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                     Katsuki's POV
Tenya nodded and walked out of the room. "I'm-I'm sorry." I whispered. "For what?" Toya asked. "C-causing them trouble." I said. "It's no trouble, we just want you to feel comfortable." Shoto said. He walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder, I whimpered. Shoto noticed and moved his hand. "Sorry." He said. "I-it's Fine." I said. "I'm going to go hang with Kiri." Shoto said. Toya nodded. "See ya." He said. "See ya little bro." Toya said. "Bye Katsuki." He said. "B-Bye." I said.
    Once the door shut Toya turned towards me. I closed my eyes and looked at the ground. I tensed waiting for a hit. "Katsuki, I'm not going to hurt you." He said. I hesitantly looked up at him. "S-sorry." I said. He lifted his hand up and gently put it on my cheek. "Don't apologize." He said.
    I went to say something, but the door opening stopped me. "You asked for me." A girl with chestnut hair said stepping. "Yes." Toya said turning around. "Katsuki needs to be checked out." He said. She nodded and he went to leave, but I grabbed his hand. He turned around and I immediately let go squeezing my eyes shut. "Sorry!" I said. I felt something grab my hand and my eyes snapped opened. Toya was holding my hand. "Can you come sit on the bed?" The girl asked.
     I nodded and limped over to the bed sitting down, Toya stood beside me. "I need you to take your clothes off." She said. "You can keep your underwear on though." She added. I blushed and stood up. "C-can you turn around?" I asked looking at them both. They nodded and turned around. I slid my sweat pants off and my shirt. "O-okay." I said and they turned around.
     I heard a gasp and I looked down, embarrassed. "Have you been eating normally?" She asked. I shook my head. "How often did you eat?" She asked. I thought about it. "He-He didn't r-really feed me un-unless it was absolutely necessary." I said. She nodded and wrote it down in a notebook. "Can you raise your arms up?" She asked. I tried and I got them up to my shoulders before it started hurting. "Okay. You can put them down now." She said writing again. "Can you touch your toes?" I shook my head I wasn't even going to try that. She nodded and wrote again. She sat the book down and walked over to me. She touched my ribs and I winced. Toya growled and she moved her hands. "Sorry." She said. She checked my whole body and my balance.
     Toya has to walk out for a minute for her to check for....signs of rape. "D-Do you h-have to?" I asked. She gave me a sympathetic look. "I need to make sure there isn't internal damage." She said. "I'm sorry." She added. I slowly pulled my boxers down and cupped my hands in front of me. "Can you bend over?" She asked. I bent over the bed and heard her putting on gloves. "This may hurt." She said. She stuck her fingers in me and I winced. My eyes watered.
      After she finished he examine she let Toya back in. She gave him her notebook. "This tells you everything that's wrong with him and what you can do to help." She said. He nodded and read over the notebook. "I'll be back with some medicine for your aches and pains." She said and left. I looked down embarrassed, I was just in my underwear and he was reading personal things about me.
    He growled and slammed the notebook down on the dresser. I flinched and squeezed my eyes shut. "I'm gonna kill that fucking bastard!" He said. "How the fuck could he do that to someone so sweet and nice! He's going to die a slow and painful death." He said. I should be terrified of his words because I know he's actually going to do it, but for some reason I'm not. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was angry and not at me.
   I sat down on the bed and slowly tried to put my pants back on. "No, you need to take a shower." He said. I dropped the pants and stood up. He opened a door and in the room was a huge bathroom. I limped in and looked around. It was way bigger then my old one. "I'll be in the room. If you need anything holler." He said. "Y-Yes sir." I said. He sighed and grabbed my hand.
    He brought it up to him and kissed my now bandaged wrist. "Stop calling me sir." He said. "S-" "Don't apologize." He said. I nodded. He kissed my forehead causing me to blush. "I'll get you some clothes and put them out for you." He said. "O-okay." I said. He walked out shutting the door behind him. I walked over to the bathtub and started the shower. I slid out of my underwear and slowly got in. The hot water burning my skin. I scrubbed until I was raw and then some.
      After nearly half an hour I got out and turned the shower off. I wrapped a towel around my waist and dried my hair. I saw the clothes and a...brush on the toilet seat. I moved the brush threw the clothes on then brushed my hair....or rather I tried to brush my hair. I gave up and walked out. Toya was sitting on the bed scrolling through his phone. He looked up at me and smiled. "You didn't brush your hair." He said. "I-I couldn't." I mumbled. He stood up and walked over to me. "That's okay. After we eat I'm taking you shopping. We'll get you some hair products and some hygiene products along with new clothes." He said. "O-oh y-you don't have t-to do that." I said. "I know I don't have to do anything, I want to." He said. I nodded. "By the way Ochako brought a bag of things that she said would help with your um problems." He said. "O-okay." I said. "Well let's go eat then we'll take care of everything else." He said. I nodded.
     He grabbed my hand and led me out of the room. Once outside he lifted me up and carried me. I blushed and squeaked. "I c-can walk." I said. He chuckled and shook his head. "I know." Was all he said. I giggled and slowly wrapped my arms around his neck. "See being taken care of isn't all that bad." He said. I blushed and hid my face in his chest. "I-I've n-never been t-taken care o-of." I whispered. "Yeah I know, but that's going to change." He said.

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