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Chapter 5.
After this, they just talked and got to know each other better. They did make fun of each other but neither of them felt bad about any of the comments. Finally Draco, unknowingly just blurted out, "Well you and Weasel are dating ?" Hermione was astonished but said, "Umm... no no. We are just friends." Draco cursed his tongue. He really didn't mean to make this so awkward. 'She will hate you Draco. Hate you!!' he thought.

Suddenly, Hermione asked, "And you?" Her cheeks were bright scarlet.

"Are you mad! Of course no. Besides, I don't have interest in 'Boys'!!" Said Draco.

"No no no... I meant are you dating someone?" Hermione cleared out.

"Luckily no!" Smirked Draco and winked at her. She did turn full red and felt shivers. After this they just both fell silent and didn't talk any further. Already this was really awkward. But deep down they both felt happy about each other's answer. They were actually relieved. Maybe a spark was developing between them! They both slept peacefully.

Next morning, Draco woke up and didn't find Hermione in her bed. It was really early as the sun still has not risen fully yet. Draco tried to get out of the bed. He realized that the pain in his ankle was gone and he could walk properly. Besides, Madam Pomfrey was not in the Wing so he just took advantage of this and slipped out of his bed and went outside. For some reasons, he wanted to find Hermione. So, he searched every possible place where she could go. Firstly, obviously Library but it was deserted. Next he went to the Quidditch field and he saw Hermione siting on the benches and reading a book. He first hesitated but anyways went up to her.

"Errr Good morning Hermione!" said Draco.

"Hey! Good morning Draco! What are you doing up in here so early?" asked Hermione.

"Of course! I was not searching for you! But coincidentally you are here! What a surprise!" said Draco. Hermione laughed and said, "Seriously Draco! You are a terrible liar!!" Draco just stared at her and sat beside her. They didn't say anything after this.

Suddenly someone called out, "Drakiee! What are you doing with that filthy mudblood!!!" It was none other than Pansy.

Draco immediately took out his wand and shouted, "Don't you dare call her that or else I will hex you real bad and you have already seen how bad it can be!!!"

Pansy shouted back, "You have become mad Draco staying with that mudblood!!!"

That was enough to cross Draco's limit and he hexed Pansy and she just flew backwards. Luckily, Hermione was quick enough to cast a spell that would stop her from falling and landed her smoothly on the ground and went towards her. Draco followed. Hermione offered Pansy her hand but Pansy rejected it and said, "I will never touch you!! You filthy mudblood! Draco help me!"

"Parkinson!! Get out from here!! You are filthy!!" Draco spat.

Pansy got up and glared at Hermione with her most evil look and marched out.

"Hermione I am so sorry!I really regret calling you mudblood. I hate that word and now because of me Pansy too called you that!!" said Draco.

"Draco it's fine! And besides I am glad you realized that. Thank you!" Smiled Hermione.

At that moment Draco realized that he did like Hermione. Earlier he just could not believe it but now he could not deny it also. A part of him knew that Hermione maybe didn't like him that way but he still had hope. 'Afterall who would not like a hot guy like me!!' He thought and smiled.

"Are you gonna stand there the whole day Draco?" Said Hermione.

Draco smiled and ran after her. They went to the Hospital Wing. Luckily, Madam Pomfrey was still not there. They quickly went to their respective beds and kept quiet to themselves. Madam Pomfrey, after ten minutes or so entered and went to Draco and checked his ankle. She then, said, "Mr.Malfoy I think your ankle is okay now. You can leave."

Draco interrupted, "No! I..I me...mean it sti..still hurts. I thi....think i shou..should stay ti..till it heals completely."

"If it hurts then you may stay!" said Madam Pomfrey and then she turned to Hermione. "Ms.Granger I think it will take another one or two days to heal."

"Okay Madam Pomfrey!" said Hermione. Madam Pomfrey left the Wing.

"Why did you lie Draco?" asked Hermione.

"What! I..I didn't lie. It hurts. Really!"Lied Draco.

"Draco! I clearly saw you running and hexing Pansy. Don't lie!" Said Hermione.

"Whatever Granger!" Draco smirked.

"Tell me the reason!" commanded Hermione.

'Should I say the truth. No Draco... You will ruin everything' thought Draco. "Well i just wanted to miss my lessons." Lied Draco.

"Oh!" frowned Hermione. She expected something else.

"What Hermione? Did you think that I lied for you?" Faked laugh Draco.

Hermione blushed and said, "Of course not!!"

They both faked laugh. Something is really fishy here.

Author's Note-

That was the part five. Thank You! for reading. I don't want to make this whole story long, so I will try to finish this in more 4-5 chapters maybe. Finally Draco realized (whoof!) and I kept Hermione's feelings a secret but you all already know her feelings. It's pretty obvious right! See you all in the next chapters. Thanks! Please stay till the end!

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