Little Red

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Third Person POV

"I'm leaving!" A brown haired teenager called out with his back pack slung around his shoulder. A double sided compactable war hammer was clasped onto his wrist. He pushed his way through the door, heading towards the train station.

"Woah sorry!" He apologized as he hit someone on the shoulder, waving quickly as he continued to run and ignored the sound of the women shouting out after him. The sound of the trains departure rung through his ears, his eyes widened as he realized he was late.

"Shit, I gotta go!" He shouted. Aiming his hand towards a light post and a grappling hook shot from his wrist. Once the end made contact with the lamp he swung and landed upon the moving train. He flailed his arms, his balance faltering as the train sped up.

He fell back onto his hands and smiled as the wind blew his hair back. "Beacon here I come!"

A few towns over was the home of Beacon Academy, where aspiring huntsman and huntress' train to achieve their goal. The distant sound of trains arriving could be heard in the lateness of the night rolling in. In this town was a small dust shop that lacked business.

In the corner of the shop was a girl in her own world listening to music and looking through the selection the store offered. Unknown to her an orange haired indi had stepped inside and started barking orders.

Meanwhile a male was outside simply looking for some dust after a train ride.

Samuel's POV

"FINALLY HERE!" I boasted as I got off the train, taking in the scenery around me. "This is my chance to start training to become a huntsman. But first, dust refill for Kalamity."

I looked at the map that the train station had on the wall. I placed my finger on the board and moved it down to find a small dust shop in the corner that seemed to be open twenty-four hour.

"Perfect." I smiled, looking at the clock to see it was close to eleven. Who knew it would take seven hours, but it felt like forever as cliche as that sounds. I sighed and left the station, I walked the town hoping to find the shop I located beforehand.

I reached a rather dead street, but noticed a man with orange hair and a black cap entering the shop with a posse of men accompanying him. "This doesn't seem normal."

I picked up my pace and followed in after him, doing my best to stay unnoticed by the men. I hid behind the shelves as the man walked to the counter.

"Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a dust shop open this late?" He complained and stood in front of the counter. One of the men in black suits pulled a gun and aimed it at the innocent shop attendent. The old keepers face was wrinkled and fear was etched onto his face. I slipped off my bag slowly, making little noise and placed my hand on Kalamity.

"Please just take my Lien and leave." The shop keeper pleaded, his hands raised by his head. The orange haired male took the cigar from his mouth and crossed his arms menecingly.

"Calm down, we're not here for your money." He spoke, but his attention slowly turned to one of his men. "Grab the dust."

One of his men came closer to me, I ducked behind the next shelf. I cursed silently when the guy noticed my bag on the floor. I backed up and slipped on the hood of my sweatshirt as I continued to walk backwards, bumping into somebody in the process.

She looked up at me with a quirked brow and I could hear the low sounds of music emitting from her headphones. I brought my finger to my lips and motioned for her to stay quiet. I acted as if nothing had happened and examined the magazines in front of us.

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