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                             Dabi POV
We drove around for an hour before we stopped at a park. "I come here a lot when I want to be alone." I said as we started walking around the track. "It's beautiful." I said. "Yeah. It is." I said. I looked over at him and saw him staring at the sky. He looked so perfect. I reached over and grabbed his hand, I laced our fingers together and he held my hand as well. My heart was pounding so hard I thought it'd jump out of my chest, I mean sure we've held hands before, but not like this! I smiled and looked back in front of me.
     We stopped a minute later and I stood in front of him. I took a deep breath and looked up at him. I guess now is the best time to tell him, we're both in a good place and he's doing a hell of a lot better. "Um Katsuki I...I uh need to tell you something." I said. "W-what?" He asked. I looked into his ruby red eyes and smiled. "Listen, you may already know this, but I...I-I uh like you...no like isn't the right word I um dammit...I love you. Now I don't expect you to return these feeling cause you've only known me three weeks and one day now, but I've known you since you left the Shinso estate and I really wanted to take you right then and there, especially after Hitoshi told me what had happened to them, but these things take time. I can assure you though that they sure as hell got what was coming to them so did that worthless piece of shit Tobias!....anyway I'm getting off track here." I said.
       I grabbed his other hand and laced our fingers together. "You're beautiful Katsuki. From your spiky ash blonde hair down to your pretty, pink toenails. You're dorky, intelligent and funny. You're caring and kind. You're passionate." I stepped closer our faces inches apart. "You're adorable, lovable." His face turned redder than a cherry. I put my hand on his cheek and leaned closer watching his reaction.
     "Katsuki Bakugou you've got me falling head-over-heels in love with you." I closed the last distance and kissed him. He wasn't kissing back so I started to pull away, but he surprised me by putting his arms around my neck and pulled me closer to him. I gently put my hands on his hips and kissed harder. We pulled apart and I put my forehead on his. "I-I-" "You don't have to say it right now. I know." I said. He smiled and nodded. "D-does this mean that we're uh...um...what does this m-mean?" He asked. I chuckled and kissed him again. "Katsuki Bakugou will you be my boyfriend?" I asked. He smiled the biggest smile I've ever seen him do. "Yes." He said. I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed forehead.
        We walked for a little while longer, holding hands, picking on each other, talking and kissing occasionally. "You ready to head back?" I asked. It's starting to get chilly. "Yeah." He said. We walked back to the car and got in. "Cold?" I asked. He nodded. I turned the heater on and drove off. its 2:30.
      We made it to the house and I got out and opened his door. I grabbed his hand lacing our fingers together and we walked in. We walked upstairs and into our room. I went over to the dresser and got out my pajamas. "I'm going to change." I said. "Kay, I'll change out here." He said. I nodded and went into the bathroom. I took off my outfit and put on the sweat pants and tank top. "You done?" I asked through the door. "Yeah." He said. I opened the door and saw Katsuki wearing the pink, silky pajamas we bought a while back. They hugged him in just the right places, his abs were more prominent and it showed how feminine his hips were and his ass...damn it showed it's plumpness just right. My eyes made there back up to his face and saw him smiling and blushing. "It looks awesome." I said.
       He giggled and sat on his bed. I sat down on the end sitting crisscross. Our knees are touching and we're holding hands laughing. "What the hell is so funny?" I asked after another fit of laughter. "I don't know." He said and giggled. "I swear I'll never get tired of hearing that." I mumbled. He blushed and giggled. "That's what's so funny." He said. "What?" I asked shocked. "You and your...your cheesiness!" He said waving his free hand in front of me. I gasped and pretended to be offended. "I'm not cheesy! I just speak my mind." I said. "And you just so happen to think of cheesy things." He said laughing. I pouted, but ended up laughing as well.
       We talked for the next two hours. "We should probably head to bed, I've got a busy day tomorrow, er well I guess today." I said. He furrowed his brows. "What do you got to do?" He asked. "I have to go and talk to the Toshinori clan, we've been on good terms for three years now and I'm thinking about merging our resources. We've spoke about it at the last three meetings and this one will decide weather or not we do." I said. He sat up straighter and frowned. "Can I go with?" He asked. I looked down at the bed and shook my head. "It's not that I don't want you to, it's just if things go south we'll be in danger and I can't have you there." I said.
        He put his hand under my chin and tilted my head up. "I'll be safe. You, Izuku and your family will be there I'd be safe." He said. "Plus I want to meet them if we're going to be seeing them a lot." He said. I rolled my eyes and smiled a little. "If this works." I said. He moved his hand and playfully smacked my arm. "Don't be such a Doubting Debbie." He said. I laughed. "Fine you can go, but if things go wrong and you get hurt I'm holding you responsible." I said. "I can live with that....but I won't have to worry cause nothing is going to happen." He said confidently. I put my hand on his cheek and leaned to kiss him. He put his hands around my neck and I put mine around his waist. "I'll have you there so I know I'll be safe." He said and kissed me again.

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