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Katsuki POV
He rolled his eyes and smiled a little. "If this works." He said. I moved my hand and playfully smacked his arm. "Don't be such a Doubting Debbie." I said. He laughed. "Fine you can go, but if things go wrong and you get hurt I'm holding you responsible." He said. "I can live with that....but I won't have to worry cause nothing is going to happen." I said confidently. He put his hand on my cheek and leaned to kiss me. I put my arms around his neck and he put his around my waist. "I'll have you there so I know I'll be safe." I said and kissed him again.
       'Damn I love kissing him.' He chuckled. "I love kissing you to." I blushed as I realized I said that out loud. He leaned for another kiss, but this one different than the others. He licked my lip and I opened my mouth just enough for his tongue to slid in. I sucked on his tongue causing him to groan and lay me back on the bed without breaking the kiss. Our tongues wrestled with each other and explored each other's mouths. We broke away for air, red faced and panting. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Good night Katsuki." He said. He went to get up, but I tightened my grip on him. "C-can you st-stay over here?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. "Sure." He said. He rolled off me and got beside me. I smiled and rolled on my side. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me back to him. He nuzzled his face in the back of my neck. "Good night Toya." I whispered. He gave me a few soft kisses on my neck then we dozed off to sleep.
      I woke up the next morning to something soft and warm moving on my neck, jaw and cheek. I opened one eye and saw Toya hovering above me dressed in a suit with a tie hung around his neck, it wasn't tied though. "Good morning sleepyhead." He said. I giggled and he kissed my nose. "If you're wanting to go you need to get up and dressed." He said. I nodded, but didn't move...or rather more accurately couldn't move. "I can't get up till you move." I said with a smile.
      He leaned down and kissed my cheek then got up. He handed me an outfit. "Wear it." He said and I nodded. I walked to the bathroom got dressed, brushed my teeth and hair then went back out. He gave me red button up shirt with a black jacket and black dress pants. I tied the tie and walked over to where Toya was, he couldn't tie his tie. "Need help?" I asked. He turned around and his cheeks had a pink tint to them. "Um y-yeah." He said. I grabbed the tie and put it on him. "There you go." I said. "Thank you." He said with a smile.
        He ran his fingers through my hair and smiled. I grabbed his tie and pulled it gently making him come down to my height. He smirked and put his hands on my hips. "Someone gotten very confident." He whispered. He leaned in closer our lips barely touching. "I like it." He said. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. He pulled me closer to him and stood up, lifting me off the ground a bit. "I like it a lot!" He said.
        I giggled and laid my forehead on his. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he held me up. "It's all thanks to you. I seriously don't know where I'd be if you hadn't saved me that day." I said, which was kind of a lie, I'd probably be dead if he hadn't. He rubbed one hand up and down my back gently. "So thank you. For helping me be who I am today. I like this person that I am." I said. He smiled and kissed me. "I like this person to. Don't get me wrong I liked shy, nervous Katsuki to, but this one is better. You're braver, stronger and more courageous." He said.
      He walked over to our dresser and sat me on top of it. He stood between my legs and still had his hands on my hips and mine around his neck. "You're beautiful, handsome, cute and adorable. You're sexy as hell too. It should be illegal with how damn good you look." He said. I blushed and hid my face in his chest. "This is what I meant by cheesy." I said. He chuckled and ran his fingers through my hair. "But I mean it." He said. I looked up at him and saw him looking down at me. "I'm beginning to believe that." I said. He smiled and leaned down bringing me into another kiss. I tangled my fingers in his hair and started sucking his tongue as it entered my mouth. He groaned and slid his hands down to my thighs.
       Normally if someone had touched me like this I'd have a breakdown, but with every touch he gives me it shows how much he loves me. He traced circles on my thighs with the tips of his fingers. We pulled back for air. He started kissing my jaw, my neck and this one spot below my ear that sends chills down my spine. I slid my other hand down to his shirt, untucking it, and ran my hand up it. I could feel where his scar ends just above his pecs.
       Before anything else could happen the door busted opened and his brother came in. "Toya are you-" He stopped and looked at us as we jumped apart. "Um guess not." He said trying to hide his smile, but ultimately failing. "What do you want brother?" Toya asked fixing his shirt and looking at him. "Just to tell you that we're ready to go." Shoto said. He looked over at me and gave me a thumbs up. I blushed and looked down. "Okay. We'll be there in a minute." He said.
     Shoto turned around and left shutting the door behind him. "I really gotta get a lock for that." He said. I laughed. "Yes you do." I said. "Well, let's go." He said. "Wait." I said hopping down. He stood where he was and I walked over to him. I fixed his tie, his hair and his shirt. He chuckled and fixed my shirt and jacket for me. "Thank you." We said at the same time which caused us to laugh. He grabbed my hand lacing our fingers together and we walked out.

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