Meme Reation

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Multiverse found....

MuLtIvErSe FoUnD.,.,..

mUlTiVeRsE fOuNd,.,.,.,

MuLtIvErSe sudhdjdjhd

"WOAH WHAT'S HAPPENING" yelled a confused Denki

"I don't know, hang on" Shadow said as she ran up to the stage and snapped her fingers. The screen started to light up and the word 'MEMES' was on it.

Shadow looked at the screen confused as to what's happening.

"What does memes have to do with anything" Asked a confused Shinso

"I don't know hang on I'm gonna break something" Shadow said as everyone just looked at her weird.

Shadow then proceeded to look at the forth wall and yelled, " YO WHAT'S GOING ON AUTHOR-CHAN".

"Well I think you all would like to look at some memes before we continue with the next dekuverse" Said a calm deep-ish feminem voice said

"Oh well yea if you want to that would be awesome" Shadow said still looking at the forth wall.

"OK WHO SAID THAT" Bakugo yelled at the 'strange' voice they heard.

"Don't worry about it, anyway let's look at some memes" Shadow yelled excitedly.

"YESSS MEMES" Yelled the meme lords (you can decide who they are, all I'm saying is that Denki and Mina are definitely two of them)

"Ok let's ok" Shadow said snapping her fingers going back to sitting with Denki and Shinso.

"Ok let's ok" Shadow said snapping her fingers going back to sitting with Denki and Shinso

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"Awwwwwww" Everyone said at the blushing deku.

"I can confirm I wound say/do this" Todo said half smiling at everyone.

"Hehehe we know you would Sho" Mido said chuckling nervously.

After they saw this ALL of class 1A started laughing, All Might coughed up some blood and started to laugh, Mr Aizawa looked at Mido and said "stop breaking your bones Midoriya"

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After they saw this ALL of class 1A started laughing, All Might coughed up some blood and started to laugh, Mr Aizawa looked at Mido and said "stop breaking your bones Midoriya"

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