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Dabi POV
I leaned forward and kissed his forehead. "Y-you're not m-mad?" He asked. I chuckled and shook my head. "Never." He said. "D-did you hear a-all of it?" He asked. I smiled guiltily. "Well I came over here at the part where you said I give you butterflies." I said. He groaned and looked away. I decided not to embarrass him more and changed the topic. "After we eat we can go to a few other stores. Izuku has to leave, but he'll be back in an hour." I said. He nodded.
We got out food and sat back down at the table. "I bought you some more clothes by the way." I said. He looked shocked and he stopped eating for a second. "W-what'd you get?" He asked. "You'll see." I said. "I have a special store I want to take you to. Izuku recommended it." I said. He blushed, but nodded.
    After we finished eating I grabbed all the bags we had, which was just four, and he held onto my arm tightly. "It's okay, I won't let anyone touch you." I said. He nodded and let go, but walked close enough to touch me. I reached out and held his hand, like I do with Sho when he's scared. I took him to JC Penny, Izuku had told me that Katsuki sometimes liked to dress in girls clothing so I figured I'd let him get whatever makes him comfortable.
     We sat our bags at the counter with a lady and we walked around the store. His eyes were lit up and he had a smile on his face. "Get whatever you want, no one has to know you got this if you just want to wear it in the room. And even if you did wear it out nobody would say anything, Kiri and Kami wear female clothing as well." I said trying to make him more comfortable. He nodded. We went towards the sweaters first. He got a baby blue sweater that was a bit big on him, but fell on his waist hugging it a little. He got two more sweaters, a warm brown sweater and a peach colored one. We went over to the jeans. He got three pairs of jeans, each one hugged his ass in the right way showing off his curves that I didn't even know he had.
      We went to the shirts. He got 3 t-shirts a navy blue one, a rosy red one, and a peach one. We went to the shorts next, I told him to get some warm weathered clothes to. He got 2 pair that came just below his ass cheeks and 2 that came down mid thigh. He got 4 or 5 crop tops as well. "What about pajamas? Do you want to get them from here or somewhere else? Or both?" I asked hoping he got them from here, but not going to say that. "U-um can I get 2 pairs?" He mumbled. I chuckled and nodded. He went back to their pajamas and got a pair of pink, silky, pajamas. "Is this all?" I asked. He nodded and we walked to the counter. The cashier rang our stuff up. "Y'know my brother loves these pajamas, I do to there really comfortable." The lady said. Katsuki blushed and smiled. "I've never wore these before, but I-I've wore the c-cotton ones of this b-brand." He said. The lady smiled. "Well if you come back here again I'd be happy to give you some outfit tips." She said. "Th-Thank you." He said smiling. She gave use all our bags and we left.
      We went to another shop and got him some more pajamas. "Ready to go? Izuku should be out there already." I said. He nodded. "I-I can carry some of those." He said. "It's fine I got them." I said. He tugged on them and insisted on carrying some, I reluctantly gave him 3 of them. He put them on his other hand and then grabbed my hand gently, but quickly. Oh so that's why he wanted to carry them. I smiled and squeezed his hand.
     We made it to the car, but instead of Izuku it was Toga....great. "Heya Boss." She said. "Hiya Baku-chan." She said. He shyly nodded. "Just shut the hell up and grab these." I said tossing my bags at her. She tossed them in the trunk then grabbed Katsuki's and put them in there. I opened the door and let him in then got in after him. I rolled the little window up and turned towards Katsuki, he giggled. "Did you get everything you needed and wanted?" I asked. He nodded. "Yeah. M-me and I-Izuku got all the hygiene t-things I n-needed." He said. "Good. You can just put your stuff with mine, at least till I get you your own dresser." I said. "O-okay." He said. "Did you have fun?" I asked. He smiled. "Yes! Er uh I-I mean y-yeah." He said. "Good." I said. I scooted closer to him and this time he didn't scoot away. "I'm glad." I said kissing his cheek.
      The car came to a stop and we hopped out. I grabbed the bags and we walked in. Everyone was most likely asleep, besides the night guards. We quietly made our way to our room and walked in. We went through his clothes and he decided on wearing the black pajamas to bed. We folded his clothes and sat them in my dresser. He took his toothbrush, hairbrush, hair products and toothpaste to the bathroom and sat them on the counter of the sink. He came back and sat down his bed. I sat on the edge and we talked, not about anything specifically just about whatever came to mind. "Have you s-seen the new M-marvel movie?" He asked. "No, I never got into marvel, I'm more of a DC person." I said. He looked offended. "Really!?" He asked. "Yes honestly." I said. "Oh my god! Me and Izuku use to watch them when we were younger! We'd stay up all night and have a movie marathon!" He said. "Have you ever watched DC?" I asked. "Yes, Superman, some Batman, flash, arrow is my all time favorite." He said. "I like Arrow, but I have to say Superman is like 30 times better than him." I said.
      We "argued" for three hours over that. In the end we just agreed to disagree. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was 4:40. "Damn! It's late." I said. He chuckled nervously. "S-sorry." He said. "It's my fault, I was trying to convince a man more stubborn than a mule that he was wrong." I said. He rolled his eyes. "I thought we agreed that I was right." He said. I gasped. "Oh hell nah, we agreed that I was right." I said. He rolled his eyes and smiled. He yawned and laid down on his stomach with his feet in the air and crossed over each other.

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