Not a very good day!

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Chapter 1.

Winter season was going on. Fifth years were all in their warm common rooms because of the chilly weather in the castle. As usual in the Gryffindor common room, Ron, Hermione and Harry were sitting together. Ron and Harry were chatting about Quidditch practices and as expected Hermione was completing her homework. Ginny was also with Hermione. Hermione even though helped Ginny with certain things, Ginny wasn't able to concentrate and frustrated she gave up. As it was getting darker, Hermione went upstairs to the girl's dormitory. Meanwhile, Harry, Ron and Ginny talked about Quidditch. Soon the common room got deserted and it was getting more darker and darker outside. Soon they also went to their respective dormitories because they have classes tomorrow.
The next morning was warm and pleasant. Harry, Ron and Hermione went to the Great Hall together. The Great Hall was already buzzing with the talkings of other students. They had their breakfast and got up to leave the Hall and go to their first class which was Transfiguration. While leaving the Hall, at the entrance, Draco with Crabbe and Goyle blocked their way and Draco smirked and said, "Weasel! How's your mudblood girlfriend?!" His mates laughed. Harry and Ron had just taken out their wands to hex Draco when Hermione stopped them, came closer to Draco, stared right into his grey eyes and Thud! punched Draco on his face. Harry and Ron roared with laughter and Hermione marched away. On her way, Harry and Ron kept praising her. Meanwhile, Draco was burning with anger. Even though he didn't get much hurt but he desired revenge. He kept on thinking about Hermione. 'How dare that mudblood touched me!'
On the other hand, Hermione's Transfiguration class was going well.
Draco kept on wondering about Hermione. He suddenly remembered the moment when she stared right into his eyes. He has to admit that he felt a weird sensation. Finally he decided to concentrate on something else. But he couldn't. His mind kept on picturing bushy hair, dark brown eyes, freckles. After sometime he succeeded in distracting himself.
Transfiguration, when ended, Hermione checked the schedule and found out that they have Potions with the Slytherins. Harry and Ron both groaned. They hated Potions and on top of that with the Slytherins.
They, when reached Snape's dungeon, found the Slytherins already gathered. Hermione suddenly remembered Draco. It was the best feeling for Hermione but she knew that Draco will seek revenge. She tried to locate Draco and saw his perfect blond hair along with two humongous figures of Crabbe and Goyle. Soon they settled themselves in the dungeon when Snape came. Snape wrote the ingredients on the board first and said, "I will pair up Slytherins with Gryffindors and ten points from Gryffindor for their annoyed faces." 'that's not fair' thought Hermione. Snape first paired Harry with Draco with a smirk on his face but soon changed his mind and paired Harry with Crabbe and Ron with Pansy. Finally he paired Hermione with Draco. Both shouted at the same time, "NO WAY!"
"Ten points from Gryffindor for shouting." announced Snape.
"Malfoy too shouted!" said Harry irritated.
"Another twenty points for arguing!"
Seeing no other options Hermione went over to Draco's table. They didn't even looked at each other's faces. They straight away tried to ignore each other. Finally Snape gave them the sign to start and Hermione spoke," Listen Malfoy! I know you want to take revenge but please not now. This is very important for me."
"As if I care Granger!" said Draco.
Hermione started to work on her own and Draco was least bothered. He just stared at Hermione who was working diligently. He soon forgot his rage and desire for revenge. He just admired her. The way she was working with smoothness and how her hair covered her face and the way she removed it and tucked it behind her ears. While working, Hermione accidentally had cut her finger and it was bleeding lightly. Suddenly Draco felt a sudden urge to help her and he started to take few ingredients from her. While exchanging, their fingers touched and Draco felt the same weird sensation. They both started working and everything was going really good. They were the first pair to finish this tedious work. At the end Hermione smiled at Draco and he just stared at her. Draco then, started pouring the potion in a thin glass tube but while pouring it he accidentally poured the potion on Hermione's hands and it started burning. She screamed at Draco, "Why don't you listen to me. I said this was important for me!"
Saying this she ran towards the Hospital Wing.
Draco just sat their aghast. He was stunned as if he was petrified.

Author's note-

So, this is the first chapter. I know there is not much of Draco and Hermione but this was just an introduction. I will update more chapters very soon. I swear that you will love the story. Thank you for reading!

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