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devyn's pov:
I woke up the next morning with an empty space beside me. Flashbacks of last night came fishing through my mind. I couldn't forget the way Bronny's lips were on mine and the way he caressed me. We didn't go too far other than our heated make-out session and kisses here and there. I then got up and stretched my arms before heading into his en-suite bathroom. I washed my face and used the bathroom before heading downstairs. I saw Bronny making breakfast which was funny judging last time he cooked that led us to a food fight. "Good morning beautiful," Bronny grinned.
"Good morning," I mumbled back sliding into one of the stools.
"Here's an omelette I hope you like it," Bronny said as he gave me a plate with an omelette and fruits on this side. "Wow who knew you can cook," I teased.
"Hey, i'm sorry i'm good at everything," Bronny said cockily. I just laughed and ate the omelette. "I'm going to drop you off after since I need to go to basketball practice, will you be alright without me," Bronny said as he cane to my side hugging me. I inhaled his musky sent and replied "calm down, I finally get a break from you." Bronny just laughed as he began kissing my jaw and making his way up. Butterflies erupted in my stomach as he began kissing the corner of my lips and was so close to my lips before he pulled away. "Your suck a fucking tease," I grunted out.
"I'm not gonna kiss you until you take back what you said," Bronny said smiling.
"Fine," I said cockily. Although I really wanted to kiss him I would never back down. "Fine, c'mon let's go," Bronny said as he grabbed his duffel bag and made his way to his garage. I quickly grabbed my bag and my shopping bags from the previous day and got into his car. I put on my seat belt and looked outside the window. "I'll facetime you after practice," Bronny said.
"Who said I wanted to talk to you," I said stubbornly.
"Are you mad I didn't kiss you," Bronny said smirking.
"No, yes, maybe," I huffed out.
"Maybe if you let go of your pride we would be making out right now," Bronny replied. I am about to lose my shit because it's killing me that I can kiss him right now but I don't want to give him the satisfaction. Then I got an idea. "Well it was nice having you over," Bronny said.
"Yeah bye," I said running into my house.
"Hey you forg-" Bronny began saying buy I just shut my door. I then heard a doorbell ring and opened the door to a puzzled Bronny. I then pulled him in and kissed him hard. Bronny at first tensed but then kissed me back as he picked me up and placed me on the couch. "Your smart dev," Bronny said kissing my neck.
"Mhm," I said as he began going lower. I then stopped him and said "come on lover boy, you got practice to go to."
"Shit i'm gonna be late bye dev," Bronny said running out my house. I just laughed as I went to my room and began cleaning it.

It was now 7 pm and I was eating dinner with my family when my mom began saying "so dev, you've become super close with bronny."
"Wait you mean Bronny James?" my dad questioned.
"Yeah she even slept over at his house last night," my mom said.
"SHE WHAT?" my dad yelled.
"Calm down, I let her she's sixteen and she's responsible she's not your little princess no more," my mom replied winking at me.
"Yeah dad, and mom were just friends I promise. If we ever become anything more you'll be the first to know," I replied.
"Good, you know how much I love that sweet boy," my mom said and I just laughed. He has a way with words that gets everyone falling for him. I then finished up dinner and went to my room and dropped on my bed. I was beginning to fall asleep when my phone began ringing and Bronnys name appeared on my screen.
"Hello," I said.
"Hey, how's your day been?" Bronny asked.
"Good, how was practice," I asked.
"It was tiring but not the worst, my games in three days wanna come watch?" Bronny asked.
"Sure, where are you? You sound like your driving," I said.
"Actually i'm right outside your house wanna come for a second," Bronny replied.
"Sure," I said giggling excited that he's here. I then threw a hoodie over my tank top and stayed in my shorts. I wore a pair of slides before saying "i'll be back," to my mom. I then went outside and got into Bronnys car.
"Wanna go get some slurpees?" Bronny asked.
"Sure," I replied as he drove off to the nearest 7-11. We got there and began filling up our cups and then paid. Bronny then took us to this cool spot on top of this hill that was filled with flowers and looked over the city.
"This place is really pretty," I said admiring the sunset.
"Yeah my mom actually showed me it. Your the first person i've shown it to," Bronny said staring at me.
"Awe that's so sweet Bronny," I said pinching his cheeks as he just smiled at me. We then just sat there talking and watching the sunset before the stars began filling up the sky. We just laid down and watched the stars before I suggested  we go home since we had to mentor Jordan tomorrow. "Bye Dev, see you tomorow," Bronny said as he reached my house.
"Yeah see you," I replied as I kissed Bronny i'm the cheek and heading back into my house. Once I shut the door I shut my eyes and exhaled while smiling. When I opened my eyes my mom was standing in front of me. "Devyn Winkler, what is going on with you and Bronny? And before you say nothing think again because from what I just saw that is not nothing," My mom said.
"Um, were kind of dating I don't know how to explain it mom. Like we're friends that like kiss sometimes I guess," I replied.
"Honey, that is not just friends. You like him don't you, but you both are so cocky and prideful you won't admit the feelings and would rather stay as friends so you don't complicate things," My mom said.
"Yeah, and what's wrong with that," I said confused.
"Everything honey, before you know it he'll think you two are just friends and then another girl will show him her true feelings and he'll go after her because he'll think you don't like him like that,"
"Oh come on mom, I don't care if he likes another girl," I replied back.
"You are just like your father, you both have that same pride, oh well I warned you honey," My mom said before going back to the kitchen and cleaning up. I just huffed and went to my room and got reading for bed. And for some reason I couldn't stop replaying everything my mom said. What if it was true? He did have an ex, what if she came back, would he go back to her, I mean we aren't official. I just groaned as I tried to fall asleep.

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