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devyn's pov:
My eyes began opening as I felt a heavy body laying on top of me. I then noticed Bronny was sleeping soundly with his arms wrapped around my waist and his head laid on my stomach. I had to get up but didn't know how to without waking him up. I tried to shift away but Bronny began waking up and lifted his eyes to meet mine. "Good Morning," Bronny smiled.
"Good morning B," I said as I got up heading towards the bathroom. After I was done I made my way downstairs to make some breakfast. "Mmm, it smells so good in here," Bronny said.
"I'm making eggs and sausage if that's okay with you," I replied.
"Yeah that's all good, as long as it doesn't burn," Bronny smirked. I just laughed as I realized he was taking about our failed attempt at pancakes. I quickly finished making the eggs and put them on a plate and we began eating. I was almost done my food when Bronny got a call and walked out. I paid no attention to it because I thought it was his mom or something. Bronny then walked back in and began saying "i'm so sorry I have to leave early I have to go do soemthing i'll pick you up for today tho." I just nodded my head as I realized we were seeing Jordan today. Bronny hurriedly got his stuff and went outside as I shut the door behind him. That was pretty weird but it's not really my business so ill just go clean up until he picks me up.

It was now two hours later and Bronny was supposed to be here 30 minutes ago. I began getting frustrated since he wasn't answering any of my texts or calls.

devyn: hey tay, can you please pick me up?

tay: sure, is something wrong?

devyn: i'll tell you when we meet up

tay: kk

I just shut off my phone as I slipped on my shoes while I waited for Tay to get here. I then heard a beep and went outside and into Tay's car. "Hey," I said.
"What's up girl, your not looking to happy," Tay said.
"I don't know Bronny's been weird. We were fine yesterday and then he left in a hurry after some phone call and said he would pick me up but he didn't even send a text," I said frustratedly.
"Oh that's weird," Tay said. We then got out of the car and made our way in. "Devyn," Jordan yelled as he jumped into my arms.
"Hey Jordan," I said. Jordan and I then walked into the gym and began practicing since Bronny was running late. Half way through our practice I hear the doors opening and then to see Bronny walking in with some girl i've never seen before. She had long brown hair and porcelain skin and was about 5'6. "Who is she?" I asked.
"That would be Alyssa, Bronny's ex," Tay said. I was left speechless as my mouth hung wide open. "Hey dev, this is Alyssa my um ex," Bronny said.
"Oh my god it's so good to meet you," Alyssa said in a sickly fake voice.
"Mhm," I said dryly as I rolled my eyes as coach made his way over. "Alyssa just transferred into the program and we don't have any other partners so I hope it's alright if she stays with you two," Coach said. Just fucking great. The girlfriend and the ex in the same group. I then walked away and began practicing with Jordan as they sorted stuff out.

Practice was now over and we were walking Jordan over to his moms car. Bronny and Alyssa didn't want to go out so I just walked him over and bid him goodbye. As I made my way in to wait for Tay Bronny came over and said "listen dev, i'm sorry Alyssa's just been going through some things."
"Oh yeah you could've at least told me you were going to her when you ran out with no explanation," I replied annoyed.
"Well i'm sorry, you don't have to be so rude to me or her, why are you being so aggressive i'm not cheating on you or anything," Bronny replied.
"Are you fucking kidding me, just shut the fuck up I don't even want to look at you," I replied as I made my way to Tay begging her to leave now. As we drove off I felt tears stream down my face and Tay tried reassuring me everything was okay although I knew it was far from that.

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