Bad News for Draco

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Chapter 11.
Next day, Great Hall,
Everyone was having breakfast at the Great Hall. Today, they didn't have classes as all the students were tired after yesterday's Ball. Hermione, was very anxious because she had made up her mind to ask Draco his side of the story but Draco has not yet come to the Great Hall. 'He must be in the Hospital Wing. Now he will get close to Pansy and I'll be alone forever...' negative thoughts were raining in her mind. She sighed and went to the only place which greeted her and where she felt refreshed. The library.
Draco, today when was heading to the Great Hall, Argus Filch came running towards him.
"Headmaster has called you Mr. Malfoy!" Said Filch.
"But why?" Asked Draco irritated because today he made up his mind to tell Hermione everything. The truth. But to his dismay, he was called by the Headmaster.
"Just follow me boy!" Said Filch.
Seeing no other way, Draco followed Filch. After reaching the Headmaster's office, Filch knocked.
"Come in!" Said Dumbledore.
"I have brought Malfoy!" Said Filch.
"Thank you very much!" Said Dumbledore and Filch left leaving Draco alone with Dumbledore.
"Why have you called me headmaster?" Asked Draco
"Well I have some news for you Mr. Malfoy." Replied Dumbledore.
"What news?" Asked Draco.
"Your father yesterday visited me and he wants you to leave Hogwarts and shift to Durmstrang Institute. He wants to have a private talk with you as well." Said Dumbledore.
"What! No way! I don't want to leave Hogwarts. Its not fair." Said Draco angrily.
"Well I am afraid that I can't do anything. You have to speak to your father." Replied Dumbledore calmly.
"When does father wish to speak to me headmaster?" Asked Draco.
"Now!" Said Dumbledore.
It really left Draco astonished. He couldn't understand the meaning of 'now' . Suddenly, the fire burning in the fire place turned green and Lucius Malfoy appeared.
"Thank you Dumbledore!" Said Lucius smiling at him. He, then turned to Draco.
"Draco my dear boy. You would be delighted to hear that my friend, Igor is ready to accept you at Durmstrang. We don't have much time. You start packing up your things right away." Said Lucius.
The words hit Draco like draggers. He was taken back. He is a 'Malfoy' but he never had the guts or audacity to argue with his father. He was a little scared of him.
He couldn't get any word out of his mouth. He just nodded and left the room. He was shattered. The thought about leaving Hermione left him completely devastated. He really didn't want to speak to anyone.
"Draco!" Called Hermione.
Draco was shocked for a moment before he turned to her. She was standing just behind him. He just couldn't get any words out of his mouth. He just stared at her beautiful face and beguiling eyes for the last time. He couldn't hold back his tears anymore. One drop of tear fell from his eyes. He just muttered out, "I'm leaving Hermione..... Forever!"
With this much said he quickly started walking away. Hermione was confused. She even called him but he just ran away. 'Im leaving?? Forever?? What does that mean?' thought Hermione.
Draco, in his Dormitory started packing his trunk. He just can't tolerate it but he has to. He never disagreed with his father and he would never have the guts to! He couldn't control it anymore. Tears started falling from his eyes. He sobbed and sobbed. He just muttered, 'I'm sorry Hermione' over and over again. He was so tired that he fell asleep and he didn't even go to the Great Hall for dinner. Next day he had classes but before that Filch called him outside with his trunk to Dumbledore's office. He knew this was it. He got dressed and decided to tell Blaise. After he told Blaise everything, Blaise had almost tears in his eyes. He hugged Draco for the last time and promised him that he will regularly write letters. He then went to Dumbledore's office where his father was waiting and within a few minutes, he arrived at the Malfoy Manor.
"You may be wondering why I suddenly made this decision. Am I right?" Asked Lucius.
"Yes father." Replied Draco.
"What did you think huh? You will fall in love with the mudblood and I'll just sit here! No my son. You will never see her again!" Said Lucius sternly.
"What! do know?" Asked Draco mouth agape.
"Why do you think I asked Crabbe and Goyle to follow you! They told me. They were spying on you. Foolish boy! I will not let you ruin our reputation." Replied Lucius angrily. Draco had no words left. He became irate but couldn't show it. He kept quiet. He had to accept the hard future.
Two days past-
Hermione hadn't seen Draco in the past two days and it was making her worried. She had almost forgotten about the 'Pansy' incident and honestly she now didn't care about it. All that matters to her is Draco. She has to know about Draco. It was making her more worried. Finally on the fourth day, she couldn't control herself. She decided that she will ask Blaise. She went to the owlery and wrote a letter to Blaise. Although she could simply ask him in person but she was way too shy and didn't want unwanted rumours around the school.
Blaise was in his common room that night, when an owl addressed to him tapped on the window. He opened it and took out the letter. He was shocked at first reading the sender's name but opened it anyways and read it.

I know it will sound weird but I'm really worried about Draco. Why isn't he attending classes? I know only you as Draco's best friend and I want to trust you. I am perturbed about him. Please tell me anything if you know about him.

Hermione Granger.

Blaise was happy for Draco as now he knows Hermione's feelings. He knew that Draco will feel good about it. He immediately started writing to Draco instead of Hermione.
In Durmstrang,
Draco didn't like this school at all. It was all gloomy and they taught only hexes and jinx and mainly focused on dark arts. He was all alone. He didn't even had any friends yet and he didn't even want to. Durmstrang was different from Hogwarts. There were 16  halls, one for each year and gender. At the end of each hall is a communal bathroom. Students lived in small private rooms. Draco was in his private room when an owl came knocking at the window. He knew it was from Blaise. He opened it happily and took the letter. When he read it , he smiled for the first time in the past four days.

Dear Draco,
Hope you are doing great mate! I miss you! I really do and I'm worried about you but you will be more happy to hear that someone else is more worried than I am. It's Granger. She owled me saying that she's worried. She wants to know about you. I gave a lot thought to it and I came up with a plan. You should write to Granger. Confess your feelings. It's never too late. I thought it will be best for her to hear from you rather than me. Go write to her right now , before writing to me! I hope to see you soon.

Your friend,

Draco just re read the letter once more. He was so happy. He immediately started writing to Hermione.

Author's note-
Thank you so much for reading. I know I'm just writing back-to-back sad chapters and maybe some of you are frustrated. I'm sorry and guess what! From the next chapter there will be no more sad things because I think it's enough of it! The next chapter will be out tomorrow (a happy one). The information about Durmstrang is taken from Google from a particular website. BTW I want to thank bluedevils3 for voting. Thank you very much!

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