Love begins with hatred.

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Chapter 15.
The Great Hall,
Hermione was sitting along with other Gryffindors in the Great Hall. She was beyond happy. 
"Wait but Ginny! How did you even manage to call the ministry?" Asked Hermione, when she suddenly remembered the arrival of Kingsley Shacklebolt.
"Oh it wasn't me! It was Professor Lupin.  I was already feeling very worried for you all so after a few minutes, I called Dobby to ask about your situation and he started tearing up saying that Lucius was torturing you as well. Believe me Hermione, my heart almost stopped. I ran to the only person I trusted who was Professor Lupin. I explained what Dobby said and he was totally shocked. He said this was a 'bad idea' and he thought of calling the ministry as Lucius used an unforgivable curse. Thank goodness that Shacklebolt was a friend of Lupin. He arrived within a few minutes and we all apparated there!" Said Ginny finally taking a breath.
"Wow! Gin didn't know that you got some brain!" Said Ron.
" Oh shut up Ron" said Ginny. Hermione and Harry laughed.
While on the Slytherin table,
Draco was happy that everything was fine but now his father was in the trials. He didn't mind that but all other fellow Slytherins were making fun of him or glaring at him as his father's deeds were all over the Daily Prophet. But to his surprise, they didn't know about his feelings for Hermione because it wasn't mentioned in the Prophet. He sighed and looked over the Gryffindor table where Hermione was cheerful again. That made him happy and he looked down.
"Mate are you all right?" Asked Blaise.
"Yeah! I'm good!" Said Draco.
"Sorry about your father!" Said Blaise.
"Nah! I don't mind it honestly!" Said Draco with a smile.
"So you and Hermione huh? Blaise smirked. Draco laughed at Blaise and looked over Hermione one more time before saying, "Always!"
"Does Karakoff know all these?" Asked Blaise.
"No. But I guess Dumbledore must have informed him when Kingsley took me to him after I got discharged from St.Mungos." Said Draco.
"Wow! I didn't know that Gryffindors has so much courage! They literally risked their lives!" Said Blaise.
"Yeah, I was astounded too. I haven't spoken to Hermione since St.Mungos. I want to thank her friends but how? You know that I hate Potter and Weasley! Well not now anymore but I can't tell them!" Said Blaise.
"You and your pride Draco. It's ridiculous!" Said Blaise.
"Shut up Blaise. Just help me." Said Draco.
"I can't help you. Just think how would Hermione feel if you told her this. She won't like a self obsessed bastard. Show some courage just like her." Said Blaise. This piece of advice did work for Draco. He could do anything to make Hermione happy and he is ready to apologize and thank her friends. He wouldn't even imagine this in his dreams as well.
"Ugh! Okay!" Draco said.
Soon the breakfast got over and Draco along with Blaise waited for Hermione and her friends outside the Great Hall. Every student started to get out of the Great Hall. Soon Hermione along with Ron, Harry and Ginny exited the Great Hall.
"Hermione!" Called Draco. She stopped and turned around and smiled.
"Hi!" Said Hermione.
"I think we should leave!" Ginny said.
"Wait Weasellete... Umm sorry I mean Ginny!" Said Draco fully turning red. Apologizing was not his thing.
"Yeah?" Asked Ginny. Harry and Ron were standing behind her.
"Umm thanks for helping me and sor...sorry for being ru..rude to you all." Said Draco not making eye-contact with any of them.
"We accept your apology and we just helped you because of Hermione." Said Harry suppressing his smile.
"Potter! Didn't anyone taught you manners?" Said Draco.
"I was joking Malfoy! I'm sorry too for teasing you" Said Harry laughing. The other three laughed as well.
"So you guys are friends?" Asked Hermione.
"I don't see any reason left for denying it!" Said Ginny. They laughed.
"Guys I'm also here!" Said Blaise.
"Oh sorry! Hi Blaise." Said Hermione chuckling.
"Ok we must leave the two alone now!" Said Ginny amd they all went leaving Hermione with Draco. There was an awkward silence between them.
"So... Um...are you alright now?" Asked Draco.
"Yeah! You?" Asked Hermione.
"As happy as I can be!" Said Draco. Hermione laughed. There was again an awkward silence. Finally they started walking together. 
"So are we something? You know what I mean!" Hermione literally blurted out. Draco turned red but kept his calm.
"Of course we are very good friends!" Draco joked.
"Is that what you think of us?" Asked Hermione frowning.
"Hermione, I'm so in love with you... I..I just can't believe it. I can't be more happier than this." Said Draco suddenly stopping her and then kissed her. It was short but enough for expressing all the love.
"Malfoy.. finally showed some courage huh!!?" Said Hermione laughing.
"Is that what I get for expressing my love!!?" Said Draco.
"I love you too idiot.... I'm loving every moment of this and I'm the happiest I can be just being with you!" Said Hermione. Draco smiled at her.
"What class you have?"  Asked Draco.
"Potions. You?" Asked Hermione back.
"Same." Said Draco.
They entered Snape's dungeon. Unfortunately, the Slytherins were siting together and Gryffindors together separately. Draco and Hermione had to split. Snape entered and wrote the instructions.
"Pair up with the different house student and start!" Said Snape.
Everything seemed like that day when Hermione talked with Draco for the first time but the only difference was that this time they were not haters anymore. Hermione went to Draco and asked,
"Missed me Malfoy?"
"More than you missed me Granger!" Smirked Draco. They laughed and started with the work.
"Ugh Hermione this is tedious!" Said Draco frustrated.
"I know!" Said Hermione. While exchanging ingredients, their hands bruised together. Both turned red.
"Love my touch Hermione?." Smirked Draco.
"More than you do!" Said Hermione back.
"Hermione I'm in love with you!" Whispered Draco while doing his work.
"You are distracting me Draco!" Said Hermione. Suddenly Draco held Hermione's wrist and laughed.
"What are you doing Draco? Leave me!" Said Hermione.
"I can't believe you are giving more attention to this stupid potion than to me!" Said Draco.
"I can't believe I'm in love with this dramatic bastard!" Said Hermione.
"Wow! Very polite of you!" Said Draco.
"Will you leave my hand now before Snape catches us?" Said Hermione. Draco left her hand and chuckled.
"I though you just wanted more of my touch!" Said Draco.
"Seems like you needed mine more!" Smirked Hermione. They were the first one to finish the work. No more messing ups. Everything was perfect. They spent a lot of time after this. Their story just came to the point from where it had begun. The Potions class. A single pairing led to this beautiful relationship. Love not always begin from hatred but when it does, its the most beguiling one.

Author's Note-
Wow! This was a beautiful experience. My first fanfiction. Hope you all liked it. Thank you so much for staying till the end. I'm so grateful. I'll write more. Another Dramione fanfic? I guess so. Sorry I didn't add much of "romance" because honestly its not my thing. Thanks once again:-)

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