Draco Made The Mistake Twice

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Chapter 8.
Hermione wanted to follow Draco and call him but something held her back. Draco straight away went to his common room and tried to process everything which just happened right now. 'Why I am so dumb. Obviously Hermione wants to go out with maybe that red headed Weasel and why on earth I thought that she might say yes to me. Stupid you!' He thought this bitterly. Then he just buried his face in his palms and took a deep breath. He just tried to shove off the thought. He just wanted to forget that mortifying moment. He needed to come up with an excuse to cover up his actions. Although he loves her (YES LOVE!) but he is still a Malfoy and he just couldn't face her like this. So he made up his mind and decided to ask Pansy out in front of Hermione. He thought, 'Anyways Granger fancies Weasel and I need to forget her but I....I just can't! Why this is causing me so much pain! Granger surely have something in her!' He straight away went to his dormitory and tried to fall asleep. 

Hermione went to her dormitory and thought, 'Maybe I'll tell him tomorrow!'. She was really happy and just could not believe this. Only one thing made her a little sad that why Draco left like that.Is he really that sad? She sighed and went off to sleep.

Next day-

Hermione with her friends went to the Great Hall. The first thing she noticed there that Draco was siting with Pansy. 'Stupid Pansy!!' thought Hermione. Draco looked at her and their eyes locked on each other. Draco felt terrible doing this but anyways he smirked at her and held Pansy's hands and looked away. Hermione just could not bear it. She too looked away and felt jealous. She tried to stop looking over at Draco and concentrated on her breakfast. However, Draco kept glancing over her to see whether she is looking or not but she was already smarter than him and to Draco's amusement, Hermione didn't even looked at him once. After breakfast,Hermione straight away went to her next class.

After a terrible day, Hermione decided to go to the library to read some books. She still had not forgot about today's morning and just felt terrible every time it replayed in her mind. 'Why I'm so jealous? I only like him and that's all! OK maybe I like him a lot! OK OK! I do love him but what is wrong with him. UGGH! I want to just hex Pansy and Draco both!' thought Hermione and started reading a book. 

Meanwhile,during dinner Pansy was irritating Draco because in the morning Draco just told Pansy that he still has not got a partner and he just mentioned that he might ask her. Draco now thought about going to the library because if he goes to his common room then he has to face Pansy. Draco has actually made up his mind that he might not ask Pansy because Pansy might become serious about it and he surely doesn't want that to happen. So, he was still unsure. Anyways when he reached the library, he saw Hermione reading. Hermione looked at him but ignored him. Draco somehow went up to her and awkwardly said, "Hi! Granger."

"Hi Malfoy!" said Hermione easily.

Draco sat beside Hermione and started reading a random book. Hermione really wanted to ask about today. With the help of her Gryffindor courage, she started the conversation,

"Well so you are taking Parkinson to the ball!? Smart move Malfoy!" She tried to joke about the situation but inside she was burning with rage. Malfoy was amused and he smirked.

"Are you jealous Granger?" He asked smirking.

"Of course not you git! Why on earth I would be jealous?" Hermione lied.

"Sure Granger! As if I believe you!" Draco joked.

"Well I'm just curious! Yesterday you asked me and today you might have asked her! That's just quite fast!" said Hermione. This made Draco blush heavily. Hermione noticed this and silently laughed to herself.

"I.... I didn't ask Parkinson. I was just talking with her." said Draco. Hermione felt relieved hearing this and she decided to tell the truth to him.

"Well Mal..Draco I want to say something. Actually Ron asked me but not because he fancies me or something but to get rid of Lavender. And I would love to go with you but I can't betray him. He is my best friend after all!" said Hermione without even stopping for a second. Draco felt so happy that he wanted to scream and hug Hermione tightly but still he kept a staright face, suppressing his happiness and joy. He was about to say something when he heard an annoying voice,

"Drakiee! You asked me to the ball not her! Come here and spend time with me!" Pansy shouted.

Hermione was shocked. She was numb and so was Draco. He cursed Pansy so much in his mind. Hermione felt betrayed and ran out of the library with her things. Draco grabbed her wrist and tried to stop her.

"Draco..... You lied to me!" Hermione said. This was enough for Draco to become fully numb and he let go of the girl he loved. Hermione left and went to her dormitory. Pansy was smirking. Draco turned to Pansy.

"LEAVE ME ALONE PARKINSON! I WOULD NEVER WANT TO GO WITH YOU!" Draco shouted and stormed out of the library.

One side, Hermione was sad and the other side Draco was angry on himself that how could he mess up everything for the second time.

Author's Note-

Hi guys! Thanks for reading ! I hope you liked it. By the way, my best friend is also on Wattpad now. Please do check her account- armita_0. You will surely like her work.

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