The Malfoy Manor

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Chapter 14.
"Calm down Hermione! We should go to the Malfoy Manor." Said Harry.
"How are we supposed to do that?" Asked Ron.
"Umm... Dobby! Dobby can apparate us to there." Said Harry.
"But we need to be cautious. He is Lucius Malfoy! He could do anything." Said Hermione.
"What about Harry's invisibility cloak? We can use that!" Said Ron.
"Oh yes! But it's in my dormitory." Replied Harry.
They knew that they can't apparate to the dormitory and going there would take so much time.
"Dobby can apparate there! He can bring the cloak!" Said Ginny.
"Dobby can you please bring my invisibility cloak from the Gryffindor's boys dormitory?" Asked Harry.
"Dobby can do anything for Harry Potter." Squeaked the house elf and disappeared. After a few seconds with a pop, Dobby appeared.
"Gin! You have to stay here in case any professor finds out about us and if we are late inform any one you could" Said Hermione.
"Sure Hermione. Take care you all!" Said Ginny and smiled.

Meanwhile in the Malfoy Manor,
"Father..." Said Draco, his voice slowly trailing off.
"Draco why are you here?" Asked his father very calmly. Draco remained quiet for a moment. He was still scared but then he remembered Hermione's words. He gulped and said, "I..I don't to go to Durmstrang." Said Draco as firmly as he could.
"And why is that so may I ask?" Asked Lucius.
Draco stared at his father. His mother was shocked. She actually didn't know about Draco's feelings unlike his father. Lucius has earlier told Narcissa that he wants Draco to leave Hogwarts because his friend Igor requested and he couldn't deny. Draco was still silent. Finally he managed to speak, "Because ....... I don't..don't like it there and...." He couldn't continue. His father laughed.
"I am sure that there is another reason as well right Draco?" Asked his father.
"" Said Draco.
"What is that?" Asked Lucius.
"Granger...." Said Draco.
"What does he mean?" Asked Narcissa.
"DRACO ELABORATE!" Lucius shouted.
"It's because I'm in with Hermione Granger. I don't want stay aw..away from her!" Said Draco lowering his gaze. His hands were closed in a tight fist.
"Lucius what is he saying.. Isn't Granger is the muggleborn one?" Asked Narcissa shocked.
"YES! The MUDBLOOD! Our son, a Malfoy is in love with a Mudblood! What a disgrace!" Said Lucius. Narcissa kept quiet because she knew Lucius's temper but she didn't agree with him. She was happy for Draco. She wanted to help Draco.
"I DON'T WANT TO GO TO DURMSTARNG! YOU CAN'T FORCE ME!" Draco suddenly shouted. He was full of rage.
"CRUCIO!" His father yelled back. Draco screamed with pain. Narcissa ran towards him. "What are you doing? He is our own son!" Said Narcissa.
"Every blood traitor deserves this! Crucio!" Said his father. Draco again yelled with pain. It was this time when Dobby was called to Hogsmeade.

