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                          Katsuki POV
"Toya.." I whispered between kisses. He broke the kiss and made his way to the sweet spot below my ear. "You're beautiful." He whispered and kissed it. "You're intelligent." Another kiss. With each kiss and every compliment he gave me it sent chills down my spine and I shuddered. I tilted my head to the side so that he had more access. He started sucking on it. I squeeze my thighs on his legs. He groaned and bit me, I moaned and arched my back a bit. "I love that sound." He whispered and kissed down to the top of my collarbone, or rather tie. I slid my hand under his jacket and untucked his shirt. I unbutton the top few buttons and kissed his chest. "W-we should probably continue in the room." I said with a slight blush.
     He smiled and nodded. He got out and held the door for me. I got out and grabbed his hand. "Do you have anything else you need to do today?" I asked not wanting to keep him from work. "Nope, I'm all yours." He said.
We took our time getting to the room, we had small random conversations along the way there to. Once we reached the door I turned to him and smiled. "I need you to wait." I said. "How long?" He asked. "Hmm.... I don't know I'll text you when I'm ready." I said, but quickly remembered I don't have his number. "I n-need your number." I said. He smiled and got his phone out. I got mine out and handed it to him while he handed me his. We put our numbers in and handed them back. "See ya in a bit." He said and kissed my forehead.
      I walked into the room and put my bed up. I went over to his bed and fixed it, since he doesn't seem to know how. I walked over to our dresser and got out a cute little, black sports bra and a pair of matching black booty shorts that come right under my ass cheeks. I put on some black knee high socks and messed my hair up a little, well more messier than usual. I dimmed the light down and walked over to his bed. I sat on the edge crisscross and messaged him.
Toya Katsuki
Me: Hey
❤️Toya: Hey
Me: you can come up now
❤️Toya: okay be there in a second
Me: I'll be waiting
    I felt my stomach flutter in excitement. Was this really happening? The very thing I've been fantasizing about for three weeks?! I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. There was a knock at the door causing me to squeak in excitement and surprise. "C-come in." I said. Toya walked in with only a pair of shorts that came to his knees.
     I blushed and looked him up and down, he was apparently doing the same to me. "Damn." He mumbled walking over to me. He put his hand on my cheek and caressed it. I leaned into his touch and sighed. He leaned down and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. He pulled back and went in for another kiss, I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him closer.
       He broke the kiss and looked into my eyes. "You sure you want to do this?" He asked. I rubbed my thumbs over the back of his neck. "Yes." I said. I gave him a short kiss. "I love you." I whispered. He stared at me then smashed his lips against mine. "I love you too. And I've been waiting so long to hear you say that." He said. I smiled and pulled him down on the bed while I scooted back. He hovered above me and his lips ghosted my lips. "We're going to go slow. I'm going to make this a night you won't forget." He whispered as he kissed me. He dragged his left hand up and down my side while he went down to my neck kissing and sucking on it. I slid my hand around to his back while he raised my sports bra up. He moved away from my neck and slid the bra off. He stared at me for a minute and I felt self conscious.
     "You're beautiful." He whispered. He littered my chest with kisses. I blushed and closed my eyes so I could enjoy the moment better. He kissed down my stomach, to my belly button and back up to my neck. He gently bit and the sensitive flesh above my pecks. I bit my lip and put my arm over my, surely red, face. I heard him chuckle and then suddenly my arm wasn't over my face. I looked at him with shock. "Don't hide your pretty face or your beautiful noises." He said and kissed my nose. I looked directly into his icy blue eyes and put my arms around him. "Toya I may not be your first, but I hope to god I'm your last." I whispered. He moved some hair out of my face. "If I can help it, you sure as hell will be." He said and went back to kissing me.
<time skip>
I woke up the next morning, er well afternoon, with Toya's arms around me and his intoxicating scent attacking my nose. I smiled and sat up a little without disturbing Toya. I looked down at him and smiled. His back was littered with scratches and the covers stopped just at his v-line. He was laying on his stomach with one arm around me and the other under his pillow. "It's rude to stare." He said and opened one eye. I blushed and playfully smacked him. "It's not my fault!" I said. He chuckled and traces circles on my inner thigh. "Then whose fault is it?" He asked. "Yours." I said. He looked up at me surprised. "Mine? How is my fault?" He asked. "For looking so hot." I said and my face turned red as soon as I realized what I said. He lifted himself up a bit and kissed me. "Is that so?" He asked and kissed me again. I put my arms around and nodded. "It is so." I said with a smile giggle and we kissed again. He laid me back down on the bed and got on top of me. He smirked and rubbed my neck with his thumb. I flipped us over and kissed him. He put his hands on my ass, rubbing and squeezing it, as I started to kiss and suck on his neck. I moaned and accidentally bit him in the process. He moaned quietly.
<Izuku POV>
Me and Hitoshi were walking down the hall when I um....heard something I shouldn't of. I felt my face heat up and I grabbed Hitoshi's hand and walked away as fast as I could. "What's wrong 'Zuku? I thought we was going to see if Katsuki and Toya wanted to hang out with us." He said. "Yeah, um no. I-I thought I could.....take you on a date?" I said, but it sounded more like a question. He raised an eyebrow and gave me an 'are you serious' look.
"Okay, okay fine you caught me. I want to go out and buy Katsuki a birthday present." I said, which was true his birthday is in a couple weeks. "Really?" He asked. "Yes really, it's in a couple weeks." I said. "Okay, let's go then." He said. I wonder if Toya knows? Probably not, I'll tell him later.

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