Chapter 21

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Hey guys❤️ I'm thinking of adding in a girl and one of you might be able to win a chance to be this new character. So comment what you look like and who your favorite boy is. It can be anyone... even Matthew. Btw my Instagram is so give me some love on that😊

Me and Matthew are only half way done with our slices of pizza. We've been cracking jokes this whole time and pointing out people. Nash and Jack have even walked by but we covered ourselves up with our bags so they wouldn't see us. We just wanted to be alone. And whenever he touches me... I feel explosions of fireworks everywhere.


I want to kiss her so bad. Whenever we touch I feel tingly and sparks everywhere. Fireworks. I want to ask her out. Maybe I should. Maybe this day is the day. "Yup." I assure her. "You seriously threw up all over a stranger on a huge roller coaster?" Alex asks. "I'm sure." I say with a smile and we both start laughing. "Oh my gosh!" She yells and I laugh more.

"Are roller coasters fun?" Alex asks. Had she never been on one? I wouldn't doubt it. "Very... but for some they are terrifying." I state. "Oh... I've never been on one." She says sadly but still has a smile. I feel horrible. "Well... there just happens to be one right in this mall." I say with a huge smile.

Her eyes light up and widen. "Are you serious." She asks. "Dead serious." I say and she squeals of excitement. We finish our pizza and Alex basically drags me to the roller coaster. She pulls out money but I give the guy my credit card before she can pay. "Dude!" She yells at me. "Dudet!" I yell back at her mocking her and she laughs. "Thanks... again." She says and we head for the seats.

We get in front row. Alex looks tense. "Holy shit Matthew I'm scared." She says really fast. She's clenching the bar so tight that her knuckles are white. "It's gonna be ok Alex." I state to her. She just swallows and shuffles her feet. I then do something to calm her... I put my arm around her. I feel her relax a little and she smiles at me. I feel fireworks just from this. "Just don't barf all over me Espinosa." Alex says with a grin. I laugh and her cheeks turn pink. I love it when she blushes.

The roller coaster starts going up the huge hill and Alex is breathing hard. "Deep breathes Alex." I say. She starts taking deeper breathes. We reach the top and she looks terrified. That's when we plummet down the hill and I hear her scream so loud it hurts my ears. After the hill she starts smiling and laughing. She looks at me with excitement in her eyes.

We look like five year olds. We start going up another hill and she looks scared again. At the top she gets so scared she lets go of the bar and wraps her arms around me tightly. I feel billions of fireworks. I'm holding on to the bar with one hand and move my other arm around her more. Her face is buried in my shoulder the rest of the ride.

When it's done her cheeks are so red it's not even funny. She slowly pulls away. "I'm so sorry..." She stumbles out. We get out and make our way to the doors. "It's ok... I liked it." I say and I smile at her. She blushes like crazy and my cheeks turn pink. "That was awesome." She states and I laugh.

I get a text from Ms.Caniff and it's time to go. "Um... we have to go now." I say. She smiles and nods and we grab our stuff. I really want to ask her out but I'm holding myself back because I'm so freaking nervous it's not funny. We make it to the car and Ms.Caniff is already there. "Have fun?" She asks. "Yeah." Alex says with a smile. We get in the car.

The whole car ride I was thinking about asking out Alex. I want to make it really special though. Maybe I'll do it on her birthday... perfect! We get back and get out. And that's when Ms. Caniff pulls out her buzzing phone... again. "Hello?... But I just got back from Europe!... I guess I could manage.... Where?.... Fine... Tomorrow it is." She then hangs up.

She looks at us with sympathy. "Guys... I have to leave. I just got a call from my boss and I need to be in Canada by tomorrow." She says. "But this is how you can show me if you guys can live alone together. Taylor isn't here but still." She says. "Ok. We will call when we need something." I assure. She hugs us and runs inside. Me and Alex make our way inside too.

Ms. Caniff runs out rushing with bags. "Here let me help you." I say to Ms. Caniff and help her with her bags out to the taxi in the front.


Matthew helps Ms. Caniff outside to the taxi. Each moment I'm with Matthew my heart wants to burst and I want to kiss him. I wonder what it's like kissing him.

I shake the thought out of my head. Me and Matthew blow Ms. Caniff kisses and she returns them. And that's when the door shuts and me and Matthew are now completely alone. It sends chills down my spine. He smiles. "So what ya want to do?" He says with a big grin. "Um... I don't know." I say smiling back. I mentally face palm myself for stuttering. "You should've seen your face." Matthew says with a huge smile.

I look confused and am confused. "What?" I ask him. "Your face on the roller coaster." He says laughing. I smile and shove him playfully. "Shut up it was my first time!" I yell and laugh. He just laughs harder. He makes an impression of me screaming and laughs even harder. Now I'm laughing hard. He starts running away and I chase him.

He makes a sharp turn through a door and then I do. But he's no where to be found. Where is he? I look around. "Matthew?" I call out. My smile fades. I know he's gonna scare me. I slowly make my way down the hall. "Matt... AHHH!" I scream. Hands are wrapped around my waist and I fall. Matthew falls with me and is now on top of me.

"Um..." I say awkwardly and laugh. He's just smiling and looking at me right in the eye. After that he slowly gets back up not breaking eye contact then helps me up. "Um... sorry." He says awkwardly breaking eye contact and rubbing the back of his neck. "It's fine... Wanna watch some Netflix?" I say trying to do anything else but sit in this awkwardness.

"Of course." He says with a smile. He turns around but before he can walk I jump on his back. He laughs and gives me a piggy back ride. I rest my head on his shoulder and wrap my arms around his neck. I feel sparks everywhere. "Tired?" Matthew asks. "Yeah... kind of." I admit. I just want to cuddle him. I wonder if he likes me... if he's falling for me.

Probably not. That makes me frown but Matthew can't see. I look at the bracelet Taylor gave me and instantly miss him. I want to bond more with him. He's not even gonna be here for my birthday.

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