to ring someone.




"Hello?" A high pitch female voice said through the phone.

Everyone looked at the girl on the stage with a curious eye until she said something. Shailo looked at the crowd and then Iida especially.

"Hey Olivia how are ya" She said to the girl on the phone.

Iida and Mei showed a look of shock on there faces.

( I'm gonna say this is before the future chapter but they know everything still, sorry if this is confusing )

"Nothing much just building" Olivia answered.

"Hey are you in class right now" Shailo asked.

"What, no, its Saturday, we dont have class on Saturday" Olivia laughed.

"O-Oh right sorry I forgot what day it was" Shailo laughed with her.

"Hey Olivia I have a problem can you do me a favor?" Shailo asked the blue haired girl.

"Yea what's up something need fixing?" Olivia asked.

"Yea something..." Shailo said looking at the screen.

"If I get someone to make a potal from you to me can you grab your tools and go through and we will be from there" Shailo explained.

"Yea sure do you want me too bring anyone with me" Olivia asked.

Shailo looked at some of the couple's and thought hard to her self.

"Hey what day did you say it was again?" Shailo asked.

"Saturday" Olivia answered.

Shailo thought again.

"Yea bring..."

"Kaisa" She said looking at Mido and Todo.

"Emma" She said looking at Kiri and Bakugo.

"And bring Haro" She said with a giggle looking at Hawks and Touya.

"Will do see you soon" Olivia answered.

"Thanks cya" Shailo said and hung up.

Shailo looked at all the confused and smiling faces.

"What?" She asked the crowpd.

"You...asked the future kids to" All Might said in disbelief.

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