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Two weeks later Dabi POV
I quietly yet quickly got out of bed and got dressed. I walked back over to the bed and looked down at Katsuki. I smiled and leaned down to kiss his cheek. I wrote him a note telling him I'd be downstairs making breakfast incase he wakes up before I get back....which isn't likely, but still.
"Izuku, Mina, I need your help." I said as I walked into the kitchen. They rushed into the kitchen and stood next to me. "Yes Toya?" They asked. "I need help making Katsuki a birthday breakfast to start his day." I said. "Ooo I know Kacchans favorite meal! Pancakes and bacon." Izuku said. "Great. You and Mina gather the ingredients and help me make it." I said. They nodded and got everything we needed.
After we got it halfway done I told them I was going to wake Katsuki up while they finish it up. I walked up the stairs and into my room. I walked over to the bed and saw him still asleep. I smiled and got in the bed. I got on top of him hovering over him. I leaned down and kissed his cheek. "Katsuki." I whispered. His nose scrunched up and he groaned. I leaned down and kissed his jaw, then his chin, then his nose. His eyes fluttered opened and he smiled. He rolled onto his back and lazily threw his arms around me. "G'morning." He said with a yawn. I chuckled and kissed him. "Good morning." I said. He pulled me down and kissed me again. I kissed back. He giggled as he pulled back. "What time is it?" He asked. "9:40." I said. He groaned and pulled me down so my weight was on him. "Kat I don't want to hurt you." I said trying to raise up, but he wouldn't let me. "It feels good." He whispered. I sighed and let him do what he wanted.
He started kissing my neck gently and softly. I chuckled and moved my hand to his waist....which had no clothes on...he's naked. His soft gentle kisses, turned rougher and more sensual. I bit my lip and closed my eyes. He flipped us over so he was straddling me.
"Katsuki don't you want breakfast?" I asked before this could go any farther. He pouted and shook his head. I pulled him down and kissed him. "Come eat." I said. He blushed and smiled nervously. I flipped us over and climbed off of him. "It's delicious I promise." I said. He sighed and got out of bed. He walked over to me and hugged me. "I love you." I said and hugged back. "I love you too." He said. "Now get some clothes on and let's go eat." I said. He pulled back and grabbed a pair of boxers and sweat pants and put them on. "Okay lets go." He said walking over to me and grabbing my hand.
"Don't you want a shirt?" I asked. He looked down confused then back up to me. "No." He said. I pulled him over to the dresser and grabbed a shirt. "Yes you do." I said. "Why?" He asked holding the shirt. "I don't want people to see what only I get to see." I said protectively. He giggled and blushed. "Okay." He said and put the shirt on. I grabbed his hand and laced our fingers together and headed out the door down the stairs.
We walked into the kitchen where Izuku and Hitoshi was sitting at the table. "Good morning Kacchan!" Izuku said. "Good morning Deku!" Katsuki said going over and giving him a hug. "Good morning Bakugou." Hitoshi said. "I told you to call me Katsuki." Katsuki said with a pout. "Right. Sorry. Good morning Katsuki." He said. "Good morning Hitoshi." Katsuki said patting his head. "Ooo pancakes!" He sais sitting down and eating. I chuckled and sat next to him eating as well.
After we were done Izuku stood up and walked over to us. "Kacchan I got you something." He said and motioned Hitoshi over. "What is it?" Katsuki asked tilting his head to the side. Izuku grabbed the wrapped box from Hitoshi and handed it to him. Katsuki opened it and squealed. "OH MY GOD!" He yelled as he took the shirt out. It was a shirt with a clown on it. "Penny wise!" He said and jumped up to hug Izuku. "Thank you." He said and hugged Hitoshi. "Thank you." He said again. "Happy birthday!" They said. He frowned. "My birthday....right." He said.
"Well still thanks." He said. They walked away after that leaving me and Katsuki alone. "And thank you." He said walking over to me and hugging me. ""For what?" I asked and hugged him back. "The pancakes." He said. "How'd you know I made them?" I asked. "You wouldn't have been adamant about me eating them if you hadn't." He said matter of factly. I felt my face heat up. "Uh well you don't have to thank me." I said. He giggled and looked up at me. "I know. I wanted to." He said.
"Anyways I have something else planned." I said. "Oh? What is it?" He asked. "You'll see. Anyway we have an hour to spare before it starts." I said. "Hmm really? Whatever can we do in that hour?" He asked as he stood on his tiptoes. "I'm sure we can think of something." I said and leaned forward to kiss him. He kissed back and wrapped his arms around my neck. I wrapped mine around his waist and lifted him up. He wrapped his legs around my waist and I slid mine under his ass to hold him better. I bit his bottom lip and he opened his mouth just enough for my tongue to slide in. Our tongues wrestled for dominance, which I won, and I carried him over to the counter sitting him on top of it. He pulled me closer and broke the kiss. I kissed his cheek, his jaw down to his neck. He put his hands on the counter and leaned back giving more access to his neck. I started sucking and nipping his neck. He arched his back a little and moaned.
I made a trail of kisses back up to his ear. "Happy birthday baby." I whispered. "Toya...." He whispered. "Yeah?" I asked. He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me back. Before I could speak he smashed his lips on mine.

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