The Ball

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Chapter 9.
Soon the day for which some were excited while some were nervous arrived. Today was the day for the Ball. In the Great Hall, there were more murmurings than usual. Hermione was awful this day. On the other hand, Harry and Ginny were very happy. Ron was happy too.They noticed Hermione. Ginny asked her, "What happened Hermione? Aren't you excited?"

Hermione didn't answer.

"Hermione?" said Harry.

"Oh.... what?" asked Hermione.

"Is everything fine?" asked Ron.

"Of course!" lied Hermione.

"Oh Hermione! Don't lie to us at least!" said Ginny.

"Yes Hermione! You can trust us!" said Ron.

"Fine I will tell you but please don't get angry!" Said Hermione. She trusted her friends and thought that she should not hide anything from them at least.

"Well I have fallen for Malfoy and I know you all must be thinking how stupid I am but trust me he is not like that once you get to know him! and.." She was cut by Harry,

"Oh calm down Hermione! We already knew this and yes! he is a git but we all trust you so it's fine!" 

"Really!! I mean how? Does anyone else know this too?" asked Hermione. She was panic stricken.

"Because its pretty obvious! Everyone knows that you and Malfoy were in the Hospital Wing together without any arguments and secondly the news that Malfoy hexed Parkinson because of you had spread like a wildfire." said Ron.

"Besides we have seen you and Malfoy both staring at each other!" said Ginny.

"WOW! Guys!" said Hermione astonished.

"Now tell us fast!" three of them said together.

"OK!OK!" said Hermione and explained them everything which has happened in the past two days.

"That git!" said Ron.

"Yeah! But Hermione you should not be sad because of HIM! Enjoy this Ball. We are with you!" said Ginny.

"But don't think that we will like Malfoy too because you fancy him! He is still a bastard for me!" joked Harry. This made Hermione laugh and she made a decision that she is gonna enjoy this day to the fullest!

While on the Slytherins table, Draco was gloomy. He glanced over Hermione and saw her smiling and happy with her group. He sighed. He was siting with Blaise, far away from Pansy. Blaise noticed this.

"What's wrong mate?" asked Blaise.

"I have already told" said Draco.

"WOAH! You are still upset over Granger!" said Blaise.

"No! extremely angry on myself and of course on filthy Parkinson!" said Draco.

"Wait a second! What are you talking about?" asked Blaise confused.

Draco explained him yesterday's events.

"Just prove yourself to Granger! I am sure she is gonna check you out in the Ball and of course if she doesn't see you with Pansy, she will get curious and now use your own goddamn brain, stupid!" said Blaise.

"Mate sometimes your brain does work!" joked Draco.

"Well I expected some generosity but how can I forget that you have 0 of that!" said Blaise rolling his eyes.

"Shut your smart mouth before I punch you."said Draco smirking.

"Wait! Did you just call me smart!" said Blaise smirking.

Draco rolled his eyes and looked over Hermione. She too looked at him at the same time. This time Draco did not look away and smiled at Hermione trying to say 'HI'. Although this was enough for Hermione to make her heart melt, she rolled her eyes and turned away.

'Bloody hot' thought Draco.

As the students had Ball today, they didn't have any classes. Hermione went to the library to utilize this time and her three friends went outside to play Quidditch. Hermione took her seat and started reading a book. Draco knew Hermione too well so he also went to the library. He spotted Hermione and went beside her.

"Granger?" said Draco. No response.

"Granger!" again said Draco but again nothing.

"Hermione!" said Draco once again but as calmly as possible. This time Hermione responded.

"What is it Malfoy!" asked Hermione trying to act annoyed.

"Well I didn't know that you only respond to 'Hermione'." smirked Draco. Hermione kept her book down and leaned towards Draco, which made his heart race fast.

"Draco Malfoy! I am very busy, unlike you. So, if you have a little common sense, which I doubt, please do a favor and leave me alone!" said Hermione as politely as she can and moved away from him again reading her book. This time Draco leaned forwards which made Hermione's heart go crazy.

"Hermione Granger! I do have a descent amount of common sense, like everyone except YOU! Because I just wanted some help in studies, which again prove your first point wrong. Now please help me with the potion essay." said Draco smirking.

"Why me Draco? Go to your Pansy and ask her!" said Hermione.

"So much jealousy Granger! and anyways I am not taking Parkinson to the Ball!" said Draco.

"As if I will believe you and thank you for wasting my time.The only thing you are good at!" said Hermione and left the library. Draco tried to follow her but she was way too fast and hard to catch up with. Draco just sighed and went to his common room.

Soon it was the time for the Ball to begin. The dress code was simple yet elegant. Hermione was wearing a black short dress which looked beautiful on her. Her hair was open and styled. (Hermione's dress👇)

Draco was wearing a white shirt with black pants and a black coat to go with

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Draco was wearing a white shirt with black pants and a black coat to go with. He looked perfect too.

Hermione along with Ron and Ginny with Harry went to the Great Hall. The Great Hall was looking beguiling. It was looking so beautiful and all the food were arranged in a table at the end. Everything was perfect. Of course the first thing she looked for was Draco and she found him. He was breathtaking for Hermione. She blushed heavily and looked away. Draco still had not seen Hermione because he was talking with Blaise. Hermione did notice that he was alone and Pansy was no where to be seen. This made her curious.

Author's Note-
I'm so grateful that I crossed over 150 views. I know it's not much but this is my first time publishing something anywhere and it's really great for me. Thank you so much, my readers. All of this is because of you all.❤️

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