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Katsuki POV
We "argued" for three hours over that. In the end we just agreed to disagree. "Damn! It's late." He said. I chuckled nervously. "S-sorry." I said. "It's my fault, I was trying to convince a man more stubborn than a mule that he was wrong." He said. I rolled my eyes. "I thought we agreed that I was right." I said. He gasped. "Oh hell nah, we agreed that I was right." He said. I rolled my eyes and smiled. I yawned and laid down on my stomach with my feet in the air and crossed over each other. "Tired?" He asked. I laid my head on my pillow. "A little." I mumbled. He got up and stood next to my bed. He pulled a blanket on top of me and kissed my head. "See you in bit Katsuki." He whispered. "Mhm." I hummed. He walked over to his bed and climbed in it.
Time skip <3 weeks later>
It's currently dinner time I'm sitting beside Toya with Shoto, Kirishima, and Mina next to him. Izuku is on my left with Hitoshi, Kaminari and Sero next to him. I haven't learned everyone's name yet, but the ones I do know are Ochako, she still gives me check ups, Mina, Kaminari, Kirishima and Sero hang out with me sometimes, Hitoshi, he's apologized to me and we've been getting along, Izuku, my best friend, Toga the driver who mysteriously disappears and reappears whenever she wants, and savior.
      We've had a lot of late night talks, every night, the last three weeks, we'll stay up till 3 or 4 in the morning talking about a lot of shit that I normally wouldn't tell other people. I've started eating normally now and Toya and I have been working out 3 times a week. Me and Izuku we're doing  the dishes when Toya walked in the kitchen. "Almost done?" He asked. "Uh Yeah." I said. I've gotten better with my stuttering as well. "You can on ahead." Izuku said. "Are you sure?" I asked.
       He nodded. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Thanks!" I said. Me and Toya are going out tonight and I want to dress up, I'm thinking about wearing the shorts that Toya seemed to really like, I haven't worn any of the women clothing he's gotten me yet besides when I tried them on, with the peach colored crop top, along with the knee high socks and Toya's black converses.
     I walked out of the bathroom and saw Toya sliding his shirt on. He was wearing a white t-shirt with black skinny jeans with a leather jacket and combat boots. "Ready?" He asked. "Yeah." I said. I grabbed a pink flannel and put it on. He looked me up and down twice. "Damn!" He said. I blushed and looked away. He walked over to me and turned my face over to him. "Your hot as hell beautiful." He whispered. He kissed my nose. "Seriously. It should be illegal." He said. "Who's driving us?" I asked. "Me, I didn't want to go anywhere specific, just wanted to be with you and to get away from nosy people." He said. "So-so it's just going to be me and you?" I asked. "Yup." He said. I blushed and smiled, I get him all to myself. "Okay." I said.
      He moved his hand and straightened up. He looked me over again and walked to the door with smile. "What?" I asked. "Your bruises are fading and so are the cuts and gashes, granted they may be scars, but the won't be noticeable. Plus you've been eating healthier and your starting to get some muscles on you." He said. "O-oh. S-so I look good?" I asked. He chuckled and shook his head. "No. Good doesn't even describe how you look." He said. I blushed and walked passed him. "S-Shut up." I said. "Hey you asked." He said walking next to me.
      I rolled my eyes and kept walking. I saw Izuku walking to his room. "Deku!" I yelled scaring him. "Kacchan!" He said and we ran towards each other. "You scared the heck out of me." He said as we hugged. "Where's Hitoshi?" I asked as we pulled back. "He went to the store. He insisted on buying me something for tomorrow." He said with a chuckle and an eye roll. It's a little late to be out shopping. "What is tomorrow?" I asked hoping I didn't forget a holiday. "Our 1 year anniversary." He said. "Aww that's so sweet." I said. "What did you get him?" I asked. He blushed a dark shade of red. "W-wellll I didn't really get him anything, I-I uh have a surprise for him." He said. I smirked and poked his side. "You're going to do the naughty." I said in a singsong voice. He blushed harder and couldn't speak.
      He playfully punched my shoulder and walked away while flipping me off. I giggled and turned to Toya. "Lets go slowpoke." I said. He walked slower. I walked over to him, grabbed his arm and pulled him with me. "Katsuki If you wanted to touch me all you had to do was ask." He said wiggling his eyebrows. I blushed, moved my hand and flipped him off. He was sulking and had his head hung low.
      We made it to the garage before he spoke. "We're not taking the usual car. We're taking a different one." He said leading me to a red car. "Wow, I haven't seen this one yet!" I said. He chuckled and opened my door for me. He shut it and got in on his side. The seat felt nice and cool. "Glad you like it." He said.
We drove around for an hour before we stopped at a park.
      "I come here a lot when I want to be alone." He said as we started walking around the track. "It's beautiful." I said. "Yeah. It is." He said. I looked up at the sky and saw the beautiful stars just sitting there lighting the sky up. I felt something touching my hand and I looked down to see Toya lacing our fingers together. My heart skipped a beat and I blushed. Sure we've held hands before, but not like this! I smiled and looked back up. We stopped a minute later and Toya stood in front of me.

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