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devyn's pov:
Once I got back home, I took a quick shower than began getting ready for bed. I went to check my phone and noticed I had a message.

unknown: hey dev, it's bronny what's up?

devyn: how did u get my number creep

bronny: i have my ways... jk mickey

devyn: what time are you picking me up tom?

bronny: idk when i get up i guess

devyn: oh okay, well goodnight

bronny: goodnight, don't dream to much about me :)

I just rolled my eyes and dozed off to sleep. I woke up the next morning extremely tired and sore but I still got up. I went to go make some toast and a smoothie. While I was eating breakfast my phone began vibrating and it was Bronny. "Hello," I answered.
"Hey late notice but i'm outside," Bronny said back. I just ended the call and opened the door and saw he was outside. I grabbed my slides and went to his car. "Do you just casually show up to peoples houses?" I said.
"No only you I missed you," Bronny smiled at me.
"Yeah, yeah, wanna come in while I get ready" I asked. He just nodded and turned off his car to come in. As he got out I noticed he was wearing nike sweats and a matching hoodie and to be honest he looked really hot. God this is Bronny we're talking about ew. I then led him into the house and gave him a mini room tour. "And lastly this is my room," I said as I opened my door.
"It's nice," Bronny said as he walked in looking around.
"Now get out I have to change," I said.
"I though we came to your bedroom to get down and dirty," Bronny whined back.
"Get the fuck out you horny boy," I said and pushed him out and locked the door. I changed into some black basketball shorts and a grey hoodie. I got a random headband and put my hair in a ponytail. Once I was done, I walked out and saw Bronny sitting lazily on my couch.
"Come on let's go," I said to him. He just got up and led me to his car. The ride was quick and once we got there we parked and headed to the court. We first warmed up a little with shooting practices then we played 1 v 1.

It was now 6 pm and Bronny and I were extremely sore and tired. "I think we're good for today," Bronny said.
"Yeah I won anyways," I smiled in victory.
"Let's go get food," Bronny suggested.
"Okay but it has to be healthy, coach will kill me if I eat bad two days in a row," I replied.
"What do you suggest we eat?" Bronny said.
"Chipotle?" I asked.
"Bet i'm down," Bronny replied. We then went into his car and drove off. Once we got our bowls from chipotle bronny suggested we go eat in a park since the weather was nice. "Thanks for today I had fun," I said to Bronny.
"Don't mention it, but we're not done yet," Bronny smirked. I just have him a confused look as he grabbed my hand and led me back to car. He just drove and I just sat silently. When we finally reached the place I shrieked. "You brought us to the fair," I yelled.
"Yeah why not," Bronny chuckled. I was so excited since I haven't been to the fair in forever. We got out and went to the tickets stand. "I'm paying this time don't even try," I threatened as I payed for our tickets. We then made our way to the first ride. It had a huge drop but looked super fun. We then waited in line for about 20 minutes before riding it. After that ride we went to 5 more rides before we got dizzy. "Let's go eat something since we're too dizzy to go on the crazy rides," Bronny suggested. We then went and got some corn dogs and soda's although I knew coach would kill me. "Mmm this is so good holy shit," I moaned out.
"If you keep moaning like that I won't be able to control myself," Bronny said. I just blushed and kept my head down. Never in my 16 years of existence did I think Bronny james could make me blush but here I am. We then decided, as cliche as it sounds, to go on the ferris wheel. We got in line and soon went into the capsule. "So..." I said awkwardly.
"You did really good out at the court," Bronny said.
"Nope, no we're not doing this on a ferris wheel i'm not being like all this basic girls making out on a ferris whe-" I ranted.
"Dev, calm down I just complimented you," Bronny reassured me.
"Yeah I guess," I said and smiled at him. We just sat there staring out at the view. "The views gorgeous," I said admiring the flashing lights and vibrant colours of the fair.
"Yeah that's not the only thing though," Bronny said almost in a whisper. I just blushed and turned to him. We were staring into each other eyes and I noticed we had started shifting closer. Our lips were only centimetres apart when my breath hitched at the back of my throat. One of us just had to lean in a little and we would have been kissing. Suddenly the capsule jerked which meant we were back down and we both awkwardly got out. It was now 11 pm so we just got back to the car to go home. Once we got in the car Bronny began "about before, listen i," But before he could speak i said "It was nothing forget about it." He just nodded back. Although deep down I knew this was more than nothing. I wasn't gonna sleep tonight overthinking our almost kiss. We then awkwardly drove back home and once we reached my house I opened the door to get out. "Thanks for today I had a fun time. See you," I said and shut the door. I then went and opened my front door and shut it. I then let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I took a shower and put on my pjs and went into bed. I had been laying there for what felt like hours tossing and turning. I couldn't get that dumb boy out of my head. "What is going on with me. I hate him, right?" I whispered out loud before finally dozing off.

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