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Toya POV
I got off of Katsuki and laid next to him panting. He scooted closer to me and laid his head on my chest. I put my arm around him with a big goofy smile on my face. I gently rubbed his arm and kissed his head. "Are you ready to get up?" He asked. "No.....but we should get breakfast....or rather a late lunch." I said. He giggled. "More like early dinner." He said looking at the clock. "Damn spent the whole day in bed. Haven't done that in a while." I said. "Me either." He said.
      Neither one of us made a move to get up......until there was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's Kirishima." Kiri said. "What do you want?" I asked. Katsuki got up and so did I. "Um Shoto needs you. He said it's important." He said. "Okay. Tell him I'll be there in a moment." I said and his footsteps left. I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and boxers and slid them on. I looked over at Katsuki and saw he was wearing the shirt I had worn the previous night along with a pair of boxers. I walked over to him and pulled him into a hug.
     He hugged back and kissed my bare chest. "Aren't you going to put a shirt on?" He asked. I chuckled and shook my head. "No point, I don't plan on being long and besides it's a lazy day for me today." I said and looked down at him. "Aren't you going to put some pants on?" I asked. "No point. It's a lazy day for me to and you're supposed to be comfortable on lazy days right." He said with a giggle. I laughed and kissed his nose. "You can head on down to the kitchen and get something ready if you want while I go see what Sho wants." I said and he nodded.
     We walked out of the room and down the hall hand in hand sharing glances and giggles and laughs with each other, no words were said, but they didn't need to be. When we got to the kitchen I pulled him to me and kissed his forehead. "I'll be back as soon as I can." I said. He put his hands on my chest and stood on his tiptoes to kiss my nose. "Kay." He said and walked to the kitchen.
     I smiled and walked into the main room where, I assume, Sho is. And I was correct there he was on the couch with....Natsu? What the hell. "What's he doing here?" I asked fearful, but hopeful. "He uh came to tell us something." Sho said. "What?" I asked and Sho shrugged. "What is it Natsu? Are you and Fuyumi okay? Has He hurt you two?" I asked immediately assuming the worst. "We're fine. It's about him actually." He said. "What is it?" I asked again. "He um he....put a bounty out on Sho and you. Not like a kill bounty, but a uh capture alive bounty." He said. I furrowed my brows. "Why? He has no reason to do that." I said. "I'm not sure why, I just over heard him talking Kai's clan about it." He mumbled the last bit. "Wait I thought that-" "Yeah that's why he's no longer their um leader.....he told people about it and..." He didn't finish, but he didn't have to I already knew. "Father." Sho whispered and he nodded. "I mean he isn't know yet.." he mumbled. "Father has him locked in the dungeon and he's been there for a year now, but we all know how he is." He said.
       We stayed silent for a moment until Sho decided to say the dumbest thing at this moment. "Toya why are you shirtless?" He asked. I felt my face heat up. "It-it's hot." I said. "No it's not." Natsu said. "S-Shut the hell up!" I said. "Natsu father know you're here?" Shoto asked. "No, he thinks I'm out on a errand." He said. "So I should probably get going." He stood up and gave us hugs. "See ya, and be careful!" He said and left. " and Katsuki.." Sho said wiggling his eyebrows.
      I turned away from him and started walking away, I heard him laugh as I walked farther away. I walked into the kitchen and saw Katsuki setting plates out on the table with cups. "Sorry I took so long." I said walking over to him. He put the food onto the plate and walked closer to me. "It's okay." He said. He put his arms around my neck and stood up on his tiptoes and kissed me. I smiled and put my arms around his waist and kissed back. We pulled apart and I put my forehead on his. "Let's eat." He said and pulled away from the embrace.
       We sat down next to each other with our feet tangled together under the table while we ate. After we were done we just sat there talking, He was telling me a story about him and Izuku when they were younger. "So ever since that day I called him Deku, but I don't call him that that much anymore." He said finishing that story. "It's hard to picture Izuku as a small, weak individual." I said. He giggled. "It's hard for me to see him as not small anymore." He said.
     He started playing with my fingers the more he talked. "Toyyyya!" Mina whined dashing into the room. "What?" I asked not really paying attention to her. "I need to borrow Katsuki tomorrow." She said and that got my attention. I looked over at her and gave her a death stare. "Why?" I asked. "Cause..." She started. She brought her lips to my ear. "Izuku told me his birthday is coming in a couple of weeks and I need to figure out what to get him." She whispered. I stared at her then looked at him. He didn't tell me that! I didn't say anything. "Be ready by 11." She said and walked away. "What did she want?" He asked. "Your birthday is coming up?" I asked. He looked away and nodded. "Y-Yeah." He said. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. "Cause I don't really celebrate it." He said. This will not do, I'll have to change that. I let the subject drop for now. We got up and put our dishes away and sat back down. We tangled our feet together and he laid his head on my chest, playing with my fingers. "What did Shoto want?" He asked. I tensed up a little and he seemed to notice cause he kissed my knuckles. "It was business. Nothing that you need to worry your pretty little head about right now." I said. He giggled and nodded. "Okay." He said.

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