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Katsuki POV
We got up and put our dishes away and sat back down. We tangled our feet together and I laid my head on his chest, playing with his fingers. "What did Shoto want?" I asked. He tensed up a little so I kissed his knuckles. "It was business. Nothing that you need to worry your pretty little head about right now." He said. I giggled and nodded. "Okay." I said.
    He pulled me on his lap and cupped my cheek making me look at him. He leaned down and kissed me. He moved his hand down to my neck and rubbed under my ear with the tip of his finger. I sighed and put my hands on his chest. He pulled back, but I quickly pulled him back in, tracing the purple scaring along the top of his chest. He put his other hand on the small of my back and bit my lip, I opened my mouth just enough for his tongue to slide in. Our tongues danced with each other and his hand inches closer to the inside of my boxers.
     We heard chattering and quickly broke apart, I moved back into my seat. "No, you're in the wrong here so I'm not gonna apologize." Shoto said in a whiney voice. "No, you're wrong!" Kiri said. "What the hell are you talking about?" Toya asked. "E said that Jacob is better than Edward!" Shoto said. "Cause he is." Kiri said. "Not!" Shoto crosses his arms. "Is." Kiri stuck his tongue out. "Seriously?" Toya asked. "Yesss seriously!" Shoto said sounding offended. "Come on Kat let's head upstairs." Toya whispered.
     I nodded and we stood up. "Where are you going?" Kiri asked. "We're tired so we're heading to bed." Toya said as he grabbed my hand walked out. We walked upstairs and into his, well our, room. "Do you want to lay with me?" He asked. I nodded with a slight blush. We went over to his bed and laid down. He put his arm around me and I buried my face in his chest. "Goodnight Kat." He whispered. "Goodnight Toya." I whispered. He kissed my head. "I love you." He said. I felt my face heat up. "I love you too." I said and kissed his chest.
I'm finally happy.....I got away from Tobias and I've found my home. I found the love of my life and my new family......I really couldn't be happier. Toya held me closer to him and sighed happily. I smiled and breathed in his scent.
Sooo imma end this here cause I had written out this whole scene with his dad and his mafia fighting cause they took Katsuki and I was nearly done with it, but it was like 3 in the morning so I decided to finish it later......well Wattpad had other plans....when I got back on all my work was gone😒 so I was peeved and decided to say fuck it and go this route.....but I do plan on writing a birthday special at some point!😆
I had a lot of fun writing this though and I reallyyyyyyy hope y'all enjoyed this!!!!😊

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