Chapter 17

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I don't know how to react to the letter so I just stick it in my diary and write about it fast. I then sprint for the door and run out. I dash into Matthews room and he's laying on his bed looking at the ceiling with no expression and then his gaze locks with mine. My eyes get glassy and tears fall. I shut the door and run into his arms after he stands up.

He hugs back and I cry in his shoulder. His eyes are glassy too. I pull away and look at his wrist. It has the word "Pathetic" carved in it and I cry harder. I grab his wrist and lightly shift my fingers over the word. He then grabs my wrist lightly and does the unexpected. He lifts my wrist to his lips and gently makes a line of kisses covering the word "pathetic" on my wrist.

That makes me cry harder. That's when he looks up and our eyes meet. Our faces are really close together and I don't know whether to kiss him or let him kiss me or to not kiss at all. And that's when he makes the first move and kisses my forehead. Tears fall from my face and I see a tear slowly make its way down Matthews cheek. He raises his hand and wipes my tears away with his thumb.

"You're too perfect to do those things Matthew." I choke out through tears. Then another tear falls from his eye and he chokes out in a sad voice. "Alex stop saying that. You are too perfect to do that too. Too beautiful and special." He whispers to me. I cry more in his shoulder and that's when he sits on his bed and pulls me so that my arms are around his neck and legs around his torso as I cry in his shoulder.

I bury my face in the crook of his neck as I cry and he buries his face in my hair. We sit for a while and he lets me pour my tears out as he caresses my head and plays with my hair. I feel safe, comfortable, and my heart beats faster when I'm with Matthew.

"Wanna dress in sweats and go to Burger King with Taylor and get this off of our minds. I can't bare to see an angel this sad much longer." My face turns pink and I laugh a little under my breathe. "I'm not an angel." I reply. He pulls away with a surprised face on. "Yes you are.... how bad did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" He says a cheesie pick up line and I start giggling and shove his shoulder playfully.

"Oh shut up Matthew." I say with a wide smile. He chuckles too. "Food?" "Food." I reply. "Maybe food will be our always." Matthew says with a cheesy grin and I laugh really hard. "TFIOS!" I whisper yell and hug him again. That's when he kisses my cheek and I blush really hard. I return it by kissing his cheek too. We stand up and I look like a depressed mess with a smile.

"Damn you look beautiful." Matthew says looking at me. "Matthew I look like a mess." I say with a tiny grin. He shakes his head no. "No go brush your hair and don't put any make up on that beautiful face and I'll get sweats on and grab Taylor." Matthew says. I nod in approval and walk out of his room and into mine.

My first instinct is to feel the butterflies burst in my stomach. I grab my diary and write everything that happened then brush my hair and apply Chapstick. I walk back out of my room and Taylor and Matthew are waiting. Taylor is smiling. "I heard what happened." Then my heart stops. Does he know I cut? No he can't. "You guys made up." He smiles cheesily and I sigh in relief.


The whole time she was in my room I just wanted to kiss her and claim her as mine. I think I might.... love her. But I can't be sure but I really think I do. Taylor knew Alex cut because he was a bitch and read her diary in the first place. But I'm gonna be the bigger bitch tonight and read it too. We head down stairs and outside into Taylor's car.

Alex sits in the back as Taylor drives and I get shotgun. The whole ride we listen to music and I sneak glances of Alex in the mirror. Sometimes she is already looking and others she notices. But either way she blushes and smiles then looks away. I do this the whole ride. She's so cute when she blushes.

We arrive at Burger King and decide we will eat inside. At first Alex tries to pull us out of it. "Guys I look like a lazy hobo." Alex says with a frown. "Cmon no you don't. We all just look lazy and plus, it's freaking Burger King so I don't think it matters." I reply making Alex laugh a little. "Fine." She says and we all walk inside.

I pull out money and so does Taylor and Alex but I press her hand down with the money in it to signal that I'm paying for her. "Matthew no I feel guilty when people do that." She says. I just smile. "Looks like you're gonna feel guilty. Now order." I say with a smile. Taylor just looks at us in a funny way. "Oohh there's love in the air." He says in a funny voice making us laugh.

"Shut up Taylor." Alex says. Its our turn to order so we walk up. "I'll have two double cheese burgers, medium fry and medium soda." Taylor orders. "I'll have a kids meal of chicken nuggets and include a toy." I say and it makes Taylor and Alex laugh. I said it like a five year old too making the cashier laugh. "I'll have what he's having." Alex says with a smile and looks at me. I just laugh and we get our food.

We take our seats in a booth and eat and that's when me and Alex pull out our little stuffed dragons we got and open them. We start playing with them and Taylor just looks at us like we are mental. We stop and laugh. "You guys are so fucking weird." Taylor says making us laugh more. We get done and go home since it's getting late. "Wanna make a bed on the ground and do what we did this morning?" I ask Alex and she gives me a smile and nods.

We get home and Taylor joins us as we make a bed on the ground and make a bunch of pancakes with whip cream, sprinkles, chocolate sauce, maple syrup, and other stuff. People might think it looks weird but to us it looks like heaven. We dish our plates with our mutation pancakes and sit down as we watch The Hunger Games.

"Have you guys read the books?" Alex asks us. "Hell no. Ain't nobody got time for that." Taylor responds making us laugh. "I have and they are waaaay better than the movies." I reply making Alex smile. "You like to read?" She asks. "Of course." I reply. "I just got done reading TFIOs." I tell her and she smiles a sweet smile. "I swear you guys were meant to be together like damn." Taylor says putting his phone away.

"Did you videotape us talking about books?" I ask Taylor. "Of course! You guys are too cute." He then puts it on his snapchat story. Alex blushes making me smile.

Now I just have to wait till she falls asleep so I can read her diary... lets see how this goes.

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