Confession (Part 2)

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Chapter 13.
{Continuation of the previous chapter}
"He's my father! I know him. He would never agree. We can't! I'm sorry." Said Draco and with this much said he started to get up.
"WAIT! Draco don't go!" Said Hermione and got up. He was just exiting the cafe when Hermione caught hold of his wrist and gave him a look which was enough to make him stop.
"Draco! Stop being a coward! The Draco I know is not a coward! You are a freaking Slytherin! Can achieve anything right? So be a one!" Said Hermione and went ahead of Draco with tears in her eyes. She decided to find her friends. They would give her some comfort. But on the other hand those words were enough! The word 'coward' just echoed in his mind. He thought, 'Hermione's right! I'm not a coward. I'm a Slytherin and we are not cowards. But... No Draco! Remember your mother will support you. She loves you for who I am unlike my father!'
He decided to go back to the Whomping Willow to return but not to Durmstrang anymore.
Hermione found her friends in the Hog's Head. Hermione wiped her tears and went there.
"Hey Hermione! Did you meet Malfoy?" Asked Ginny.
"Yeah I did!" Replied Hermione taking a seat.
"Well it doesn't seem like you two talked much! It's been only forty minutes! Are you okay? Asked Harry.
"Not really." Sighed Hermione.
"Now what that git did? Need some help in breaking his face?" Asked Ron.
"Ron please! It's not the time to joke. We umm... actually.. kis..kissed.." Said Hermione turning scarlet.
"You did what?" All the three of them gasped.
"Umm...ok ok! But then why the bloody hell you are upset?" Asked Ron.
Hermione gave them a single look and then buried her face in her hands and took a long breath. She then explained all the things!
"Bloody hell!" Exclaimed Ron.
"His father is the real git!" Said Harry.
"Oh no .. oh no!" Exclaimed Hermione.
"What?" Asked Ginny.
"I called him a 'coward' when he was going away. I don't know why I said that but he was looking affected. What if he does something stupid to prove himself that he's not?" Said Hermione.
"I don't think....." Said Harry but Hermione cut him off,
"I know him well! He can't tolerate insults about him!" Said Hermione.
"Woah Hermione! It seems like you know him too well!" Said Ron and chuckled but all the three others gave him a deathly glare enough to keep his mouth shut.
"Hermione's not wrong! I mean he's still a bloody Malfoy! What if he went to..." Harry couldn't complete his sentence when all the three of them shouted together, "Malfoy Manor!"
"Oh no... This is bad! It's all my fault! I shouldn't have told him all that.." Hermione starts blaming herself.
"We need to help him!" Said Ginny.
"Just because of you Hermione I'm gonna help a bloody Malfoy! Because your happiness matters more to..." Ron couldn't complete his sentence when Harry said, "Us! We have to help him!"
Hermione smiled and went to hug her friends, "I love you guys!" Said Hermione hugging them.
"We love you too" said the three.
"Ok now what's the plan?" Asked Ginny.
"Should we go to the Malfoy Manor or something?" Said Ron.
"We have to be first sure whether he's there or not!" Said Harry.
"But how?" Asked all the three.
"Think...think guys.. there's always a way!" Said Hermione.
Suddenly all of them looked at each other with a spark in their eyes and said together, "Dobby!"
Dobby was the house elf of the Malfoy Manor. They knew Dobby because once they saved him from being mistreated when Lucius Malfoy visited Hogwarts for some work. Dobby was grateful to them since then and always helped them when called.
They all said together, "Dobby!". Suddenly with a pop, Dobby appeared.
"It's a pleasure meeting you again!" Squeaked Dobby.
"Dobby we need your help!" Said Hermione leaning down.
"Dobby will do anything to help Hermione Granger." Said Dobby.
"Can you please tell me whether Draco is in the Malfoy Manor right now or not?" Asked Ginny.
"Master Draco is in the Malfoy Manor and he's being tortured by master Lucius!" Said Dobby.
"NOOO!" Screamed Hermione.
While in the Malfoy Manor,
Draco with the help of floo powder entered the drawing room of the Malfoy Manor.
"What...what are you doing...doing here Draco? Asked Narcissa astonished.
"Mother... Where's father?" Asked Draco.
"Draco! Go back to Durmstrang! How did you even come here!" Said Narcissa standing up pacing towards Draco.
"I WON'T GO BACK! Where's father?" Asked Draco.
"Draco! Lower your voice. Your father will hear it!" Whispered Narcissa.
"I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!" Shouted Draco.
No sooner did he say this, his father appeared from upstairs.
"What's this noise?" Asked Lucius confused but as soon as he saw Draco he was shocked. His eyes narrowed at his son. "Oh! Draco..." He said very calmly with an amicable laugh.

Author's Note-
This was the continuation of the previous chapter. Hope you liked it. Sorry for a short chapter but I couldn't upload more as this is the continuation. Thank you for reading. Next chapter will be up soon.

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