Hermione or Pansy?

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Chapter 10.
Hermione had a quick glance of the Great Hall and found Pansy with her girl gang. She was kind of bewildered and relieved at the same time. She quickly looked away and smiled to herself. 'But wait! What if she was just talking to her friends for a moment before walking back to Draco! Ugh! Ok calm down Hermione. Enjoy this Ball!' thought Hermione and went ahead with Ron. Meanwhile, Blaise pointed over Hermione and Draco quickly moved his gaze to her. 'Goddamn! She is looking gorgeous and very alluring! Man! No wonder why I love her so much!' Draco thought smirking. He really wanted himself in place of Ron and when he looked at Ron holding hands with Hermione, he couldn't help but feel the intense amount of jealousy and rage inside him.
"Shocked and jealous! Aren't you?" Smirked Blaise.
"What do you then expect me to be? Happy and cheerful!?" Draco said, rolling his eyes.
Next moment, everyone started dancing with their partners. Ron held his hand out to Hermione and asked, "Want to dance Hermione?"
"Of course! Let's go." Smiled Hermione.
Hermione and Ron were enjoying the dance and on the other hand Draco was biting his lips in anger. Soon they were done dancing and they went to take a break and sat on chairs provided. Hermione was still concerned about the 'Pansy' thing so she looked again around to find her. Well, she found Pansy alone with her gang and Draco was nowhere to be seen. She sighed with relief and went alone to get butterbeer.
"Hey Granger!" Said a familiar voice.
Hermione was shocked from the sudden voice. She turned around and saw Draco laughing at her action.
"Very funny! Isn't it Malfoy?" Said Hermione suppressing her laugh.
"Yes it is! Seeing your reaction seems like you were thinking about someone. Missing me so much Granger?" Said Draco smirking.
"Don't know about that moment but now I'm thinking about spilling butterbeer on you! Wouldn't that be fun?" Said Hermione smirking too.
"Finally you learnt to give clever answers! Well congrats!" Said Draco.
"Oh you mean more like leaving you speechless Malfoy!" Said Hermione laughing.
"Well this dress of yours has already left me speechless! You look beautiful Hermione!" Said Draco smiling.
Hermione couldn't believe what she heard right now. She was blushing so hard.
"Now who is speechless huh!" Said Draco chuckling.
"You too look good! That's surprising!" Said Hermione jokingly.
"I look always good Hermione! It's just you the blind one not seeing it!" Said Draco laughing. Hermione just rolled her eyes. Draco noticed this and thought of something to cheer up her.
Well the dance was still going on so he asked her,
"Wanna go dance with me Hermione?"
"No!" Said Hermione. Seeing Draco's face, she laughed so hard.
"Of course! You idiot!" Said Hermione taking his hands.
"God! Sometimes you really scare me!" Said Draco laughing too.
They went to the dance floor and danced with hand and in hand. This moment was magical for them. Hermione still just couldn't believe it. Draco was just waiting to ask her out. He really didn't want to mess this up. They were lost in the music. Suddenly, Hermione noticed that they were under the mistletoe. She was furiously blushing. She couldn't wait for the next step of Draco. Fortunately, Draco too noticed the mistletoe. He smiled and pretended not to notice it. Hermione was desperate. Draco noticed this and said, "That look on your face is charming!" He was chuckling.
"Don't pretend Draco!" Said Hermione rolling her eyes. Draco smirked and leaned towards her. He was just a little away from her lips when Pansy screamed and fell down unconscious. She was just a little away from Draco and Hermione. Next Draco did something which made Hermione realize something bitter. Draco left Hermione and ran towards Pansy. Everyone was gathered. Draco picked Pansy and took her to the Hospital Wing. Hermione was sad but not angry. She realized that she is not meant for Draco. Pansy is meant for him. The way he left Hermione and helped Pansy proves the point. It was heart breaking for her but she was happy for Draco. Suddenly someone had put a hand on Hermione's shoulder. It was Harry and beside him was Ron and Ginny. They gave her a look which was full of concern. Hermione painfully smiled and hugged Harry. She was happy for him and crying for herself. This just made her realized one more thing that how much she loves Draco. The Ball got over with everyone enjoying feasts and then going back to their respective common rooms.
In the girls dormitory,
"Are you fine Hermione?" Asked Ginny.
"I'm not fine but I'm happy for him. He just didn't realize that he truly cares for Pansy." Said Hermione.
"Hermione! Everything will get fine. We are with you. Always." Said Ginny.
Hermione couldn't control herself and hugged Ginny tightly.
"I'm just worried that how will I forget him! More difficult, unlove him! How Ginny?" Said Hermione suppressing her tears.
"You don't need to. You never know the second side of the story!" Said Ginny. With this much said, Ginny went to bed. Sometimes words are so strong. It left Hermione thinking, 'What does Ginny mean by that! Is there still hope?'
In the Hospital Wing,
Madam Pomfrey was checking Pansy and sighed. Blaise was also with Draco. Madam Pomfrey thanked Draco for acting quick. Blaise asked,
"What has happened to her anyways?"
"It seems like she was already unwell. I need her to rest. Nothing serious." Smiled Madam Pomfrey.
This gave them some relief. They decided to head towards their common room.
"Shit man! I messed up again. I was so close. Granger will hate me forever." Said Draco suddenly.
"So close to what?" Asked Blaise.
Draco explained everything to Blaise.
"Oh man! This time it's really serious." Said Blaise.
"What should I do now!" Said Draco.
"Talk to her. Remember! Always clear things out." Said Blaise. Draco ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. Draco couldn't sleep. He was really sad this time. He decided to clear everything tomorrow.

Author's Note-
So that was the chapter 10. I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry for the delay! I know it's kind of sad but I just wanted a little you know "drama" in my story. Don't worry! I ship Dramione so hard so the ending will be a desirable one. I promise! Please stay with me till the end. Thanks for reading.

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