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Chapter 13.
Blaise was waiting for Hermione in front of the main door. 'Why is she taking so much time!' thought Blaise. He was waiting for her from the past five minutes.
For Hermione, it was not easy. Ginny was questioning from the past few minutes.Harry and Ron were waiting for Hermione in the common room.

" Umm sorry guys.. I have other plans." Said Hermione.
"What plans?" Asked Harry.
"Without us?!" Said Ron confused.
"Yeah! I'm going with Blaise." Said Hermione with her cheeks fully red.
"What? Now you are going out with Blaise?" Asked Ron dumbfounded.
"Over with your Drakie poo?" Said Harry suppressing his laugh.
"Oh shut up! Harry. I don't call him these cringy names." Said Hermione rolling her eyes.
As soon as she said this, Ginny was coming downstairs.
"Leave her alone guys! She has got new friends now!" Said Ginny having an evil smile.
"Oh shit! Here we go again!" Said Hermione.
"See I was right! She doesn't want to accept." Said Ginny.
"Ginny! Shut up! No I'm not going out with Blaise. I'm going to meet Malfoy. And secondly, you guys are my only friends. Stop messing up with me Gin! I'll explain later! I'm already running late." Said Hermione and left the Common Room.
"She really needs to sort her priorities!" Said Ron. Ginny punched his arms.
"OUCH! I am kidding!" Said Ron massaging his arm.
Hermione went running to the main doors. She when reached the main doors was almost out of breath.
"Woah Granger! You are very early and um.... You look like someone was chasing you?" Blaise asked with a questioning look.
"Long story... Let's go!" Hermione said.
"Too eager huh?!" Blaise smirked.
Hermione punched Blaise on his arm.
"OUCH! You could have said that" said Blaise.
They went together in silence. They were kind of awkward with each other. Blaise was honestly scared to make any funny comments after Hermione's punch. Hermione had no topics to discuss with Blaise as they were meeting for the first tims. 'I never had so much difficulties with Draco. Why this is so awkward now!' thought Hermione. They finally reached the Whomping Willow. Blaise took out his wand and muttered, "Immobilus" to halt the branches of the Whomping Willow.
"Wow! That spell is clever. Harry and Ron used to stick a long branch to press the knot to stop it you know! " Said Hermione.
"Draco found out this solution. Wait you know the secret about this tree? Asked Blaise.
"Yeah! We do! Professor Lupin told us." Said Hermione.
"Wow! And here Draco and me had to literally face death to find the truth!" Said Blaise. Hermione chuckled. They quickly went upstairs and entered the Shrieking Shack. There was a fireplace. Blaise with his wand quickly lit it up and said, "Now we wait!"
They waited and waited. There was an awkward silence between them.
"So Granger... You fancy Draco huh?!" Smirked Blaise.
"Excuse me!" Hermione said glaring at him with an intense look when the fireplace turned green and Draco came using the floo powder which he had to steal.
Hermione was too busy glaring at Blaise. She didn't notice Draco.
"Oh wow! Now you two are in some staring contest or what?!" Draco said.
They both turned around. Hermione blushed heavily. Her heart started beating fast again.
"How you doing mate?" Asked Blaise and hugged Draco. Hermione just stood there watching them.
"Erm... Hi Granger!" Said Draco. Hermione suddenly came forward and smacked his head.
"OWWW! what the hell Granger?!" Said Draco.
"This was for going away without telling me git!" Said Hermione.
"Awww.. you missed me so much?" Said Draco.
"Oh shut up! Or else I'll punch you this time!" Said Hermione but laughing this time.
"No you wouldn't do that!" Said Draco.
"You never know what might happen next!" Said Hermione.
Draco then came forward and forward towards Hermione. Blaise was starting to feel awkward. 'Did he forgot that I'm still here!' thought Blaise. Draco then stopped right in front of her, piercing her eyes with his stormy grey eyes and said,
"Yes you never know! We could have kissed or we could have killed each other! You are right! One never knows!" Said Draco with a smirk.
Blaise suddenly realised that what might can happen next so he blurted out, "Geez! Draco.. I'm still here!"
"What.. two friends can't even hug each other or what!" Said Draco and hugged Hermione. Hermione was shocked but hugged him back relaxing her body. She felt good. Draco felt good. Two hearts were racing. Draco smiled. Hermione smiled. They were in love! Blaise again broke the silence because the hug was way too long for him.
"Ok fine I get it that you both missed each other terribly but how much long!?" Said Blaise.
Draco rolled his eyes and pulled back. Hermione was just way too awkward to look at any of them.
"Ok let's go to my favourite cafe!" Said Draco and went on with Blaise leaving Hermione alone. She was kind of confused. Checking that Hermione was a little behind, Draco quickly whispered to Blaise, "Leave us alone!"
Blaise laughed. Hermione quickly caught up with them and Draco slowed his pace. They exit the Whomping Willow and head towards Draco's favourite place.
