Chapter 26

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We are already on the couch bed with Netflix pulled up. "Ok, what shall we watch?" I ask them. "Um... how about Are We There Yet?" Jenn asks. "Sure." Andrea says clicking on it. We all have food in front of us. Jenn had Arizonas so I'm drinking those while munching on Oreos. Andrea is eating Cheese-Its, and Jenn is eating chocolate chip cookies.

We are in the middle of the movie and I get a text from Matthew.

M- Hey. I miss you already. Having fun?

I smile and my cheeks turn pink. Jenn and Andrea don't notice and are too tuned into the movie.

A- Yeah we are having lots of fun. I miss you too. What are you doing?

M- Hanging with Cam, Nash, and Jack.

A- Cool.

M- Gotta go. Bye beautiful.

My cheeks turn red now.

A- Bye handsome.

I put my phone away and watch the movie some more.

When it's over we are all jacked up on all the sugar we ate. "Do you guys want to make sundaes now?" Jenn asks a little too excited. "Yes!" Me and Andrea both yell. We all dash up and run to her kitchen. I have no clue where things are so I let them pull things out. They pull out three things of ice cream. Chocolate, strawberry with caramel and nuts in it, and vanilla with fudge, Oreos, and chocolate chips in it and I want to drool.

Andrea pulls out three big bowls for us and Jenn gets scoops and toppings. We dig in and start making our gigantic sundaes. I take as much as I can and so do they. When we are done we race back to the couch bed and watch The Hunger Games. I dig in and fall in love with the ice cream right away.

After wards we are ripping open our nerf gun packages. "So it's everyone for themselves?" Andrea asks. "Yeah." Jenn says. "I'll get upstairs." I say. "I'll get the living room." Andrea says. I've got the kitchen." Jenn says. We split up the bullets and get loaded and ready. "Ok. Go to your places." Jenn says. I go upstairs and then a minute later hear Jenn yell "Go!". I have a gun in each hand and am on my stomach behind a bed.

I hear Jenn and Andrea shooting downstairs. If you get shot three times you're dead. I army crawl and look over to the door. That's when the shooting stops and I don't hear anything. A shiver of excitement rolls down my back. The door flies open and Andrea starts shooting. I dive back behind the bed. She reloads and ducks behind the door so I dash up and run over to the door. I then shoot her and she screams. We start laughing.

"Nice one Valentine." She says with a smirk. "Anytime Russet." I say and we laugh again. That's when Jenn flys around the corner and I'm shot. "Damn it!" I yell and we all laugh. "Ok so how many times have we been shot?" I ask. "I've been shot once. Andrea twice, and you once." Jenn says. "Haha. You're losing Andrea." I say like a five year old and she sticks her tongue out at me.

I laugh. "3,2,1!" I yell really fast and shoot Andrea once and Jenn twice. "Haha losers I win." I say and we all laugh. "I guess you did." Andrea says. "Ok... now what?" Jenn says. I shrug my shoulders. "Umm... wanna go walk to McDonalds?" Andrea asks. "Sure... but why walk when I have a bunch of longboards?" Jenn says with a sly grin. Me and Andrea screech and get up. We all run downstairs and throw our guns on the couch bed.

Jenn goes to a closet and we follow. "Pick one out my friends." Jenn says grabbing a black on with the bottom blue and blue wheels. I grab the same as hers except it's purple and Andrea grabs the same except it's pink. "K let's go." Jenn says as we follow her out the door. We get on our long boards and skate away.

I love long boarding. It helps me clear my head. We get to a cross walk and start skating across. "Hey!" A familiar voice yells to us. We get to the other side and turn around. We see Jake and Shawn crossing. I feel nauseous at Shawn's sight. I hope he doesn't hit on me. We make eye contact and he smirks. Ugh...

They get to the other side and greet us. "Hello ladies." Jake says. "What do you want?" Andrea asks clearly annoyed. "Oooh... feisty." Jake says. We start skating again but Jake makes us stop again. We stop and face him and Shawn. "Alex... how've you been?" Jake asks making me sick to the stomach. I glare at him. "Fine. Why?" I say. "Well... my boy Shawn is interested." I then want to pass out.

I glare at them. "Sorry. I'm taken." I say. Shawn smirks. "Cmon babe. I don't see a guy with you." He says. He steps closer and that signals us to skate away. So we do. We skate pretty fast and block out them calling after us.

We make it to McDonald's and walk in holding our longboards. "That was awkward." Jenn says and we laugh. "I'm so sorry." Andrea says to me. "It's ok. Just made me feel weird." I say and they nod in agreement. I order a chicken ranch wrap but snack size and a small chocolate chip frappe. We get our food and sit down to eat. "So... What shall we do after this?" Andrea asks.

"I have no clue. What do you guys want to do?" Jenn asks. "Hmm... I really don't know. Wanna just longboard back and watch some more Netflix?" I ask and they smile. "Yes." Jenn says. We are talking and eating when Andrea says something that takes us off track. "I've got a confession." Andrea says looking down. Me and Jenn stop talking and look at her confused.

"What is it?" I ask her. She pauses then finally speaks up. "I have a major crush on... Cameron." Andrea says. Me and Jenn screech. "Have you guys been hanging out?" Jenn asks. "Yeah..." "Does he like you too?" I ask. "I think so... maybe." Andrea says. Me and Jenn have the widest smiles on until we hear some guys ordering and know exactly who they are.

"Why are they here?" I ask annoyed. "What, are they following us?" Andrea says annoyed too. That's when Shawn and Jake come walking by and spot our table. There's a two person table right by us and they smirk and sit by us. I roll my eyes. "You guys done eating?" I ask Jenn and Andrea. "I am." Jenn says. "So am I." Jenn says too. "Good then we can go." I assure. We stand up but before I can go Shawn grips my wrist and spins me towards him.

"Hey." He says with a smirk. "Let go." I say pissed. "Not until I get your number." He says. "In your dream jackass." I say. I try pulling away but his grip is too tight. "Fine. At least let me know who your boyfriend is." He says. "No." I say. "Let her go bitch." Jenn says and Jake laughs. "Shut up hot stuff." Jake says to Jenn and Jenns cheeks turn red and she glares at him.

"First name only." Shawn says. "Fine." I look at Jake for this one. "Matthew." I say. Jakes eyes grow wide and I yank my wrist free. We hurry out of the restaurant and start long boarding away. That was horrible. Just plain out right horrible. "Ok Netflix here we come." I say to get our minds off that scene that just happened. But none of us can and just nod.

We arrive at Jenns and walk inside putting our boards away. We run to the couch bed and watch Netflix until dinner which we just order pizza. At around 3AM we are all asleep.

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