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Katsuki POV
"Where are you at you worthless coward?!" Tobias yelled. I whimpered and opened the basement door, my "room" and hesitantly walked out. "H-here." I said. He looked at me with an evil glint in his eyes. "Why were down there?" He asked. "I uh I d-don't know sir." I said. He snarled. "You were suppose to be up here cleaning up. My friends are coming over." He said angrily. I flinched as he walked closer. I hate when they come over. They...they do things to me that I don't want them to do. He reeked of alcohol. "The hell where you thinking bitch?" He asked. I flinched and whimpered. "I-I forgot." I whispered. "You what?" He asked. "F-forgot." I said. He drew his hand back and punched me in the gut. I fell down on my knees and held my stomach. "How the hell did your fatass forget! You've had all fucking day to do it!" He yelled and kicked me. I tried to hold back my cried cause they'd just make it worse.
     "I-I'm sorry sir." I whimpered after he halted his beating. "Sorry? You're sorry!" He got on top of me and punched the side of my head. "Sorry doesn't mean shit!" He hit me again. "Do I need to remind you who's in charge?!" Another hit. "N-no sir, please." I cried out. He put his hands beside my head. "I think I do." He said. My eyes widened and I tried to shove him off me, but there wasn't anything I could do I was hurting all over and couldn't really move. He ripped my shirt off and punched my side. "Make you remember your place." He said as he took my pants off. I squeezed my eyes shut and let the tears fall down my face. He took my boxers off and slapped my ass hard. I balled my hands into fists. He slid his pants off and boxers. He took his shirt off and roughly grabbed my hips pulling me towards him. I yelped and cried harder. I hate my life so fucking much.
Time skip
After he was done he got off me, kicked me, and went to his room. I curled up into a ball and cried till I couldn't cry anymore. Once all my tears were gone I struggled to stand up. I held onto the counter and limped my way over to the basement door then made my way down the stairs. I opened the bathroom door and started the shower, I made the water scalding hot. I sat in the tub and let the water burn me and wash away the dirty, nasty feeling, but it didn't work it never does. After an hour of that the water start getting cold so I hopped out and threw on some tattered, tore up, jogging pants. I limped my way to the bed and threw the tattered blanket over me. I cried myself to sleep.
    I woke up the next morning, at least I think it's morning, to beating on my door. "Wake the hell up bitch! I have something to tell you!" He yelled. I got out of bed, very slowly ,I was still hurting like hell I probably didn't look much better, and made my way up the stairs. "Y-Yes sir." I said as I walked into the kitchen. I saw a man sitting at the table with spiky black hair and purple scars on his face and hands.
     "Hello there." The man said with a soft smile. "H-hello." I said smiling nervously. "Hi I'm Dabi." He said and stood up. He stuck his hand out. "I'm-" "Yeah, yeah get on with it. What exactly do you want with him?" Tobias asked angrily. Dabi glared at him and Tobias shrunk. "Now what's your name?" He asked. "Um..." I glanced at Tobias and he shook his head. Dabi seemed to notice and growled at him. "Never mind, I already know." He said.
      He turned towards Tobias, standing in front of me. "I'd like to have him." He said pointing to me. Tobias looked taken aback, but the shock quickly turned to his usual wicked look. "Why the hell do you want him?" He asked. Dabi rolled his eyes and sighed. "That's none of your concern." Dabi said. Tobias walked over to me and roughly held my wrist. "Actually it is. You see he's my property." He said. He squeezed tighter making me wince. Dabi growled and yanked me away from him. "What the hell!" Tobias yelled. "I'll give 5,000." Dabi said. Tobias's eyes widened. "Higher." He said going into business mode. "Name your price." Dabi said pulling out a checkbook. "1 million." He said. Dabi nodded writing the number down. He ripped it out and handed it to him. Right as we was walking out the door Tobias decided to speak up. "So long slut." He said.
     Dabi growled and turned to him. He balled his fist up and punched him right in the nose. He turned around, smirked and grabbed my hand leading me away from the cursing Tobias. He brought me to a jet black car and opened the backdoor letting me in then climbed in after. "Lets go home Toga." He said. The girl giggled. "Yes boss." She said. Dabi rolled his eyes and sighed. "I told you not to call me that." He said. She started the car and laughed. "I know." She said. "Then why do you do it?" He asked annoyed. "Cause it annoys you and it's funny." She said.
      He groaned and rolled the little black window between us and the driver up. He turned his attention to me and I sunk in my seat. "Hello, care to tell me your name?" He asked. I looked at him confused. "Y-you said you al-already know m-my name." I said. He chuckled. "Yes I know, but I still want to here you say it." He said. "O-okay. It's K-Katsuki B-Bakugou." I said looking away. He put his hand under my chin and made look at him. "Hello Katsuki, I'm Toya Todoroki." He said. "B-But I thought y-your name was D-Dabi." I said blushing at our closeness. "Well thats my work name, I don't like for people to know my real name." He said. I furrowed my brows. "Then w-why'd you tell me?" I asked. "Cause, I like you Katsuki." He said matter of factly. I blushed and tried to turned away, but his hand was still on my chin. "Wh-How can you l-like me? You j-just met m-me." I said. He chuckled and leaned closer. "I've been watching you. You're fascinating, you're a mystery to me and you're very sweet. Plus you didn't deserve to be treated the way that man treated you." He said. I felt tears form in my eyes. "Y-you knew what he did to me and yet you d-did nothing?" I asked feeling angry. His eyes soften and he looked sad and guilty. "Yes I did, but you don't understand I've been trying to get you away from him for months now." He said.
       He moved his hand and looked down at the floor. "I've been working with him for a while trying to get him to give you to me, but he's just so damn stubborn. He finally broke last week and decided to let me come and talk with you. I was willing to do whatever it took. I thought about kidnapping you and even.....killing him, but I wasn't to sure how you'd react that." He said.

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