Chapter 24

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I run to my bathroom and lock the door too. I open drawers and find an old pencil sharpener and take out the blades. I wash them off then pull my pants down. I start cutting my thighs. The blood starts trickling. Matthew bangs on my door and what doesn't help is that I hear Vivian trying to get him to go away. I cut even more. "Vivian just go away please!" Matthew yells. (Sorry actual Vivian... I'm making you evil in this since you picked Matthew)

I hear Vivian make her way downstairs and the door slams shut. I keep cutting though and I hear my bedroom door open. Matt picked the lock. I lean on the bathroom door and drop the blade. I start bawling. Matthew picks the barroom doors lock and slowly pushes it open. He gets in and closes the door. He drops to his knees and instantly hugs me. Its awkward because of the fact that he can see my underwear but it's basically bikini bottoms.

I cry in his shoulder and he makes "Sshh" noises to calm me. He strokes my hair. "Alex please stop." Matthew whispers in my ear. I sob more in his shoulder.


I can't believe Vivian would do that. She followed me back here and in the living room she pinned me to the wall and started kissing me and that's when Alex came downstairs. I feel like my heart got stomped on billions of times when I see her thigh soaked in red. I'm hugging her and calming her while she cries in my shoulder. "Why?" Alex chokes out. "Alex, I didn't kiss her. She pinned me to the wall and started kissing me as you came down." Matthew states.

Alex slowly stops crying and pulls away. She wipes her eyes. "Well now I feel bad." Alex says. Damn, she even looks beautiful when she cries. "Don't feel bad. Id probably feel the same way if I saw you doing that...." I trail off. I can't believe I just admitted that. She smiles. I grab a rag and lightly clean her thigh so I don't hurt her. I grab the blade on the floor.

"Alex... will you stop... if I stop?" I ask her slowly. She pauses and stares at the blade. "Yes." She says quietly. I flush the blade and help her up. She slips her sweatpants back up. It didn't bother me because girls underwear is just like bikini bottoms and it didn't bother me because of what happened. I want her to be mine already. We go out of her room and before she can say anything I do the unthinkable.

I spin her around and kiss her. I actually am kissing Alex! I feel billions of fireworks and sparks in every inch of my body. She's kissing back too!


Matthew is kissing me. I feel explosions, sparks, fireworks, all that jazz! I kiss him back. That's when we pull away and our jaws are dropped. "Alex... Will you... be my girlfriend?" Matthew asks and I think I'm gonna pass out. This makes butterflies explode everywhere. "Yes!" My cheeks turn pink and I instantly hug him.

He kisses my cheek. We sit in each other's arms for a while.


We pull apart when I feel like I'll fall asleep in her arms. "Let's go downstairs." I say and she nods with a smile. I open the door and we walk out. Alex wraps her arms around my arms as if she's hugging it and we walk downstairs. Vivian is watching tv downstairs and I roll my eyes. She spots us and glares at Alex then looks at me.

She makes me sick. "Hey babe." She says towards me. "I'm not your babe. I have a girlfriend." I say and Alex blushes. Her jaw drops. She then sighs and shakes her head like she did something wrong. I'm confused. "Look... I don't know what I'm doing. I'm so sorry." Vivian says with tears steaming down her cheeks ."I'm such an idiot. I tend to be like this and I'm sorry. I'm so mean but I can't help it. Its hard to make friends and I just want a good guy you know?... I'm sorry." Vivian says astonishing both me and Alex.

I hope she's not faking because I hug her. Alex does the same and Vivian smiles. "Thank you guys. I'm such a bitch sometimes." She says and laughs at the end. "It's ok. We are here for you. Your guy will come one day." Alex says making me smile. I think I love Alex. And I'm not afraid to know that I do.

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