Harry, Ron and Hermione held onto Dobby and with a pop disappeared. They all apparated to the second floor of the Malfoy Manor.
"Thanks Dobby!" Hermione whispered. The three of them were inside the invisibility cloak. They were startled when someone suddenly shouted, "CRUCIO!". It was Lucius Malfoy. He was indeed torturing Draco. He was yelling in  pain. Hermione clutched Ron's arm tightly. Every pain which Draco was going through, she could feel. Tears were rolling out her eyes but she controlled them.
"We should hurry." Whispered Harry.
They were still under the invisibility cloak. They were slowly coming downstairs.
Someone yelled, "Expelliarmus!". Lucius's wand flew from his hand and it came to Harry. Draco was astounded. He couldn't see anyone. Suddenly he saw Hermione , Ron and Harry appear. He was confused because there's no way that they could have entered here without being noticed. Draco didn't know about the cloak.  Lucius was wand-less now and powerless.
"Leave Malfoy alone!" Shouted Harry.
"Potter! It's none of your business!" Said Lucius.
"You are powerless Lucius.. you can't do anything!" Said Ron. Hermione ran to Draco where he was lying in pain. She whispered to him, "Oh no... Are you okay? I'm so sorry ... Draco." She held his hands and tried to help him. Draco was too weak to speak. Suddenly Lucius took Narcissa's wand from her hands and yelled, "Expelliarmus" directing his wand towards Harry but as he was using someone else's wand, it didn't work properly. Instead of Harry's, Rons's wand flew towards Lucius. Then Lucius without even giving them a moment to think shouted, "Petrificus Totalus!" To Harry who froze.
"You all filthy kids! What do you think of yourselves!" Said Lucius and laughed. Hermione yelled, "Stupefy" but unfortunately Lucius was ready and he dodged Hermione's spell.
"You filthy Mudblood!" He spat and yelled, "Crucio". Hermione too screamed with pain.
"NO!!" Ron screamed.
"Stupefy!" Said Lucius. Ron too fell down. All of them were almost defeated. Lucius laughed. Narcissa couldn't do anything. He once again yelled at Hermione, "Crucio!"  She was in pain. Lucius took Hermione's wand as well as Harry's wand. Now it seemed like they were defeated. There was no other way. The trio was powerless.
"Crucio!" He yelled at Hermione again. He blamed Hermione for everything. She screamed again. It was unbearable for Draco and Ron and Harry. They wanted to hex Lucius but they were powerless.
It was most difficult for Draco. He was very weak but still for Hermione he tried his best to take his wand and yelled, "Confundo!" He was way too weak and Lucius easily dodged it. He turned towards Draco and Hermione and said, "You filthy Mudblood. This is all your fault. You don't deserve to live. You should be thrown out of this world. You ruined our son. I can easily kill you and Obliviate all of you!" And with this much said he yelled, "Avada Ked..." but couldn't complete because someone has yelled, "Expelliarmus" and it was Ginny and Narcissa's wand flew towards her. Behind her was Professor Lupin. "Stupefy!" Lupin said. Ginny rushed to Lucius and took all the remaining wands. "Who's the loser now Lucius!" Ginny smirked.
" The minister of magic is here with us and he saw your attempt to perform the killing curse." Said Lupin.
Kingsley Shacklebolt appeared from the behind. He said, "You will be punished Mr.Malfoy as you have attempted to kill an innocent and used the Cruciatus curse more than once."
Harry and Ron were okay but Draco and Hermione were the weakest. They were almost unconscious. They were soon taken to St.Mungos. Narcissa too went with them.
At St.Mungos,
Hermione woke up and saw all around her. She realized that she was lying in a bed. Suddenly she said, "Draco... Where's he? Is he alright?"
"No need to worry Ms.Granger. He's fine. Let me call your friends" said the healer.
"Hermione... How are you feeling?" Asked Ginny.
"I'm okay! Is Draco all right?" Asked Hermione again.
"He is okay but he's still not conscious." Said Ron.
"What... I must go to him." Said Hermione and started getting up.
"No Hermione! He will be fine." Said Harry assuring her.
She sighed. Someone then coughed behind them. It was Narcissa. "May I talk to Ms.Granger alone for a moment." She asked.
Of course they didn't trust Narcissa. "Why dont you talk in front of us!" Said Ron.
"Dont worry. I will never harm her. I'm not like Lucius." She said. Everyone looked at Hermione and she nodded. They all left leaving Narcissa alone with Hermione.
"I'm sorry Ms.Granger for Lucius's deeds. I want to thank you for saving Draco's life." Narcissa smiled.
"Please call me Hermione and I didn't save him. It was our love which saved us." Hermione smiled too.
"Hermione! What a beautiful name just like you.. I'm glad Draco chose you." Narcissa said. Hermione blushed and smiled at her.
"Is Draco all right?" Asked Hermione.
"He is still asleep... You can see him" said Narcissa. Hermione started to get up and with the help of Narcissa, she went to Draco's bed. He was looking peaceful. Narcissa left the two alone. Hermione sat beside him and held his hand. "Draco please wake up! Now everything's fine. Please...." She started crying. Draco was slowly fluttering his eyes. He opened them and saw Hermione. He smiled and said, "Hermione!". Hermione quickly looked at him and asked, "How are you feeling Draco?"
"I feel grand!" Draco smiled. They stared at each other. It was like two hearts were speaking. Without speaking, thousands of words were already spoken. Their emotions were enough!

Author's Note-
Not the last chapter ;). I guess the next one would be. I hope you liked it. Thank you so much for reading. The Malfoy Manor scene is inspired from the book. Hope you don't mind it. Thanks once again! (Remaining explanation about the ministry's arrival will be made clear in the next chapter)

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