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devyn's pov:
"I'm so sorry Tay I slept in," I reply in a rush as I got into Tay's car. We had to go to our basketball practice today and I was running late. Tay then sped through the empty streets trying to get there fast. We later made it and I ran to the gym and saw Jordyn sitting down on a nearby bench. "Hey Jordyn, what's wrong?" I said.
"Well Bronny is just talking to the other girl he never even said hi to me," Jordyn replied. I looked around for Bronny and saw him leaving against a wall with Alyssa laughing together. He's so two faced he literally said he wasn't going to talk to her. And now he's sitting here laughing and neglecting poor Jordyn. I was so fed up I went up to them and said "Hey Bronny, why aren't you helping Jordyn?"
"Well we were just waiting for you," Bronny replied.
"Ya we'll instead of flirting you guys could've been helping him," I replied annoyed. I then walked away and went to Jordan and began practicing with him. Halfway through our practice Jordan began telling me "devy, what's wrong with you and Bronny you guys seem mad at each other. Is it because of me?"
"Awe no baby, you had nothing to do with this. We're just going through some issues but will be fine," I replied almost trying to convince himself.
"Yeah, my mommy says even if you get into fights you'll always go back to the people you love," Jordyn said. And that really hit a string because I didn't know if I loved Bronny. I just nodded my head in response and we continued practicing. After practice I took Jordyn to his mothers car and then went to look for Bronny. "Hey mikey, have you seen Bronny?" I asked.
"Nah he left with Alyssa like a while ago, you guys good?" Mikey asked.
"No he's been acting dry since yesterday when he met Zack," I replied.
"Oh shit, he met Zack. That's bad dev," Mikey said.
"Why? What're you not telling me,"
"Well basically Bronny hates Zack because he's the reason him and Alyssa broke up," Mikey said.
"What happened?"
"It's not my place Dev you gotta talk to him," Mikey replied.
"Well how am I gonna talk to him if his bitch ass won't even tell me anything. He's getting on my nerves and anytime something goes wrong he's running back to fake alyssa," I let out angrily.
"Dev I get it I really do but i'll try talking to him. Try calling him first," Mikey says as I get up to leave. I dish out my phone from my duffle bag and call him. As the phone rings it suddenly closes and I see he declined my call. This motherfucker. I then got even angrier when I see he texts me.

bronny: i'm out, i'll call you later

devyn: out with alyssa?

bronny: yeah

Oh wow he's not even hiding it. I then called Tay to drive me home before I go crazy. As I got into Tay's car I could hear her screaming "I swear to god devyn I will go beat up lover boy, and that crusty ex hoe of his."
"Tay it's fine can we just go out or something," I reply.
"Yes my cousin's having a party we should go, well dress up all cute and bronny will see what he's missing," Tay says. I nod eagerly as she drives to her house so we can get ready. Tay give me one of her dresses which was a cute tight black satin mini dress with an open back. I paired it with black louboutins and a red clutch. Tay was wearing a neon pink mini dress with matching pink stilettos. We then got into her car and made our way to the party. "Is he still texting you?" Tay asks as my phone keeps buzzing.
"Yeah but i'll just ignore him," I replied although I really missed him and wanted to talk. We finally reached the house and it was huge and looked really modern. We walked in and Tay saw her cousin and yelled out "Isa, what's good."
"Hey tay, hey dev long time no see," Isa says as he hugs me and Tay.
"I really like your house, and thanks for letting Tay bring me," I reply.
"Come on were family dev," Isa says as he walks away to greet more guests. I recognized some people from our school but most of them were from other L.A school. "Let's go get drinks," Tay said as she guided us towards the kitchen and filled our cups with some punch. She then handed me a shot glass and we both took them. My throat was now burning from the alcohol and the music was blaring. "Come on let's go dance," Tay said as she pulled my arm and we began dancing together. I was feeling really tipsy and me and Tay began dancing around and twerking. Suddenly I feel a pair of hands rest on my waist and I turn to see Zack. I suddenly stiffen and say "What the fuck Zack get your hands off me."
"Okay it's not as if you've been acting like a slut ever since you got here, twerking in front of all these horny guys and having your tits out," Zack laughed out bitterly and I grew angry. I turned to look for Tay but she was lost somewhere in the crowd so I decided to get some fresh air. As I got out I saw a pool and decided to sit along the water. It was really peaceful outside and there was no one here. After about 10 minutes I heard shuffling behind me but chose to ignore it until I saw someone coming to sit beside me. I turn my head and a whiff of a familiar scent fills my nose. It's him. "What're you doing her devyn, and why do you look so fucking fine?" Bronny says.
"I came here to get away from you yet your still here, and I can dress however I want," I replied as I began getting out of the pool. Suddenly an arm jerked me back and I lost my footing and fell into the water. I quickly reached the surface of the water and saw Bronny beside me. "You fucking idiot what was that for?" I asked.
"I'm sorry it was by accident I swear," Bronny said as he got out and offered me his arm. I ignored him and got out of the pool with my dress clinging to my body. I picked up my heels and made my way inside to look around for Tay when Bronny stopped me. "Let me drive you home, you'll get cold looking for Tay and I don't want you getting sick," Bronny said.
"Why do you care now? You don't seem to cares about me when your with alyssa," I reply.
"Your my fucking girlfriend not Alyssa, and if you let me explain you'd know why I was with Alyssa. You just assume the worst about me Dev. We cant keep doing this. We'll never last if we don't trust each other," Bronny let's out. I then began crying. Like hard on crying not even like a few tears. Bronny looked so shocked and just stared at me as I balled my eyes out. I'm not even sure why I cried that much it must've been my drunken emotions. Bronny just embraced me as I cried. "Dev, your shivering," Bronny said as he picked me up and carried me towards his car. He then let me in and put on the heat as he drove. My eyes began to droop and I felt myself slowly falling asleep.

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