"But Draco... Any of the professor can catch you!" Said Hermione.
"You really call yourself 'The brightest witch of all time'?! There's a reason why I chose that place." Said Draco laughing.
Hermione rolled her eyes. They soon reached a cafe. It was simple. On entering, they found it to be almost empty.
"This is why I love this cafe so much!" Said Draco.
They all took a seat. Hermione sat opposite to Draco while Blaise sat next to him. Draco kicked his feet under the table.
"Ouch!" Said Blaise.
"What happened?" Asked Hermione.
"Oh nothing! I have to go guys. Sorry! I need to meet someone." Said Blaise and left. This left Hermione and Draco alone.
They ordered butterbeer for themselves.
"Gran...Hermione! I need to talk to you about something."
"Yeah! Continue." Said Hermione.
"Remember the Ball and how I left you?" Asked Draco. Suddenly, that terrible moment from the Ball replayed in Hermione's head. She suddenly felt angry.
"Yeah I do." Said Hermione calmly.
"I know you are upset about it...."
"Woah woah! Why would I be upset about that stupid Ball?!" Hermione cut Draco in the middle.
"Hermione don't lie! There's a reason why you called it 'stupid' right now! Because of me. But I don't blame you! I shouldn't have left you like that! You know Pansy is one of my oldest friends. Although she is annoying but she had helped me also through the dark times." Said Draco.
"And by dark times you mean when you couldn't do your essays and all! Am I right? Hermione smirked.
"You are not wrong!" Said Draco smiling.
"Yeah continue!" Said Hermione.
"Well no one really likes her so I had to go to help her because I can't leave my friend like that. But I only see her as a friend and I always will!" Said Draco looking down.
"It's fine Draco.. I understand.. even I would have done that if it was Harry or Ron or Ginny. Nothing to be sorry about it!" Hermione smiled and took Draco's hand and gave it a gentle, comforting press. Suddenly Draco felt an sudden urge to kiss her yet again. He wasn't sure whether Hermione liked him or not but he then remembered the 'mistletoe memory' when they were almost so close. He started leaning and Hermione understood. Her heart just went crazy and she gulped. Draco and Hermione were just a little away when Draco pulled back saying, "I'm so sorry!! I'm out of my mind!! I would have ki..." Hermione didn't let Draco finish his sentence and grabbed his face and kissed him. It was better than the hug moment. Draco was shocked at first but then reciprocated it. Both of them felt something which cant be described in just words. It could be only felt by the heart. They pulled away and Draco was smiling.
"Wow Hermione... Showing some Gryffindor courage huh?!" Said Draco.
Hermione grinned and said, "Someone had to make the first move and it seemed like you could have never so ya."
"Oh Please... I could have easily done that!" Said Draco.
"Ya! I saw that" said Hermione. Draco said nothing. He was embarrassed.
"Who is speechless now huh!" Said Hermione and laughed but Draco didn't. Hermione noticed this and said, "What's wrong! Are you not happy?"
"It's just that I really really like you! Ok sorry! I love you! But..." Said Draco.
"Draco... I love you too. It was so obvious because of my behavior. Everytime I see you, I feel that feeling which you feel too.. so why are you not happy?" Asked Hermione looking concerned.
"It's my father! He... He fou..found out about feelings. He couldn't tolerate it because of the blood status shit! That's why he admitted me in Durmstrang Institute. To sepa..separate us! Forev.." Draco couldn't finish his sentence but broke off. He was crying silently. Hermione quickly moved beside him and tried to comfort him. She hugged him once more.
"It's okay Draco.. just tell the truth! He's your father. He will understand it!" Said Hermione.
"I..I ca..can't" said Draco.
"Why?" Asked Hermione.
"You won't understand. We can't stay together. I have to leave. Please.. understand!" Said Draco burying his face in his hands.
"No! I won't leave! I would never leave you... Tell me the reason. I'll help you! But please don't leave me!" Said Hermione. Now her eyes started to water too but she had already made up her mind and no one could change that.
"Tell me the reason Draco! Please.. trust me!" Said Hermione once more.
"I trust you.. I always do! But my father.... I have never argued with him.. I always followed his directions. I don't have the courage to tell him...." Said Draco.
"Don't let him destroy your heart... Follow your heart... He's your father only.. maybe he will understand." Said Hermione holding Draco's hands.
"He would never! You don't know him!" Said Draco.
"Please....." Said Hermione.

Author's Note -
This is obviously not the last chapter!! There will be more;)! Anyways, thank you for reading. Seriously I never thought I would get over 200 reads. I'm so grateful. Thank you so much for voting too. By the way, I hope you liked this one. Next chapter will be published the next day!

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