Want to but how?

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Chapter 12.
Hermione was in her common room when suddenly an owl came fluttering towards her through the open window. She was excited about the letter. She thought it was from Blaise. She, when took the letter out, she was awestruck to see the sender's name. One name sent chills down her spine. She couldn't believe it. She anxiously opened it.

Dear Hermione,
Missing me so much right? Okay sorry! No jokes right now. I'm currently in Durmstrang and the reason I will tell you when we will meet. You must be shocked now but this weekend meet me at Hogsmeade. Blaise will be there with you. I will let Blaise know the place. I know it's a bit of a risk but I'll be seeing you so it will be worth risking. Sorry for leaving. I miss you and I hope you do too. I hope to meet you soon.
Yours friend,

Hermione almost had tears in her eyes. She was really bewildered and wondered the reason behind Draco's sudden leaving Hogwarts. But on the other hand, she was excited to meet him on this weekend. She just couldn't wait. Weekend was five days far. She wanted these five days to get over within a blink. But then a thought crossed her mind. 'Wait a second... Durmstrang is literally in somewhere between Western Russia and Northern Europe. It's too far. How's he gonna come!' This thought worried Hermione. This was not possible at all.
On the other hand,
Draco was anxious too. He had already asked Hermione to meet him but he was aware about the distance between them. He didn't have enough time. He has to think something. He gave a lot of thinking to it. He couldn't think of any ideas. Finally he gave up for that day and decided to think about it the next day.
Next day, Hermione was very apprehensive. She knew about the risks. She didn't want Draco to fall in trouble because of her. She decided to write to him. After her lunch, she went to the common room to write. Once she was satisfied with it, she went to the owlery to send it. Rest of the day went boring for Hermione.
Next noon,
Draco was in his private room as they had no classes. He was staring out of the window. He noticed a brown speck far away. When it came nearer, he felt butterflies in his stomach. He knew who sent it. He quickly opened the letter and began reading it.

Firstly, I want to kill Blaise for telling you everything and then secondly you for not telling me anything. Ok sorry! No jokes right now! Though I'm dead serious about killing you. And have you lost your mind?! You are fucking miles away from me. How are you gonna come? Draco I know you love doing stupid things but seriously this!! Please tell me about your plan. I'm getting anxious.
Ps- yes I miss you idiot.
Your friend/killer,

Draco was laughing like a mad seeing the letter. This is what he loved about her. He could feel the variety of emotions in this letter. He loved teasing her. But he then realized that she actually had a point. He still had no idea. He had left Hogwarts but still he was a Slytherin. He will be a one always! And he can do anything to achieve his goal. This thought made him proud. He kept on thinking. Finally an idea popped in his mind. 'What about apparition? I have learnt that few months ago.. but it's too far. It's not safe....' he thought sadly.
'Wait a second... I fly pretty good. I could go via broomstick. But again the fucking distance between us! I don't know how much time it might take?' his thoughts battled. He gave a lot of pressure in his brain. He couldn't come up with any idea. Next day, Draco was in one of his class and the professor was teaching something regarding fire. He was least interested. He always sat at the back and looked outside the window in hope of seeing Hermione. Suddenly there was a loud noise and his attention came back to the class. He saw the professor doing some weird spells with the fire to attack the enemy. He yawned and turned back his attention to the window. Suddenly an idea popped in his mind. He was so exhilarated. The idea was perfect. 'Yes! Finally!' he thought. He just waited impatiently for lunch so that he could write to Hermione.
Next night, Hermione was studying in the common room alone. She was waiting for Draco's letter. Just one day was left before weekend started. As she was thinking about these, an owl came fluttering to her dropping the letter. She sighed with relief and opened the letter.

Dear Hermione,
You are so eager that you can't even wait till the weekend(I'm smirking). Ok ok. But you forgot the point that I'm a Slytherin and we Slytherins are cunning and can do anything to achieve our goals. No need to worry Granger! I know you can't resist my charm and the distance but a little more wait just. Stay safe till then.
Your very hot friend/ a freaking Slytherin,

'Bloody Git!' Hermione thought to herself and laughed. She couldn't wait anymore.
On the other hand Blaise has also received a letter.

Firstly thank you mate for telling me something bright in my dull times. By the way, I'm visiting you and Granger this weekend in Hogsmeade. I know it's practically impossible but you know I'm a Slytherin and we can do anything. I have a plan but I need your help. You must be remembering Shrieking Shack. Oh of course you do! You know we are the only ones knowing the secret of Whomping Willow and Shrieking Shack! All thanks to me! Make sure to be in the Shrieking Shack with Granger and light the fireplace there(I had already informed her). See you soon!
Your very clever friend,

Blaise smirked. He knew exactly what Draco was talking about and he must admit that it is indeed a clever plan.
A night before Hogsmeade visit,
Draco decided to pretend that he's sick. The good thing about Durmstrang's infirmary is that the nurse didn't care about any sick students. Draco realized this when he went for the first time there to get a headache relief potion but to his surprise, the nurse just threw the bottle at him to catch and went to her room. She didn't even check him like Madam Pomfrey. That was ridiculous. But now he was grateful for this behavior. Before going to the infirmary, he had one job to complete. That was to steal the floo powder. He completed it and went there at night. To his expectation, the nurse just gave him the bed and went off with her own business. He smirked. The next day will be in his favour.

Author's Note,
Finally some hope. Hehe! I guess the next chapter will be the last maybe! I don't know! I hope you enjoyed reading this. Thank you very much!

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