Is it getting better?

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Chapter 2
Soon the class got dismissed. Harry and Ron rushed to the Hospital Wing. Draco was just feeling angry on himself. He thought , 'Everything was fine and good. How could I messed up! I didn't mean it.' He really felt bad for Hermione. Hermione misunderstood him. The unfortunate incident kept on playing in his mind. One minute everything was fine and next minute everything got messed up. At last, he couldn't bear his thoughts and he made up his mind and rushed to the Hospital Wing. He didn't care what the others will think. He just wanted to clear the misunderstanding. He, when reached the Hospital Wing, saw Hermione alone. Her injured hand was wrapped in bandages and her face looked calm. Even, Madam Pomfrey was not there. He quietly went up to her bed and sat beside her. He was confused with his feelings. 'Why the heck I'm even here,' thought Draco. Suddenly he was distracted when he felt someone grabbing his wrist. On looking, he found that it was Hermione. He felt good about the touch. Suddenly she murmured, "Oh Ron! Thank you for coming again." Finally she was opening her eyes when Draco quickly removed his hand. 'Damn it!' he thought. When Hermione's vision focused she literally screamed, "YOU!!"
"Yes me! Draco Malfoy, with a very busy schedule with a mudblood." said Draco. "Shut up Malfoy." said Hermione.
"From when did I start following your orders Granger!?" Said Draco.
"Anyways, what are you doing here? Wanted to kill me or felt bad for me huh? Obviously the first option right?" Said Hermione rather calmly.
Draco smirked. He thought, 'Oh witty Granger, you are too pretty to be killed.'
Finally he said, "Neither of the two even though I wouldn't mind the first option. And why would I feel bad for you! I just don't like people hating me for something I didn't do!"
Hermione laughed and said, "Well everyone has got eyes and clearly saw your act and intention."
"Really I didn't mean it Granger. It was an accident." said Draco.
"And why should I believe you?" Asked Hermione.
"Well if I did it intentionally, I would have accepted it openly and to be honest I would have been proud." He said.
"Ya you actually got a point......" Hermione couldn't finish her sentence and she fainted. Draco got worried and called her name but no use. Finally he decided to shake her but hesitated at first. At last he thought, 'Fuck it!' and started shaking her. He realized that her body was warm. He immediately called Madam Pomfrey. Madam Pomfrey signalled him to go and with a last look at her beautiful face he finally left the Hospital Wing.

'For heaven's sake why? Why did she seemed so beautiful to me? No no it can't happen. I just felt pity that's it.' thought Draco and all exhausted and tired he fell asleep in his dormitory bed.

Author's Note-
Hey readers! I hope you liked it. I know it's been a long since I wrote the first chapter. I just want to say that I'm going gradually but I promise the 'romance' part will come soon. Please stay with me. Again thanks a lot.🧡

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