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Dabi POV
"Y-you knew what he did to me and yet you d-did nothing?" He asked looking angry. My expression soften and I felt sad and guilty. "Yes I did, but you don't understand I've been trying to get you away from him for months now." I said. I moved my hand and looked down at the floor.  "I've been working with him for a while trying to get him to give you to me, but he's just so damn stubborn. He finally broke last week and decided to let me come and talk with you. I was willing to do whatever it took. I thought about kidnapping you and even...killing him, but I wasn't to sure how you'd like that." I said.
     I've honestly watched this kid since he left his last hellhole, he was at the Shinso estate, they had another poor kid there, I got him as well, not because I wanted to, but because Mydoria wanted him. "I wouldn't have cared, hell I would've been great full if you did." He said not stuttering for the first time. "If I did what? Killed him or kidnapped you?" I asked unsure. "Both." He whispered. He looked up at me with shock. "S-sorry I didn't mean to speak out of turn sir." He said.
     I raised my hand up and he flinched, closing his eyes shut. "Pl-please don't." He whimpered. I moved his hands down causing him to winced. I looked down and saw a bruise on his wrist, well he had them everywhere actually, along with gashes and cuts. I brought his wrist up to my lips and kissed it. He flinched, but relaxed. Once he relaxed a bit I moved back and stared into his eyes. "I'm not going to hurt you." I said. He looked sad and hopeful. "Th-that's what Tobias said....and the others." He muttered brokenly. I caressed his cheek gently. "The difference is I actually mean it." I said.
     I leaned closer to him and he pressed his lips into a thin line. I kissed his forehead. When I moved back he looked surprised. He opened his mouth to say something, but the car jolted to a stop. "We're here boss." Toga said. I opened my door, got out then walked over to his door and opened it for him. He was limping, I hadn't noticed that early. I walked closer to him and put my hand on the small of his back, he flinched. "Are you okay?" I asked. He looked down and nodded. "Y-Yes sir." He said. I frowned. "Don't call me sir, call me Toya." I said. He nodded again. "Sorry sir, uh er T-toya." He said. "Toga can you get Tenya and Shoto to come up to my room please and thank you." I said. "Yes boss." She said and walked away. "Stop calling me that!" I yelled after her, her fading laughter could be heard.
     I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to Katsuki. "Follow me I'll show you where you'll be staying." I said. He nodded and walked, well limped, next to me. I stopped halfway down the hall and he stopped as well. "W-What's wrong?" He asked. I just walked up to him and gently picked him up. "Helping." I said and started walking again. He's lighter than I thought he'd be and I can feel his bones through his shirt and skin. I frowned, but didn't say anything.
     I opened my bedroom door and gently put him down. He looked around with wide eyes. "I-it's beautiful." He said. I chuckled and shook my head. "This is where you'll be staying." I said. He looked sad and hurt after I said that. "O-oh." He said. I furrowed my brows. "What's wrong?" I asked. He shook his head. "N-nothing." He mumbled. I walked over to the "closet" and opened it, a queen sized bed fell down. "This is your bed, I didn't know what color you'd like so I went with red I hope that's okay." I said. His eyes lit up and his face turned red. "I would've given you, your own room, but I don't have any spare rooms. That's why we're trying to get this bigger house so that way we have room for everybody and then some." I said rambling. He giggled, but stopped almost immediately. "S-sorry sir." He said quickly looking down.
     I frowned and walked over to him. He squeezed his eyes shut and whimpered. It broke my heart to see him like this. I raised his head up and saw tears falling down his cheeks. I wiped them away with my other hand and caressed his cheek. He slowly opened his eyes and started into mine. I nearly got lost in his ruby red eyes. "Don't apologize for making such a heavenly sound." I said. He blushed and closed his eyes, but this time instead of in fear it was out of embarrassment. I chuckled and kissed his forehead.
     There was a knock on my door then it flew opened. "Hey Toya." Shoto said. I sighed and moved in front of Katsuki turning around to face them. "Hello brother." I said. "Toga said you needed us." He said. I nodded and moved a little so they could see Katsuki. "I need you to do a check up on him." I said. He was beat up, that much was obvious, but I need to know exactly what was wrong so I could help. Tenya nodded. "What's his name?" Shoto asked. I glanced back at him and he was looking down at his feet standing up straight obviously uncomfortable.
    I motioned for him to come over and he did. He hid behind me with only half of his face poking out. "This is Katsuki Bakugou." I said. "Hello Bakugou I'm Tenya Iida." Tenya said bowing. "H-hi." Katsuki said. "Hey, I'm Shoto Todoroki." Shoto said sticking his hand out. Katsuki moved out from behind me a little and shook his hand. He let go and quickly moved back. I turned towards him and smiled softly. "Tenya bad Shoto have to check you out. They're the best doctors we have, well them and Ochako, but I didn't know if you felt comfortable with a female or not." He looked down. "I-it doesn't matter sir." He said. "Do you want them or Ochako?" I asked. "Th-they can I-I guess. I m-mean they d-did come al-all this way." He said.
     I figured he'd want Ochako. "Tenya can you go get Ochako?" I asked. He nodded and walked out of the room. "I'm-I'm sorry." He whispered. "For what?" I asked. "C-causing them trouble." He said. "It's no trouble, we just want you to feel comfortable." Shoto said. He walked over to Katsuki and put his hand on his shoulder, Katsuki whimpered. Shoto noticed and moved his hand. "Sorry." He said. "I-it's Fine." Katsuki said. "I'm going to go hang with Kiri." Shoto said. I nodded. "See ya." He said. "See ya little bro." I said. "Bye Katsuki." He said. "B-Bye." Katsuki said.

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