Too Much Sparks!

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Chapter 6.
Next morning, Draco woke up and saw Hermione's bed empty again. He sighed and tried to get up from his bed but suddenly someone said, "Mr.Malfoy where are you going?" It was Madam Pomfrey.
"Just checking the pain in my ankle.... By the way, have you seen Granger?" Draco nervously asked.
Madam Pomfrey was shocked to hear that but said, "Her hand has healed so I discharged her and now it's almost time for breakfast so she might be in the Great Hall, Mr.Malfoy."
"Ok thank you!" Said Draco. 'Damn it!' he thought. He really wished to spend more time with Hermione but now this was not possible. He, anyways decided to head towards the Great Hall. He got discharged by Madam Pomfrey and went towards the Great Hall. He straight away went to the Slytherin's table and sat beside Blaise.
"Mate! I heard that you hexed Pansy because of Granger?" Asked Blaise.
"Yeah I did. She called Granger a mudblood." Draco sighed.
"Woah woah! You were the one who started this!" Replied Blaise.
"I know! I know! and I regret it. I really regret it!" Replied Draco, a little frustrated.
"Mate are you falling for Granger? I never even in my dreams could imagine this." Said Blaise.
Draco really did not want his friends to know this but he trusted Blaise. He replied in a whisper, "Okay I accept this but if you tell this to anyone then be ready to face the worst day of your life!!"
Blaise laughed and said, "Cool down mate.. anyways, no one's gonna believe this! Your secret is safe!"
Draco smiled at Blaise. Draco was really grateful to have a friend like him. He, suddenly looked towards the Gryffindor's table and saw Hermione beside Ron. She was laughing and enjoying with her group. Draco already hated Ron and now on top of that the hatred got doubled because he was jealous. He wanted himself in place of Ron. 'I wonder what Granger sees in that red headed Weasel' thought Draco. He kept staring at Hermione until Blaise shakes him and said, "I get it that you are in love with Granger but stop staring at her like a creep. Everyone will get suspicious!"
"I don't care mate." Sighed Draco and continued with his breakfast.
On the other side,
Hermione was laughing with Ron and Ginny when she looked over to the Slytherin's table and saw Draco eating. She continued staring at him when suddenly Draco looked up and caught her and she awkwardly moved her gaze away. 'Oh gosh! I hope he didn't see that!' she thought. She checked the routine and saw that she has DADA class with the Slytherins.
She smiled and again looked towards that table and again got caught by Draco.This time she just froze and looked down. 'Damn it! Hermione stop staring at him!' she ordered herself. After sometime, everyone got up to go to their respective classes. The Gryffindors, when reached the DADA classes saw the Slytherins already there. Professor Lupin then entered and they all sat together. Fortunately, Draco was seated just behind Hermione. He kicked Hermione's chair. Hermione felt shivers and tried to ignore him. Draco again kicked her chair. This time, Hermione moved backwards and whispered, "What now?!"
"Staring at me in the Great Hall and now ignoring me Granger! Not fair!" smirked Draco.
'Shit! He saw that!' thought Hermione.
"Draco why would I stare at you may I ask?" replied Hermione calmly.
"Don't know! Or maybe you have fallen for me!" Smirked Draco but inside he was shaking.
Hermione turned red and smiled to herself. 'Thank God! Draco can't see my face!' she thought.
"Shut up!" Replied Hermione.
"Ms.Granger and Mr.Malfoy please stand up!" Professor Lupin suddenly called out.
They both stood up. "As I was discussing duels, I want Ms.Granger and Mr.Malfoy to duel first." Professor Lupin said.
They both stared at each other and went to the front. Everyone was excited to see them duel. Someone shouted, "Hermione you can do it!"
They both faced each other. "Okay take out your wands." Ordered Lupin.
They both did as instructed. "One.. two... three start!" Said Lupin.
Draco performed a spell which Hermione dodged very easily. Hermione casted a spell which missed Draco by few inches. Like this they continued dueling but it was pretty obvious to everyone that they both were not aiming the spells properly to each other intentionally. Professor Lupin stopped them and said, "Dueling is not about feeling pity for the opponent besides it's a friendly duel so do it properly you both!"
They nodded and began again. This time Hermione took Lupin's words too seriously and she casted a spell which straightaway hit Draco in his chest and he flew backwards. All the Gryffindors stood up clapping and cheering. Professor Lupin silenced them and said, "Excellent Ms.Granger! Twenty points to Gryffindor! And Mr.Malfoy you tried good so ten points to Slytherin. Now Ms.Granger take Mr.Malfoy to the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey will give him a pain relief potion!"
They both silently went together. Hermione, finally broke the silence and said, "I am so sorry Draco. I just don't know what was going through my mind that I hexed you so badly. I am really sorry! Is it hurting?"
Draco suddenly moved his hands towards his chest and moaned with pain dramatically, "Aahh it really hurts!"
Hermione suddenly got closer to Draco and held his hands and said, "I am so sorry. Show me where it hurts."
Draco laughed and said, "Chill Hermione. I'm fine. By the way, that spell was really good!"
"DRACO! It was not funny. You just stopped my heart beat!" Said Hermione. Draco suddenly moved closer to Hermione and started leaning towards her. Hermione gulped hard and stared at him. Draco was just a few inches away when he said, "Granger what about this!? Does this stop your heart beat too?"
Hermione pushed him and giggled. "Unfortunately no Malfoy. You have to try more hard!" Said Hermione.
Then, they went to the Hospital Wing.
Madam Pomfrey gave Draco the potion and they both went back. The day was going really well.

Author's Note-
Hey! Thank You for reading. Next 2-3 chapters will be the last ones. I hope you are enjoying reading this. I really love writing the conversation between them. In the next chapter, Draco will ask out Hermione but we never know what may happen so stay till the end😉! (PS You may take my last words as a warning!)

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