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Katsuki POV
I pulled him closer and broke the kiss. He kissed my cheek, my jaw down to my neck. I put my hands on the counter and leaned back giving him more access to my neck. He started sucking and nipping my neck. I arched my back a little and moaned.
He made a trail of kisses back up to my ear. "Happy birthday baby." He whispered. "Toya...." I whispered. "Yeah?" He asked. I grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled him back. Before He could speak I smashed my lips on his. He slid his hands up my shirt and ran the tips of his fingers up and down my spine. This birthday is already starting out better than all of the others. He moved his hands around to the front and started toying with my nipples. I bit my lip and buried my head in his neck. He twisted and pulled enticing some quiet moans from me. I gripped the back of his shirt tightly pulling him as close as I could.
     "" I said. He immediately stopped what he was doing and moved back so he wasn't touching me. "Sorry." He said. I shook my head. "It's not that. We're in the kitchen. Anyone could walk in on us." I said. He looked relieved and came back. "So I didn't hurt you or anything?" He asked. "No."'I said. He smiled and cupped my cheek. He leaned down and kissed me. "So shall we continue this in the bedroom?" He asked with a smirk. I didn't say anything instead I just jumped into his arms and he picked me up. He walked towards the stairs and pinned me against the wall. I wrapped my legs tighter around him. He leaned down and captured my lips in another heated kiss. "Katsukiiiii!" A voice yelled. I broke the kiss and jumped down, but Toya still held onto me pinning me to the wall.
"Katsuki!" Kirishima and Mina... "Yeah?" I asked from in front of Toya. "Are you busy?" Mina asked. I looked at Toya then I looked down. "Kind of. Why?" I asked. "We need you. In the garage." Kirishima said. "I'll be there in a minute." I said. "Okay!" They said and dashed off. Toya sighed and moved back. "I guess I should see what they want." I said and walked past him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back. He leaned down and kissed my cheek. "Hurry back. I'll be in the room." He said and walked up the stairs.
I made my way to the garage. "Mina? Kiri?" I asked. "Over here!" Mina shouted waving her hands in the air. I walked over to them and smiled. "What is it?" I asked. "We have a surprise!" They said. "And it's in the garage?" I asked. "Yes! Under this sheet! Me, Kiri, Izu and Toya all pitched in and got it." Kirishima said. "Then why isn't Toya here?" I asked. "Oh cause he doesn't want you to know he bought it. He said that you'd be upset if he spent money on you." Mina said. They're eyes widened and they threw their hands up. "Don't tell him we told you!" They said in sync. "I won't." I said with a chuckle.
Kirishima had his hands over my eyes. "Are you ready?" He asked. "Yes." I said. I heard something getting moved and thrown to the ground, most likely the sheet. "Open." Mina said. Kirishima moved his hands and I opened my eyes. "AHH! AMAZING!" I yelled and dashed to the car. "Is this-" "Yes!" They interrupted me. "Thank you!" I said as I ran over and hugged them. "You're welcome!" They said. "Izu said you liked this model and Toya chose the color, he said red was your favorite color. Kirishima and I chose the seat covers though." Mina said. I opened the door and checked out the seats. "Erin??? Attack on titans!" I said. "Yesssss we got Levi over on the passenger seat. Remember when we binge watched the show all the way to season four?" Kiri asked. "Yess we stayed up until 4:30!" I said. "You guys are awesome!" I said. "We know." They said. "How about tomorrow we take it out for a spin?" Kiri asked. "That'd be awesome." I said.
After I was done gawking over the car I headed back to the room. I walked in and saw Toya laying on the bed asleep. I smiled and walked over to the bed. I crawled in the bed next to him and cuddled up against him. I felt my eyes drooping. I sighed and smiled as I drifted off to sleep.
Small time skip
"Katsuki." A voice said. "What?" I asked tiredly. "Wake up baby. I got something I want to show you." Toya said. "Ughh." I groaned. I felt something soft and warm on my cheek. "Wake up." He said. I slowly opened my eyes and was greeted with Toya's ice blue eyes. "What?" I asked. "Change into some causal yet nice looking clothes." He said. "Whyyyy?" I whined. "I'm taking you somewhere." He said. "Ugh. Okay." I said. He got out of bed and so did I. "What about you? Your in sweats." I said with a pout. He chuckled and showed me the clothes he had picked out. I rolled my eyes and went over to the dresser.
I grabbed a pair of blue, skinny jeans along with a black shirt that had a skull on it. "How's this?" I asked turning around. "Perfect." He said as he put his shirt on. He was wearing a pair of ripped black jeans and a plain red shirt. "Ready?" He asked. "Yeah." I said. He grabbed my hand and led me out the door and down the stairs. "Can we take my new car?!" I asked excitedly. He laughed and nodded. "Sure, but I'm driving." He said. I smiled and followed him to the garage.
He got into the driver seat and I got into the passenger seat. He held my hand once more and started the car. "Let's go." He said. I laid my head on the window as we drove out.

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