It's beginning!

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Chapter 4.
Draco woke up. It was weekend. This week was really weird for Draco. Firstly, he couldn't lie to himself but yes! he dreamt about Hermione. It was a good dream. But he knew the hard truth that it would never happen in real. Hermione and he can never be best friends. Even though, he would not mind it but he was not sure about Hermione. Maybe it can happen. This thought made him smile. He wore his Slytherin robes (duh!) and went straight to the Hospital Wing instead of Great Hall because, of course who gives a Damn about food when they like someone!(😂jk!! Sorry).
Reaching the Hospital Wing, he saw that the door was ajar and he saw that Harry and Ron were already there. Obviously he wouldn't go in front of them so he just turned away and left cursing Harry and Ron. 'Seriously that Potter and Weasley are a headache... Blocking my way... Not a very good manner Potter and Weasle!!' thought Draco.
Hermione actually caught a glimpse of blonde hair and knew who it was. She smiled to herself. One single glance made her day. Unlike Hermione, Draco was irritated. He went to the Great Hall and sat beside Blaise. Pansy came and said in a very girlish tone, "Oh my Drakie is sad. Why is that so may I ask."
"NO! Shut up." Said Draco, really heated up. He ate and went to the Quidditch field, took out his broom and set off to the sky, letting the fresh air cool him down. He was just zooming really fast.
On the other hand, Hermione insisted Madam Pomfrey to let her go for a walk. After a lot of begging, Madam Pomfrey agreed and Hermione happily went out. At first she thought of going to her common room but thought, 'Nah!! Too much questions will be asked.' Finally she decided to go to the Quidditch field to take a walk and in a hope to find Ron and Harry. She when reached the field, someone just zoomed past her head. She felt chills down her spine. She shouted, "Malfoy you almost killed me!"
"Like I care Granger!" Snapped Malfoy.
No sooner did he say this than he crashed on the ground. Hermione ran towards him and offered him a hand, trying hard to suppress her laugh. Draco ignored her. "C'mon Malfoy! I know you need help and more specifically my help!" Said Hermione.
Draco took her hand and said, "Don't think that I'm thankful to you.. I just don't have any other option."
Hermione laughed and said, "Your welcome Malfoy." Draco somehow suppressed his laugh. Hermione then helped him to get up and allowed him to transfer his weight to her. He was not that heavy according to Hermione. They went to the Hospital Wing together. Hermione explained everything to Madam Pomfrey and she went to her bed. Luckily, Draco got the bed beside Hermione's. (Duh! or how else they would get close..😂 this time not kidding!!.. oops).
Draco had sprained his ankle. His injured foot was bandaged and he was advised to stay here till Madam Pomfrey allowed him to go.
After the bandage procedure, Hermione out of the corner of her eyes saw Draco looking at his foot. She awkwardly began, "Errr.. I wonder who brought the rose to me!"
"Maybe some stupid admirer of yours." Said Draco.
"Then he must be really stupid to give a mudblood a rose!" Hermione smiled.
This made Draco blush heavily. He was really embarrassed. Hermione chuckled and said, "Look! I made Malfoy blush."
"Li...list..listen, I...I didn't you the ro..rose. Some..someone ask..asked me to give to!" Stammered Draco. This made Hermione laugh heartily.
"Whhh...what?" Draco asked.
"Thh..thank Mal... Malf.... Malfoy!" Mocked Hermione and laughed. Then she winked at him.
'Bloody hell! Did she winked at me!' thought Draco.
"Listen I know that I have given it to you but I regret it." Lied Draco.
"Oh is that so.. still I'm thankful... I never thought that we would talk. Of course I hated you but you are actually good. I like your company."
This made Draco smile. He just felt so good. "I'm glad that I can say the same." Said Draco.
"Oh! same arrogant Draco." Said Hermione and very quickly realized what she had said and blushed heavily.
"So this is the second time. Are we on first name basis?"said Draco. 'Please say yes! Please say yes!' thought Draco.
"Ummm..okay... I don't have any problem with that and after all your name is not cursed." Said Hermione.
Draco giggled and said, "My name is very safe Grang.. sorry Hermione... Sorry but I must say that your name is really weird."
"And you know what?? Your name sounds like a freaking dracula's name." Joked Hermione.
"What's a dracula?" Asked Draco innocently.
"Your ass!" Said Hermione irritated.
"Hey! You can't say that. My name is really sexy." Said Draco but he didn't feel bad about Hermione's comment.
After this they talked freely with each other.

Author's note-
Finally a little long chapter! I hope you all liked it. And sorry about my lame comments in the middle even though I found it funny. Yeah I'm a weirdo!! Can't help it. Anyways the 'spark' for which we are waiting will happen maybe in the next chapter. Finallyyyyy!! 😂😂😂 Thank you!

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