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devyn's pov:
It was 7 am and my alarm was blaring. I hate mornings and the fact that i'm spending the rest of the day with some dumb kid had me annoyed. I groaned and shut my alarm then began getting ready. I just wore some navy basketball shorts and a black t shirt with some basketball shoes. I grabbed my bag and a banana and walked out. Tia was coming to pick me up since i couldn't drive so she was already here. "What's up," Tia said.
"I don't want to go," I huffed annoyed.
"Nah i'm about to spend time with my boyfriend, maybe you and bronny will start getting closer," Tia said back wiggling her eyebrows. I just shook my head as i began eating my banana.

We finally got to the gym and we were a little early so we went and sat on the benches. As we walked we saw Mickey and Bronny sitting down Tia dragged me to sit with them. "Hey guys," Tia said.
"Hey babe," Mikey said back kissing her. Me and bronny just made disgusted faces and i went to go sit with him. "You excited dev, were about to have quality time together," Bronny said smirking.
"Sooo excited," I said sarcastically. The doors opened and in came in coach. "So guys the buses are here and we're going to head to the San Francisco Basketball Academy. Let's all head out and then we'll take attendance" coach said. We all began picking up our stuff and walked to the bus. Tia and Mikey sat together which forced me to sit beside bronny. Bronny kept annoying me the whole ride that i just started tuning him out. We finally reached the building and all got out. As we got into the gym, I noticed all the cute little kids. They were so small and had the cutest voices. "Okay so i'm going to assign you guys to one kid per group since we have more teens than kids. Devyn and Bronny you'll have Jordan, you'll be practicing with him the whole day and at 7 pm you'll make sure he gets picked up then you are free to leave or use the bus to get home" Coach said to me and Bronny as he pointed to a boy.

This is how i imagine Jordan btw:

We went and walked up to him and I said "hey my name is devyn and this is bronny, it's nice to meet you jordan

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We went and walked up to him and I said "hey my name is devyn and this is bronny, it's nice to meet you jordan."
"Nice to meet you too. Devyn your really pretty," Jordan smiled back at me. I just blushed and before i could say anything Bronny said "hey little boy she's not available and she's a little too old don't you think." I just poked him in the ribs and glared at him as I gave Jordan a hug. I went and got a basketball and we began practicing with Jordan. First we did dribbling practices, then practiced layups and shooting. Bye the end of it all three of us were panting so hard. "Devyn can I please drink water," Jordan asked me.
"Of course jordan if your ever thirsty you can drink water you don't have to ask," I smiled back at his adorable self.
"Why is he so nice to you?" Bronny asked me.
"Maybe it's because i'm a nice person unlike you ," I replied. Before Bronny could answer Jordan was back. "Well Jordan we're done for today, let's go pack up and see if your ride is here," I said. Jordan went and got his bag and came back smiling. He then held my hand as me and bronny began leaving to the front. We waited for around 15 minutes before Jordan's mom came and Jordan went running into her arms. "Hello, my names maya, i'm jordan's mom. Thank you guys so much for today I guess Jordan will see you guys next time." Maya said.
"Bye Devyn, bye bronny," Jordan said as he cane and hugged me and bronny. He then left with his mother. "That kid is adorable oh my god," I said.
"Yeah he really is. Are you gonna wait for the bus or do you have a ride," bronny asked.
"I'll just wait for the bus since I can't drive," I replied.
"I'm getting an uber back since the bus won't be here in another hour. Come i'll just drop you off when we get back,"
"Oh i'm sure just don't kidnap me," I smiled.
" Your the last person I would kidnap, the ubers here cmon," Bronny said and led me to the black shiny car. The ride was silent but comfortable. We finally got back to our gym and Bronny led me to his range rover. When I got in I was actually shocked his car was so nice. It had matte red interior and silver detail. "Is it okay if we drop by to get some food," bronny asked.
"Sure it's your car," I replied. We then went to a nearby in n out. When we got in line I stood behind Bronny since I was not about to let him pay for me. However when it got to his turn he ordered for me no matter how much I protested. "I hate when people do this, I feel like I have to owe you something now," I said.
"How about you owe me a date if you want to repay me," Bronny smirked.
"Haha in your dreams bronny," I said back. We then went and sat down outside since it was nice here in Cali. Our food then arrived shortly and it looked so good. "How about we play 21 questions since we know nothing about each other," Bronny said.
"Sure, i'll start. If you were to be stranded on an island who would you take," I asked.
"My dad, he makes everything funner even if we were stuck on an island. My turn, Who is your favourite singer or rapper," Bronny asked.
"Frank Ocean or A boogie if you don't like them i'm leaving right now." I said.
"Nah frank ocean is good and A Boogie is fire," Bronny replied back.
"Good okay next question, have you ever been in a relationship," I asked. I know I just dropped a big one but I was just curious. "Um yeah I don't know it was complicated, i'm single right now though if that's what you were wondering," Bronny said back smirking. I just rolled my eyes and ate my sandwich.

After many questions we were done our food and we're heading back. Bronny just played tyler the creator in the background as we drove back. "Hey so where do you live?" Bronny asked.
"Oh 103 oakland ave," I replied.
"I literally live a block away from you that's so weird, how about since we don't have practice tomorrow we can hang out and hoop in the court nearby" Bronny replied.
"Yeah, sure i'd be down to beat your ass," I said back confidently. Bronny just chuckled as we neared my house and came to a stop. "Thanks for the ride and buying me food Bronny I really appreciate it, I still don't like you though," I said.
"Feelings mutual dev, goodnight" Bronny replied. I just shut the door and made my way to my house as he drove away.

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