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devyn's pov:
It was just another sunday in the basketball court. My team was just doing a scrimmage practicing our new plays when we hear the doors of the gym open loudly. In came in all the basketball boys, and all the girls started swooning over them. Or one in particular, bronny james. God how much i hated that bitch. Don't get me wrong he's a good player and he's a little cute and all but he gets on my nerves so much. "Dev, what's up," mikey came and i dabbed him up. Mikey and bronny were besties yet mikey was like my best friend. "Not much, you guys coming here to practice," I asked.
"No couch actually called us here to meet with you guys said he wants to tell us something,"mikey replied. Hm that's weird why would he want both teams here. Before i could answer Mikey, couch walked in and began saying "hello everybody, sorry to cut your practice short but we have teamed up with the basketball academy down is san francisco for you guys to help the jr basketball kids in practices. I will be teaming one boy and one girl from each team to make it fair. So i'll be posting the names up on the board and we will all meet at the gym tomorrow and start right away. This will take place for one month and we will be going twice a week. That's all, thank you." After coach was done everyone began getting excited. The girls were all so excited they might have a chance with bronny. "Hey dev, lets go look at the list" Mikey said.
"Ya sure," I replied. We then walked towards the board and began reading the names.

jessica and rae
tay and mikey
devyn and bronny

"You have got to be fucking kidding me," I groaned.
"The feelings mutual," bronny said annoyed.
"At least you got with your girlfriend," I said to Mikey. He was dating my best friend Tay.
"Hey maybe you and bronny can finally get along," Mikey replied.
"You wish i would get close with some dickhead like him," I said.
"Fine I bet by the end of this you two will be head over heels for each other,"Mikey said.
"Bet" me and bronny said together. And that is how me and bronny's story began.

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