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Dabi POV
"Okay. We'll be there in a minute." I said. Shoto turned around and left shutting the door behind him. "I really gotta get a lock for that." I said. He laughed. "Yes you do." He said. "Well, let's go." I said. "Wait." He said hopping down. I stood where I was and he walked over to me. He fixed my tie, my hair and my shirt. I chuckled and fixed his shirt and jacket for him. "Thank you." We said at the same time which caused us to laugh. I grabbed his hand lacing our fingers together and we walked out.
       We walked down the hall and people were looking at us, some had looks of awe, some had shocked expressions and a few had disgusted looks. Katsuki let go of my hand and looked down at the ground when he saw the ones with disgusted looks looking at us. I growled and turned to face them. "The hell is your problem?" I snapped. They flinched and looked away. I grabbed Katsuki's hand again and we started walking.
        We walked down to the main room where they were waiting. Izuku looked up at Katsuki and smiled. He hid behind me. "Are we ready?" I asked. Everyone nodded. "Then let's go." I said. I led him to our other garage with our work vehicles. "Me, Katsuki, Izuku, and Hitoshi will be riding together, Toga will be driving us. Shoto, Kiri, Kami, and Sero will be together, Mina will be drive you all." I said. We all got in the vehicles. I rolled the window up and we took off.
     Katsuki and Izuku were sitting in the middle. Hitoshi had his head in Izuku's lap letting him play with his hair. "You two are so cute." Katsuki said. Izuku blushed which made him giggle. "Thank you." Hitoshi said. "You're welcome." He said. I was looking out of the tinted window. He sighed and looked down at his hands. I poked his cheek and he looked up at me. "Don't look so glum."I said. He gave me a small smile. I rolled my eyes and leaned closer to him. He leaned forward and kissed me. I froze for a moment and he pulled back giggling.
      "That's not fair!" I whined. "What's not fair?" He asked running his fingers through my hair. "You!" I said. "What'd I do?" He asked. "You-you....." I stopped talking. I smirked. "This." I said and kissed him. He deepened the kiss. I heard snickering and giggles. I pulled back and saw Hitoshi and Izuku looking at us. He hid his face in my chest. "Don't-Don't look at us! Pay attention to each other!" He said still hiding his face.
      The snickers and giggles turned to laughter. "You're adorable." Izuku said. He felt around for his arm and pinched it. "Shut up." He said. I turned my head to the side with a blush of my own. He pulled on my tie and pulled me down to him. He kissed my cheek then laid his head on my chest. I played with his hair. He put his hand in my jacket and closed his eyes. "I wish everyday could be like this." He whispered. "Why can't it?" I whispered. He blushed. "Cause at some point you're going to sick of me and make me leave....and I won't blame you." He said. I went to say something, but the car stopped. He raised up and I got out. I held the door opened and he climbed out after me. I grabbed his hand and laced our fingers together. "This conversation isn't over." I said as we walked in with Izuku and then behind us.
Time skip
After the meeting ended we all went back to the vehicles and made our way back home. The meeting went pretty well, it lasted from morning till afternoon. I hadn't spoken a word to him yet. Once we reached the house Toga, Izuku and Hitoshi got out. He tried to, but I stopped him. "Do really believe that?" I asked. "Believe what?" He asked playing dumb. "That I'll get sick of you and leave you?" I asked. He looked down at his hands. "Yes." He whispered. "You're wrong. I won't." I said. His ruby red eyes looked into my icy blue ones as tears started to form in his eyes. "Yes you will. I'm everyone's little play thing! I'd like to believe you wouldn't, but I know myself all to well. You'll get bored of me and sell me to the highest bidder! I'm not interesting, I'm not cute I'm not smart.....there's nothing special about me!" He said the tears falling.
    It broke my heart seeing him like that. I pulled him onto my lap and he buried his face in my chest crying. "I-I don't see how y-you can like a-a broken l-loser like m-me." He said. I put my hand under his chin and made him look up at me. I wiped his tears away. "You are not a play thing. You're the furthest thing from boring, each day with you has been filled with something new happening, you always take me by surprise. You're the most beautiful person to ever walk this earth and no man nor woman can even come close to your beauty." I said. "And I don't like you Katsuki........I fucking love you." I said. "And I'll make sure you see that." I added.
      I leaned down and kissed him. The kiss was meant to be short and sweet, but it quickly turned hot and heated. He turned to face me, got on his knees, and tangled his fingers in my hair. I put mine on his hips and licked his lip, he opened his mouth just enough for my tongue to slide in. He started sucking on my tongue and my hands trailed down to his thighs. "Toya.." He whispered between kisses. I broke the kiss and made my way to the sweet spot below his ear. "You're beautiful." I whispered and kissed it. "You're intelligent." Another kiss. With each kiss and every compliment I gave him he shuddered. He tilted his head to the side so that I had more access. I started sucking on it. He squeezed his thighs on my legs. I groaned and bit him, he moaned and arched his back a bit. "I love that sound." I whispered and kissed down to the top of his collarbone, or rather tie. I'm not asking him to remove a single piece of his clothing, however if he wants me to remove mine then I will. He slid his hand under my jacket and untucked my shirt.

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