Falling for each other?

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Chapter 3.
Meanwhile, in the Hospital Wing, Hermione was finally all right. Hermione's thoughts were on Draco.  She tried to make sense from whatever Draco said. She thought 'Draco is right..... He didn't mean it.... He even tried to help me.'
Madam Pomfrey came and she was murmuring, "All thanks to that boy. Otherwise it would have been serious."
"About whom are you talking?" Asked Hermione.
"That Malfoy boy! If he didn't have acted quickly, you would have been in St.Mungos now!" Replied Madam Pomfrey.
Hermione was shocked. She couldn't believe her ears. 'Why Malfoy is acting so strange! First he helped me in Potions, then he came here to see me and now he again helped me. Whatever the reason might be, I like this new Malfoy.' thought Hermione.
Hermione was advised to stay in the Hospital Wing for a few days. She wasn't pleased with the idea and the reason was obvious. She didn't want to miss her classes.
The following night, she was staring outside the window at the sky. Tears were sparkling in her eyes. She was feeling simultaneously sad about missing classes and happy about Draco's behavior. Suddenly the door of the Hospital Wing creaked open. Thinking that it might be Madam Pomfrey, she quickly pretended to be asleep. The unknown figure quietly walked towards her bed and sat down. The figure even had a rose.The figure sighed.
Hermione understood who it was. She quickly opened her eyes and said, "Hi Malfoy!"
"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up." Said Draco.
"That's a very strange way to say 'Hi' back." Smiled Hermione.
"Wait did you just said 'Hi'...err... Hi Granger" said Draco awkwardly.
Hermione held Draco's hand and said, "Thank you Malfoy for helping me two times in your life. That's actually a lot for you." smirked Hermione.
Draco found this very sexy.
Suddenly she said removing her hand, "Oh sorry! A mudblood shouldn't touch you." Said Hermione and rolled her eyes.
"Well I hope that I would be alive by tomorrow." Said Draco smirking.
"Very funny!" said Hermione.
"You think.. thanks! I know." Said Draco.
"No Malfoy! It was lame." Sighed Hermione.
"Well let's just pretend that you didn't say that." Smirked Draco.
"Shut up Dra...Malfoy." Said Hermione, her cheek going scarlet.
"What were you saying before Malfoy?" Laughed Draco. Hearing this, Hermione's cheeks were bright pink. "Oh look I made Granger blush!" Laughed Draco.
"No way!!!!" Said Hermione, slightly pushing Draco. Silence followed after this. Draco didn't want to go but he didn't understand his feelings. 'Am I falling for her? No way!! I mean she's beautiful and cute but..' his thoughts battled. Finally he said, "I should go. Take care Granger." Hermione smiled and nodded. 'Damn! Totally gorgeous.' thought Draco and got up. While getting up, his rose which was apparently in his pocket fell where he was seated. Draco, then turned to go. While he was going, Hermione grabbed his wrist, yet again, and said, "Thank you Malfoy once again."
'Kiss her! Kiss her! No Draco!! But you like her' his thoughts battled again.
But he just smiled and left unable to process his thoughts. First time he slept hugging his pillow.

Author's Note-
Just wanna say Thank You! Finally Draco is falling for her!!!! Let's just focus on that😂.

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