Messed up!

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Chapter 7.
"Good morning. I want to announce that this weekend we are organizing a ball for the fifth and sixth years and everyone needs to come with a partner who can be in any year. With this much said begin with your breakfast!" Announced Dumbledore.
Everyone had mixed emotions. Some were happy and some were sad because of the partner thing. Ron, Harry and Hermione made weird faces. Although Harry wanted to ask Ginny but still he was unsure while Ron had some other plans. He knew exactly whom he's gonna ask. Hermione was freaked out. She glanced over the Slytherins table and saw Draco smirking and of course Pansy was beside him along with Blaise. Hermione quickly looked somewhere else as she was sad because she assumed that Draco will ask Pansy. She gloomily ate her breakfast. Ron was continuously staring at Hermione and smiled to himself. He asked, "What's wrong Hermione? Need something?"
"Uhh.. no! I'm fine. Just a little tired you know!" Replied Hermione. She finally made up her mind and decided to stay as far from Draco as she could because something in her head was telling her that Draco will ask Pansy only and no one else.
She quickly went to her class and sat. When she had gaps in between , she went to her common room and read a book there so that Draco couldn't find her. She even bumped into Draco but quickly said 'Sorry' and rushed.
"Hermione!!" Draco called.
"Sorry Draco! Too busy!" Hermione replied.
Draco sighed and went to his class.
They, when had same classes, Draco very cleverly sat behind Hermione and kicked her chair. What Hermione did shocked him.
"Excuse me Professor! Malfoy is disturbing. Can I sit somewhere else?" Hermione complained to Professor.
Draco bit his lips in anger and sat their astounded. 'What is wrong with Granger. I want to ask her to the ball.Or else I have to take that idiot Pansy.' Draco thought bitterly.
Draco even used to wait for Hermione in the library but she never showed up. Nothing was going according to the plan. Draco was now worried. He really did want Hermione as his partner and not Pansy. He actually never even considered Pansy romantically. He never had interests in any girl in Hogwarts. But he realized the fact that Hermione was different. Although he never has hated her but he didn't like Ron and Harry at all and for that reason he used to bully Hermione too. From the fourth year he started noticing Hermione. He did find her attractive but at time he tried to shove off all those thoughts. But now he couldn't resist himself.
'Please Granger! Stop torturing me! But you don't know me Granger. I'm a Malfoy and I am not gonna give up easily. Plus I'm the hottest guy and you can't ignore me for long!' thought Draco and smiled to himself.
On the other hand, Ron was with Harry alone and was planning about something.
"You know Harry that Hermione is the only option to get rid of Lavender. And I will never consider her that way but it's just a ball and the only option I have." Explained Ron to Harry.
"What if she falls for you and you can't break her heart you know!" Said Harry.
"I know and I will explain this to her and secondly she will never fall for me because she has already fallen for someone else." Said Ron.
"What!! Who's that?" Asked Harry.
"Draco Malfoy! Have you not seen her in the Great Hall staring at Draco. And they were even in the Hospital Wing together. Something must have happened between them." Said Ron.
"Wow! That's great. Our best friend has fallen for the boy who wants to kill us. That's great!" Laughed Harry.
"But I totally support Hermione and I have seen Draco has changed too. He even hexed Pansy because she called Hermione a mudblood. I guess Draco has fallen for our best friend too!" Said Ron.
"Well okay! I don't mind it either! But now the problem is how the heck I will ask Ginny out. I really love her!" Said Harry.
"Oh no! I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry mate!" Said Harry.
"I'm kidding! Ginny loves you too. I secretly heard her convos with her friends. Go ask her out mate!" Said Ron.
"You know I love you and want to kill you at the same time now." Said Harry.
Like this they continued joking.
Next morning, Hermione and Ron were laughing about something in the Great Hall and on the other side Draco was burning inside. He said to Blaise, "I think Granger is purposely making me jealous. I will ask her today itself only."
Blaise laughed and said, "Go on mate! I'm with you!" Draco just waited for dinner because after dinner he will ask Hermione. Soon after a tedious day, everyone had dinner and while Hermione was leaving the Great Hall, Blaise came and handed over a note to her. She became curious and opened the note. It read, 'Meet me in the Quidditch pitch right now. Please!'
She was suspicious and informed Harry and Ron and went to the pitch. It was dark and windy outside. Suddenly someone zoomed past her. It was Draco. "Really Draco.You attempted to kill me for the second time!" Joked Hermione.
"Sorry for that Hermione." Said Draco.
"Why have you called me here?" Asked Hermione.
Draco didn't answer. He came down and held Hermione's hands and took her to the changing room. Hermione was awestruck. She felt shivers but liked the feeling.
"Granger I know it will sound weird and really creepy and you might even kill me now but I don't know why but I want you as my partner in the Ball. Since we were in the Wing I really started liking you and of course your company. And yes I can't think of any other girl in your place. Please Hermione Jean Granger be my partner for the Ball and maybe... You know what I mean!" Said Draco still holding her hand staring right into her eyes. Hermione was totally shocked. She in her dreams never imagined that Draco apparently her crush now, will ask her. She was overwhelmed. She wanted to scream 'YES' but she squeezed Draco's hands and said,
"Sorry Draco! Someone has already asked me and I really can't betray him. Am really sorry but I want to tell you some.." Hermione couldn't finish her sentence because Draco already stood up stormed out without looking behind. He was heartbroken.

Author's note-
I'm so so sorry my dear readers that I'm uploading so late. TBH I was feeling lazy and yes I will accept that I totally forgot about this. I'm really sorry. Anyways I know this chapter is a little sad for us(Dramione shippers) but trust me the ending is a happy one so you can relax. Anyways thank you for reading🖤🖤.

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