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Dabi POV
I got into the driver seat and he got into the passenger seat. I held his hand once more and started the car. "Let's go." I said. He laid my head on the window as we drove out.
I brought his hand up to my lips and kissed it. "I really hope you like this." I said. "I love it no matter what." He said. I smiled and squeezed his hand.
Small time skip
I pulled up to the restaurant. "Louis! I haven't been here since I was a little kid." He said. I smiled and got out of the car. I walked over to his side and opened the door for him. He got out and was basically jumping up and down with joy. The valet gave him a disgusted look.
He shrunk back and hid behind me. "S-sorry." He said. I turned to the valet and glared at him. "What the hell is your problem?" I asked angrily. He flinched and shook his head. "N-nothing sir." He said. I put my arm around Katsuki waist and walked him into the restaurant. "Can we sit in the booth?" He asked pointing to one in the back. "Of course." I said. He giggled and basically skipped to the booth. I chuckled and followed behind him. We sat down across from each other.
He picked up the menu and looked through it. "I want this!" He said pointing to the chili-cheese fries and steak. "Okay then that's what you'll get." I said. He smiled and put his chin in his hand. He tangled our legs together under the table.
The waiter came over and took our orders. "And to drink?" She asked. "Coke please." Katsuki said quietly. "A coke and a Pepsi." I said. She wrote it down and left. "This has been the best birthday I've ever had." He said. I smiled reached my hand across the table to grab his. "It's just the beginning." I said. He blushed and smiled. "I love you." He said. He scooted around the booth so that he was now beside me with his legs on my lap. "I love you too." I said and kissed his temple. He leaned his head on my shoulder and sighed happily.
The waiter came back with our orders. "Will that be all for you?" She asked. "Yes thank you." I said. She smiled, but didn't leave. "You two are really cute." She said. Katsuki blushed and hid his face. I chuckled and turned towards her. "Thanks." I said. "I wish my girlfriend would be more open with affection like you two. She just...she worries to much." The girl said. "Yeah I know what you mean. This one was nervous as hell when I first started being affectionate." I said. She smiled sadly. "Well I'll leave you be." She said and sighed. "Don't be upset I'm sure she'll come around." Katsuki said. The girl smiled and walked away. "When you first started being affectionate?? When wasn't you affectionate?" He asked sarcastically. I felt my face heat up and I playfully nudged him. "Shut up." I said. He giggled and started eating.
After dinner
I opened the car door for him then went over to my side. "Ready?" I asked. He nodded and grabbed my hand. I drove us to the park where we had our first kiss. I got out and went to let him out. His eyes lit up as he realized where we were.
I grabbed his hand and walked around the track like we did that day. "We haven't been here in a while." He said. "I know. I've been caught up with business here lately." I said sadly. "It's okay." He said. I stopped in about the same spot as before and pulled him over to me.
"Katsuki Bakugou..." I started. "Yeah?" He asked looking up to me. "I have something important I need to tell you." I said. I leaned down so my lips brushed against his. "You're the most amazing person I know. Your smile lights up my darkest days and your giggles, laughs, they make my heart flutter. Your soft touches, they make me go insane. Your ruby eyes sends chills down my spine. You make me see a better future a better life. You make me hope, make me believe." I said. His eyes watered and he had a huge smile on his face along with a blush. "I love you Kat." I said and kissed him. He threw his arms around my neck and pulled me closer. "I love you too Toya." He said. He kissed me again then rested his forehead on mine. "You make me so happy." He said. I put my hand on his cheek and caressed it. "Happy doesn't even describe how you make me feel." I said.
After we walked for another hour we decided to head back home. We walked in and was greeted with darkness. Katsuki got in front of me and stood on his toes to kiss me. I smiled and kissed back. I felt for the light switch. "Surprise!" Everyone yelled. Katsuki yelped and turned around. "What's going on?" He asked. "Happy birthday Katsuki!" They shouted. He gasped then smiled with watery eyes. "Did you guys do all this for me?" He asked. I got behind him and put my arms around his waist. "Yes we did." I said. "Thank you!" He said and hugged everyone in the room.
After the party
"Kacchan I hope you enjoyed your party." Izuku said. "I did. Thank you Deku." He said. "You should thank Toya. If it wasn't for him we wouldn't have been able to set this up." Izuku said. "Don't give me all the credit. It was your idea Izuku." I said. He rolled his eyes and hugged Katsuki. "Goodnight Kacchan. And happy birthday." Izuku said and walked away with Hitoshi in tow. I grabbed Katsuki's hand and led him up the stairs. "Thank you for today. It was.......amazing." He said. I opened the door and let him in first then walked in and shut and locked the door. "You deserved it." I said.

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