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Dabi POV
"O-okay." He said. "Well let's go eat then we'll take care of everything else." I said. He nodded. I grabbed his hand and led him out of the room. Once outside I lifted him up and carried him. He blushed and squeaked. "I c-can walk." He said. I chuckled and shook my head. "I know." Was all I said. He giggled and slowly wrapped his arms around my neck causing me to blush. "See being taken care of isn't all that bad." I said. He blushed and hid his face in my chest. "I-I've n-never been t-taken care o-of." He whispered. "Yeah I know, but that's going to change." I said. He held me tighter and I smiled.
        We made it to the kitchen and everyone was sitting down, well minus the cooks, but they'll be here in a second. I sat him down in the chair next to mine. "Kacchan?" A quiet voice spoke. Katsuki's face lit up and his head shot up. "Izuku?" He asked looking around. Izuku jumped up and ran over to him. Katsuki jumped out of his seat and tackled the boy, momentarily forgetting his injuries. "I haven't seen you in forever!" Katsuki cried. "I know!" Izuku cried. Katsuki hugged him tighter. The smaller green hair boy broke the hug and looked up at the ash blonde boy. "I missed you so much, you've been on my mind ever since I left." Katsuki said. "I missed you too, I haven't stopped thinking about you." Izuku said.
        Someone decided to break up their moment, Shinso, causing Katsuki to whimper and back away. "S-sorry." He stuttered. "Shinso! Don't be like that." Izuku scolded. "Well How do you even know him?" He asked. "He looks like a slut." He whispered loudly. Katsuki looked down and sat down. I stood up and walked over to them. "Shinso step out with me." I said. "But-" "Now!" I said.
       He gulped and we walked out of the kitchen into the main room. "What the hell was that about?" He asked. I turned around and gave him the deadliest stare I could give him. "I was going to ask you the same thing. You have no fucking idea what he's been through! That was the first time that boy has felt even a glimmer of happiness in god only knows how long and you let your petty jealousy ruin it! I would've expected you of all people to understand at least a little bit what hell he's been through. I can't believe you!" I said. He looked down in shame. "Good you should be ashamed. Now as a punishment everyday after dinner for three weeks you'll be on night shift from after dinner till before breakfast." I said. He nodded. "Understood?" I asked and he nodded again. "Understood?!" I said angrier. "Yes Dabi." He said. "You start today." I said. He nodded.
      We walked back in and he sat as far away from Izuku and Katsuki as possible. Izuku was sitting in Shoto's usual seat and Katsuki was where he was when I left. I sat in my seat and put my arm around his shoulders. "I fixed it, he won't mess with you again." I said. He blushed and looked over at me. I realized I interrupted his and Izuku's conversation. "I'm sorry." I said rubbing the back of my head nervously. "I-it's okay." Katsuki said.
     He turned back to Izuku, sitting closer to me somehow. "I'm so sorry, Kacchan I wished I could've helped you when you first left." Izuku said. "It's fine Deku. I don't blame you, we were only 12." Katsuki said. "Besides I think I'll be better now." He said sneaking a glance at me. "Especially since you're here." He said. He had already ate three and a half plates. "I'm done." He said. "I'll show where the dishes go." Izuku said standing up. Katsuki nodded and stood up. He looked over at me and reached for my plate. I grabbed it and stood up. "I can do that." I said. He pouted, but nodded. I went in with them and put my plate up. "Do you want to come with us Izuku?" I asked. "Where?" He asked. "Shopping." I said. His and Katsuki's faces lit up. "Yes!" He said. Katsuki giggled and playfully punched Izuku's shoulder. "You're such a dork." He said. Izuku gave him a mock offended look. "Ouch." He said causing Katsuki to giggle again. "Let me go get dressed." He said. We nodded and he took off.
     Katsuki chuckled and shook his head. I smiled and walked closer to him. "Thats really beautiful." I said brushing his messy hair out of his face. He blushed and looked down. "W-What do you m-mean?" He asked. "Your laugh, your giggle, your smile, everything." I said. I put my hand under his chin and tilted his head up. His cheeks where pink and so was the tips of his ears. "You're beautiful." I said. He blushed a darker shade of red. I leaned forward and kissed his cheek very gently. I kissed the bruises all on his face and his breathing became uneven. I pulled away and caressed his cheek. "Here you don't have to call anyone sir, and you don't have to apologize over everything little thing. No one and I mean no one will ever hurt you again. If they even try I will personally send them to hell on earth." I said honestly. I kissed his forehead and looked into his eyes. "You're apart of our family. We love you Katsuki, you may not know us that well, but we've known you since you left the Shinso estate." I said.
     He looked shocked and happy. He hugged me, I was shocked, but immediately hugged back. "Th-Thank you." He whispered burying his face in my chest. "You're-you're welcome." I said. He giggled and pulled away. "Okay guys I'm ready." Izuku said. Katsuki ran over to him and linked arms with him. "Let's go!" He said. Izuku and I laughed as we walked out. We got in the car and Izuku hopped in the drivers seat while Katsuki and I sat in the back. "Where to boss man?" Izuku asked. I rolled my eyes and leaned against the window. "The mall." I said. "Kay." He said and we took off. I listened to Katsuki and Izuku talk the whole way there. When we stopped I hopped out and went to Katsuki's side and opened his door. When we made it in the mall we stopped next to the escalators. "Pick out whatever you want okay." I said. "O-okay." He said.

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