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Katsuki POV
"Let's go!" I said. Him and Izuku laughed as we walked out. We got in the car and Izuku hopped in the drivers seat while Toya and I sat in the back. "Where to boss man?" Izuku asked. He rolled his eyes and leaned against the window. "The mall." Toya said. "Kay." He said and we took off. He listened to me and Izuku talk the whole way there. When we stopped He hopped out and went to my side and opened the door. When we made it in the mall we stopped next to the escalators. "Pick out whatever you want okay." He said. "O-okay." I said.
     We walked around and I really wanted to go to Victoria Secret, but didn't have the balls to ask. The first time I wore women's clothing my....owner didn't like it to much. I looked down as we passed and we went into American eagle instead. I got three shirts, Izuku got one and Toya didn't get anything. "Can we go to Hot topic?!" Izuku asked as we left. "Sure." Toya said.
     Me and Izuku linked arms once more, a habit we had since we were younger, and walked towards Hot Topic. I've never been in half these stores, but they seem to have pretty good clothes. "Kacchan look!" Izuku said pointing to a shirt. It was MICHAEL FREAKIN MYERS!! "Oh my god!" I said. I went over to it and looked at it, they had five left, I looked at the price. It was nearly $30! "It's cool." I said walking away from it. Izuku looked confused until he looked at the price. "Oh." He said and walked over with me. "Hey Kacchan, I'm sorry." He said. I looked at him confused. "For what?" I asked. "Hitoshi." He said. Oh..him. "It's okay." I said. "He's always rude around new people and I just didn't want you to take it personally. He just has a bad history with people and his fight or flight instincts kick in." He said. I stopped and turned him to face me. "It's fine Deku really." I said and ruffled his hair. He smiled brightly and nodded. "Kay." He said.
      I looked around and didn't see Toya. I started getting nervous and anxious. "Um D-Deku where's um T-Toya?" I asked. He looked around and shrugged. "He goes off on his own a lot, let's go to the food court and I'll message him." He said. I nodded and walked as close to him as I could. Izuku may be older and more mature, but he still looks so tiny and frail. Toya however looked buff and able to protect himself and others. We sat at the table and I tried to hide my face as best I could. "It's okay Kacchan." He said. I nodded and tensed up every time someone walked by us. "Toya will be here in a moment." He said.
      I nodded again. Izuku chuckled. "So how do you like being with Toya?" He asked. I blushed hard. "W-What uh what do you mean?" I asked looking down at the table. "I mean do you like him?" He asked. "Y-Yeah. He's been the nicest, most caring person in my life and I've only known him a day." I said. Izuku pouted and crossed his arms. "Well I meant besides you." I said. He smiled brightly. "He's a really nice guy. He treats us all like family and he's saved most of us from some pretty awful homes. He saved Hitoshi, Shoto well Shoto's his brother, and Kirishima from there abusive and neglectful parents. He's currently helping Ochako, Kaminari, Tsu, and Mina with financial issues. He's even been taking care of my mom as well." He said. "He seems nice. When he came to Tobias's house I felt nervous at first, but when my eyes met his and he gave me that soft smile I felt safe. Like I felt a surge of serenity flow through me, like full on butterflies." I said sighing happily. "When Tobias grabbed me and....and hurt me Toya pulled me away from him, it was like a true knight in shimmering armor move, he gave him a look that if looks could kill he'd be dead" I kept rambling, I couldn't stop, I've had all these feelings bottled up for so long it feels good to let some of them out. "And when we went to leave Tobias said....something and Toya got pissed, he turned around and punched him square in the nose. When we went out to his car his crazy driver greeted us, and we got in he grabbed my hand and kissed my wrist." I said gently touching my wrist.
       I was looking at my lap so I wasn't even sure if Izuku was listening or not. I felt someone touch my shoulder and I yelped. I glanced up and saw Toya half smirking and half smiling. "H-hi." I said hoping he didn't hear what I just said. I blushed and looked over to where Izuku was sitting. "Where'd he go?" I asked. "Um he left once he saw me coming over." He said. I laid my head on the table ready to die of embarrassment. "D-did you h-hear what I-I said?" I asked. He chuckled and sat down next to me. "Afraid so." He said. I groaned. "S-sorry. I-I didn't m-mean to s-say a-all that. I-I know that I-I'm not s-supposed to talk about m-my feelings." I said. He raised my head up off the table and made me face him. "Listen and listen good Katsuki, you can talk about your feelings all you want. You can tell whoever you want about whatever you. I just hope one day that I'm the one you'll share your thoughts and hopes with, that I'll get the privilege of getting to know you.....but until then if you feel comfortable talking to Izuku please do. I don't want you to keep them bottled up." He said putting his hand on my cheek gently caressing it. "Izuku is a good boy and I'm glad you have someone like him." He said.
      He leaned forward and kissed my forehead. "Y-you're not m-mad?" I asked. He chuckled and shook his head. "Never." He said. "D-did you hear a-all of it?" I asked embarrassed again. He smiled guiltily. "Well I came over here at the part where you said I give you butterflies." He said. I groaned and looked away.

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